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Chapter 1816 Trade City

But it was said that the sky was clear and the sea was calm that day.

An island on the South China Sea is not large in area. There are only some mixed mangroves on the island, and there is nothing else on the island. It is obviously not suitable for living. Although the shape of the island is quite good, there is a highland in the southwest corner——

This means that it is a natural harbor sheltered from wind and waves.

However, the reason why a large seaside trade city can be built is never just because of the presence of a port. The presence of a port can only determine the existence of a seaside fortress, but not the existence of a large commercial city itself.

Therefore, such places are actually everywhere on the South China Sea, but they are basically uninhabited. This fact did not exist until the era when Li Sheng lived many years later.

However, some people still like this island.

One of them is of course the generation that grew up at the same time as Li Sheng. Young people of this generation spent their childhood watching island movies and playing sailing games. For most of them, uninhabited islands are far away. This is natural.

It adds a bit of mystery, and the key is always tied to the island, extraordinary characteristics and other things to present, which is naturally very fascinating.

The other group of people is, of course, the islands themselves. Although uninhabited islands do not have any mysterious powers, these places are naturally special. On the one hand, because they are actually in the South China Sea, they are not considered remote.

It's just not on the route.

It is remote, but not remote. There is an important difference.

But also because they are inaccessible, although these islands are not remote, there is no government power to extend - why take care of so many places where there are no people? Even if they need to be taken care of, they will not be taken care of on a regular basis, unless they are planned to be developed.

Such an island naturally belongs to what is commonly known as a no-no-no zone! That will naturally attract islands.

At this time, Wang Jing and others took a boat on an uninhabited island. To be precise, they were not on the island, but the boat was anchored beside the island.

Because of its good location, this island obviously had a name in later generations, but at this time... it was just an uninhabited island, and Wang Jing and others only parked here temporarily.

When you board the bow of the ship on the island, you can faintly see the shadow of the city of Manila in the distance. If it were in later generations, it would most likely become a tourist area, because Manila undoubtedly has the potential to become a major sea trade city in any era.

But now Wang Jing and others are not here for tourism. They have just been in the scenery of Manila and experienced it firsthand.

As for this trip, the destination is Manila, but the starting point is not anywhere in the world, but the sea.

Because Wang Jing and others had just finished a vote, and this time they were out to sell off the stolen goods!

However, although they came here to cash in the looted property and not to enjoy the scenery, objectively speaking, Manila's natural scenery is indeed rare in the world.

Although they didn't come here specifically to see the scenery, because they were in such a good mood, the group of people from Wu Xing Qi Wang really enjoyed the scenery.

Simply beautiful.

Today, the mentality of Wang Jing and Pei Ji is different from what it was back then. To be precise, it is different from the mentality when they were fucked by Li Er and finally driven out of China.

At that time, although Wang Jing and others had a deep understanding that although Li Er, the faint king, was very faint, apart from the "faint" part, Li Er was also really powerful. The key was that monsters like Li Sheng were helping the evildoers, so objectively they were not

It was not because he was driven away by Li Er, but because he had no choice but to stay in China, so he was forced to leave.

It goes without saying how uncomfortable this feeling was. In addition to the pain caused by the fact that they were forced to leave, the fact that they had to bid farewell to China also naturally caused Wang Jing and others considerable pain.

Looking at it this way, it seems that Wang Jing and others still have feelings for China, but in fact it still needs to be discussed.

For people like Wang Jing and Pei Ji, China is indeed a good place, but China also has disadvantages.

China is rich in products and its food supply is stable.

In short, China has a material civilization that is far superior to the barbarian gangs, and more importantly, China also has a spiritual civilization!

This huge "sense of ownership" that can be felt as long as you are in it is often not noticed when you have it. This is why the literati class often engages in nihilism, but once it is lost, the painful feeling will disappear.

Forget it.

Wang Jing and others have lived a really good life these past few years.

Although the tragedy is indeed not that tragic, after losing a lot of wealth due to repeated injuries, Wang Jing and Pei Ji's gang also had to live frugally - that is, to live a normal life, similar to Gao Laozhuang's level of well-off


This is actually better than most people in China. In fact, the perception of some intellectuals is correct. Even if these big guys fall, they are still better off than ordinary people, but this kind of thing.

Compared to the past, where people spent money like water without knowing the changes of the years, the gap is too huge!

It's not that huge.

This gap is similar to that in the game. The original top anchors - no, the professional players who are even better than these top anchors find that they can't even get to the platinum level, and even the passers-by of the gold level.

Players can fight with themselves back and forth.

At this time, a barrage of ridicule, Su Bian teasing something, can be said to be the ultimate in mentality. Although Wang Jing and others do not have barrages, these guys are all literati. Without barrages, they can still do it on their own.

It's natural to feel uncomfortable if your social status is lowered.

Therefore, for a long time - in fact, Li Er frequently met with Li Sheng in person, worked on various projects in China, and started confrontation and games with the Romans. However, it seemed that everything was calm in China and nothing happened.

During that time, Wang Jing and others were quite depressed. Of course, having said that, it was precisely because Wang Jing and others were busy feeling depressed that China was able to remain calm at that time.

But now, the peace has finally been broken again!

Wang Jing and others gathered on the deck, drinking and singing, high spirits, looking at the city of Manila beyond the blue waves, with infinite emotion in their hearts. Because this "the calm was broken" was not an instantaneous event, but

After a long period of unremitting efforts, Wang Jing and other talents finally achieved what they have achieved today. As a result, Li Er, who had always prided himself on having a strong army and horses, finally began to suffer, which was unprecedented.

At such a gratifying and congratulatory time, everyone naturally wants to discuss the further development of the grand undertaking.

This chapter has been completed!
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