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Chapter 1818 Isn't this invincible!

Perhaps nothing in the world can be more exciting than finding a big flaw in the opponent. Now for Wang Jing and others, or simply put, for everyone in the world, Li Er is synonymous with victory, invincibility, and the world.

His combat prowess cannot be matched by all the heroes combined.

As for Li Sheng, he is even more powerful. This kind of power is even more advanced than Li Er's. It is a power that completely refuses to be manipulated.

Now everyone has actually found a flaw in the invincible giant. This is not a gratifying thing.

Well, there was a well-known business elite in ancient times. His surname was Lu. The most famous statement he made was that when he was learning business from his father when he was a child, he once asked his father how much profit our family would make in the grain business.


His father said that it was about 20 to 30 percent, and Xiao Lu instantly became a fool.

Isn't it two or three percent to send beggars away? So he thought for a while and asked, what about our jewelry business? His father, Lao Lu, told Xiao Lu, this is awesome, two or three times.

When Xiao Lu heard what I was doing, he thought, this is awesome. Isn't it a huge profit if it is doubled or tripled? But when he thought about it again, he no longer looked down upon it, and his desire began to swell.

Is there a possibility that it can be higher?

So Lu Buwei thought for a while and said, then, Dad, if I do the throne business and get an obedient emperor, how much profit will I make?

It is difficult to verify whether such records are true, but at this moment, from the perspective of Wang Jing and others, Pei Ji's idea... is completely a top-notch idea.

Although everyone's business in the throne business was overturned - the investment in Li Jiancheng was directly wiped out by Li Erquan, and then because Li Chengqian was too incompetent, he also failed.

But now we have finally found Li Er's flaw, which gives everyone the possibility of taking advantage of Li Er!

The so-called throne business is nothing more than putting an obedient prince on the throne, and everyone can be the county magistrate's wife forever.

Although this is a failure, in the final analysis it is still a question of whether the reigning emperor can be manipulated by everyone!

As long as everyone can still control the reigning emperor, then what does it matter whether Li Er is one of our own, whether he is obedient or not...?

Anyway, this situation is undoubtedly beneficial to Wu Xing Qi Wang and the brothers here!

Isn’t this a sure win?

The key to the current situation is not that everyone has made huge profits, so this kind of steady win is worth celebrating, but that everyone finally knows the situation that Li Er can't handle, and everyone can finally take advantage of this situation to achieve repeated profits and steady wins.

Isn’t this invincible!

If there is such a good thing, of course it is a blessing.

On this day, Wang Jing and others kept drinking and celebrating until late at night, and the vast sea was actually brightly lit.

But late that night, Wang Jing and others discussed another issue and started chatting again.

However, it was not Lu Changgeng who mentioned it this time. Although this guy was also a famous scholar, as the philosophers of later generations concluded, most of the scholar-officials in ancient times were bastards who had no understanding of the game. The topic that everyone talked about was Lu Changgeng.

A younger brother like Chang Geng who doesn't have much talent can't tell.

This time it was Pei Ji who suddenly thought of it.

"Brothers, although we can control Li Tang's every move, it seems that many of the heroes under his command come from poor families, and there are even many people whose families are Guizhou leaders. Li Er cannot control people like this.

It seems difficult for us... to guess his state of mind."

If Pei Ji's question was heard by Li Er, he would definitely be impressed, because Li Er also saw this - so he has always tried his best to send these young scholars of the new generation to local prefectures and counties, or to various other places.

As for the industry, as Pei Ji and others said, these young people have little experience, unstable thinking, and are easy to get the upper hand and be exploited.

If you are not careful, big news may break out internally, so you must be on guard. Secondly, since you lack experience, you must practice, and the rewards arranged by Li Er are also quite generous.

That was some time ago, when Datang held the "National Games", Li Sheng returned to Chang'an and gave Li Er a piece of advice on intellectual property protection!

Allowing those who create new things to profit is the key content of this law, but it is not the main reason why Tang Law added this part. The real main reason is that this law is actually to protect these new things.

The benefits of the scholars increased.

Although Pei Ji actually thought of the vision and insight of Li Er's group of elites that day, and naturally it was also known by Wang Jing and others in the Five Surnames and Seven Hopes team.

But this alone is not enough! As soon as Pei Ji finished speaking, Wang Jing took the lead in nodding, and the expressions of several old men changed a little.

Yes, this group of scholars were cultivated using a brand new thing called "academy".

No one knows what these young people are thinking about every night.

Nowadays, a considerable part of the fleet that everyone has assembled has recruited these young people to fill critical positions such as captain, first mate and second mate.

Although there seemed to be no other choice, these young people were the best candidates, and when they decided to recruit this group of guys, they had actually calculated it well and could still make good use of it.

But who knows? We are easy to take advantage of, so... won't these guys be taken advantage of by others?

This seems entirely possible!

If there is such a possibility, the whole atmosphere of the scene will change in an instant. It is too scary to think about it!

Everyone looked at each other.


The gorgeous cabin where people were singing and dancing suddenly became quiet.

Although the singers and dancers were still playing music and dancing, the atmosphere at the scene was even more heavy.

It passed after a while.

Although it only took a while, Wang Jing was already breaking out in a cold sweat. He couldn't help but look at Pei Ji nervously, and said with some slurred speech, "Then...Brother Pei, the plan will be settled."

?This is nearly half of our ships right now."

What if all these young officers on these ships were suddenly no longer loyal.

This is amazing when you think about it!

However, the reaction of everyone was so great that it was somewhat beyond Pei Ji's expectation. He looked at these old friends in surprise, "Brothers, why should you panic? This is not a big deal."

"Although we can't control these people, they may not all be loyal... there are always some who are still loyal to us, plus the other half of the ships, even if they are disloyal, they will at most run away with the ship.

You can't make waves either."

This chapter has been completed!
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