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Chapter 1821 Broken!

But then again, this scene is similar to reviewing the day before the college entrance examination. It is definitely not wrong to say it is wrong, but...

To put it bluntly, this kind of review is of no use, and it is actually not reassuring, because any candidate with some common sense knows that this is useless. Wang Jing and others immediately started to contact their respective people and ships.

Although there was nothing wrong with doing this, and everyone felt a little calmer for a while, no one dared to really feel relieved after all.

More than a dozen ships were on fire at once, which meant that one-tenth of the ships of the Super Pirates of the Five Surnames and Seven Hopes were lost in one fell swoop!

A one-tenth loss may not seem like much, but in later generations it would be a drop to the limit.

Consider again this early in the morning time, this is not an ordinary lower limit, this is a direct lower opening and closing limit.

Which board of directors would not panic in this situation!

But after some investigation.

Soon, within a few days, Wang Jing and others felt at ease inexplicably after being so anxious.

This is of course not because of the so-called "time will heal everything" poisonous chicken soup, but because of their investigation and discovery of this fire.

It seems like an occasional fire!

That is to say, there is no reason, it can only be a normal accidental fire.

And since it was an accidental fire.

This seems to be nothing to worry about. Although this may mean that this part of the ship itself has quality problems, for example, but even if it is other problems, in any case, after an investigation, no suspicious persons were found.

and suspicious signs!

Wang Jing and others gathered for a meeting, and naturally they had to discuss this strange incident in depth.

"Brother Wang, is this also the case after your people investigated?"

Pei Ji frowned, his hall darkened, and he looked at Wang Jing with only incomparable doubts on his face.

What is the reason for this?

The old men were now much more relieved - after some investigation, the information they obtained was similar to the conclusions drawn from the information. Indeed, there were indeed no suspicious persons or suspicious circumstances.

The ship caught fire out of thin air - in this case, how can we say that someone is causing trouble? And since no one is causing trouble, then there is nothing to worry about.

Seeing that Pei Ji was still facing a formidable enemy, Wang Jing couldn't help but feel that he hated iron for not becoming steel. Why was this old man so troubled?

"Brother Pei, this is just a trivial matter, why should you be so worried."

"Although more than a dozen ships were lost this time, things are different now. We now have to take what Li Er wants from his country. We have only lost a few ships, but there will be plenty of opportunities to recover them in the future..."

Wang Jing's words were so heroic that he seemed to have returned to the night when he first decided to add more ships to expand the team, become bigger and stronger, and create greater glory.


Wang Jing said this, listen to this, it seems to be a bit of self-comfort, after all, you have lost a lot of ships this time, haven't you?

But after the words fell, everyone else around Wang Jing actually smiled.

There is no doubt that it is very obvious that these old guys think so too.

Everyone's reaction... Pei Ji did not continue to make a fuss, but pondered for a moment and said, "That's true, what Brother Wang Shi said is true. However, although nothing suspicious has been found in this matter, we are waiting for the place where the ship will be anchored.

It’s not in one place, there are three places separated from each other.”

Although today's sea is not as fully exploited as the slightly better coastlines in later generations, there are many natural harbors that you can use anytime you want. However, Wang Jing and his gang are building high-end and large ships, and they have to stop at a port.

There are more than a dozen large ships... This is quite difficult, so naturally we have to berth in several ports.

These are only some of the ships that are currently being repaired, not to mention the majority of the ships that go to Southeast Bay to do "trade", or even go out to "clear dungeons" and "do tasks".

Of course, it doesn't matter what proportion the ships account for.

Pei Ji felt that the ships separating the three ports could catch fire at the same time?

No matter how you think about it, it always feels a little bit.

Pei Ji didn't hide this doubt. Since you all asked, of course I will tell you. But when Pei Ji said it, Wang Jing and others' faces became really stiff.

To be honest, I just felt a little faint in my heart.

The reason why people feel a thump in their hearts is often not because they encounter a very bad situation, but because they know that there may be a bad situation, but they try hard to tell themselves not to think so bad, and the result... the result is that the situation is really bad.

It's bad. Needless to say, it feels sour and refreshing. Wang Jing and others are in this state of mind now. Not to mention Pei Ji, it's not bad.

When Pei Ji said this, Wang Jing and others felt uneasy... It really came back after being scratched.

The actual situation is that deep down in their hearts, Wang Jing and others feel that there are obvious doubts and confusion in this matter!

This doubt is what Pei Ji said.

A dozen ships caught fire at the same time. If you think about it rationally, it is not impossible, because there has been a famous allusion in the history of China!

That was the Battle of Chibi. At that time, a large number of ships were indeed on fire.

If things that are easy to catch fire are put together, wouldn't it be normal for them to catch fire together? This is what Wang Jing and others thought when they comforted themselves.

But Pei Ji immediately broke the key point with this opening, which made Wang Jing and others unable to hold back any longer.

It could be accidental that more than a dozen ships caught fire at the same time, but ships in several ports caught fire at the same time.

Is it possible to play things like horse riding and fire in a team and play in a double row???

This is so outrageous!

However, after several days of investigation, Wang Jing and others spent countless efforts, manpower and material resources, the result was that there were no suspicious persons or insiders acting suspiciously.

And these people who went to "investigate" were naturally old people who had been used by Wang Jing and Pei Ji for many years, such as Wang Jing's housekeeper Lao Liu.

The chance of an old man like Lao Liu rebelling is really not high, because after all, in addition to being loyal to the Five Surnames and Qiwang for a long time, these people are also older, so the chance of deliberately causing trouble with others is not high.

, but the motivation to intentionally cause trouble with others is not that high.

And Wang Jing and others...

After Pei Ji suddenly lowered his head to ask the question, he naturally lowered his head for a while.

But immediately after this pause, Wang Jing and others also thought,

Although the simultaneous fires in several ports are very suspicious, and this is more suspicious than "more than a dozen ships encountering fires at the same time" itself, but after all, nothing has been found, right?

This chapter has been completed!
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