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Chapter 1844 Dilemma


After Pei Ji finished speaking, Wang Jing couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, then turned around and exchanged glances with the other three people.

Okay, everyone else was in a daze. But that didn't matter. Wang Jing didn't get angry because anyone suddenly fell into a daze.

Pei Ji's words really make sense. To be precise, they are not very reasonable, but very objective.

This is what is before us, that is, the reason why everyone was able to regain the option of defecting to the Romans was not because of the loss of troops, but because everyone used their past connections within China almost a year ago, plus

I spent a lot of money, and a lot of money went into the right place, so I established the right network of contacts.

It is precisely because of this personal network that the Romans came into contact with everyone again!

As for what kind of fleet is not a fleet?

Inspired by Pei Ji, Wang Jing first felt that it seemed reasonable. After thinking about it for a while, he felt... it felt.

This seems to not only make sense, but also really makes sense.

Isn't this just what is right in front of you? There is no need to use your brain to think about it carefully.

And when he thought about it, Wang Jing's heart instantly felt relieved. Damn it, it was a false alarm!

In fact, Wang Jing is not a fool after all, and he can be lured away by Pei Ji with just one word.

But what happened this time...

For more than ten days, the horrific encounters came one after another, making Wang Jing uneasy for the entire period.

Although the biggest loss was the "mysterious fire" of the fleet, which caused serious damage,

But the most secret loss is the sleep condition of Wang Jing and his group. This lasted for nearly a month. You must know that elderly people do not sleep well.

And now he is being tortured repeatedly by Datang's latest military technology, and his mental state is simply imaginable.

I'm always nervous during the day, and I still can't sleep at night.

Two or three weeks have passed in the blink of an eye. Who else can still keep his head clear and his cognition normal? If he can still keep his mind clear like this, then Wang Jing is no longer Wang Jing. This is Wang Jinglue.

And in this way, at this moment, I suddenly realize that the situation is not that bad. It is like saving money for a year and just bought a new mobile phone (Wu Xing Wu Wang has made huge profits in the past year), but suddenly lost it.

- There is no doubt that Li Er, the dog emperor, is fully responsible - but after being reminded by Pei Ji, he realized that, oh, the machine was not in his pocket and it was not lost. It was placed on the table to charge, and he forgot about it. What a sin.

This feeling is so happy.

As soon as the thought changed, all the old men showed happy faces. As long as they can still surrender to the Romans, the matter is not completely over, right?

But having said that, although several old men all breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but smile with joy,

However, the next moment, everyone's faces turned gloomy.

This smile didn't last even a second, this transformation.

The old men exchanged glances. This was a completely instinctive reaction. In fact, they all wanted to gain some confidence from others' optimism. This kind of thing is common in ancient and modern times. Any group likes optimistic members, because optimistic companions...

You can make it easier for yourself to empathize with them and gain the same optimism as the other person. As a result, it looks like a good guy.

Everyone returned to a frowning state, and the atmosphere was completely different for a moment. As the person who was stared at most by such helpless eyes, Wang Jing couldn't stand it any longer - he turned to look at Pei Ji,

He smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Pei still has a clear mind, otherwise we would be really headless... But, Brother Pei."

"Although this matter is not serious...at the last moment, we will still be useful to the Romans, but half of our troops and horses have been damaged. I am afraid that the treatment I will receive from the Romans in the future will be the same..."

Speaking of this, Wang Jing's face was full of bitterness, as if he didn't have the courage to continue. But after thinking about it, he couldn't help but continue, "Besides, the Li thief is powerful now. Although we still have some capital, we can't plunder."

I'm afraid it will be difficult for Li Er to make a profit... Sigh!"

Wang Jing sighed!

"The world is not easy, the world is not easy."

As soon as Wang Jing sighed, the three old men around him, Cui Baihe, Lu Changgeng, and Zheng Taishan, all looked miserable. Apparently, they were similar to what Wang Jing thought. There is no doubt that this kind of thing still needs to be seen.


There is no problem in defecting to the Romans. Now everyone has realized it, but what about after defecting to the Romans?

If the way to defect to the Romans disappears, then there is nothing to say. How will everyone live next? This most basic point is problematic, then there is nothing to say. This matter is worrying enough, but now this

It seems that the road is not cut off, and everyone can still go to join the Romans.

Wang Jing didn't say much about this part. One obvious fact is that we still have more than 70 ships after all. With these ships as a guide, we can still exist in the eastern waters of China.

Although it is difficult, as long as we can maintain our presence in the eastern sea, the intelligence network that everyone operates in China can continue to exist.

This biggest reliance can continue to exist, but even so, without our own soldiers and horses, this.

How to handle the remaining things has become a big problem. This... actually makes people more painful than "a disaster is coming" directly. However, Wang Jing and the other three people looked gloomy, and Pei Ji was stunned when he saw this.

, but he immediately realized what Wang Jing meant, and couldn't help laughing on the spot, "Brothers, we are all Chinese orthodox and the real heroes of China. How can we be the same as Li Er and others? The so-called ancient

A gentleman takes advantage of the situation."

"The reason why we are in today's predicament is because of the weather the day before yesterday. But why did we have the weather the day before yesterday? This is not because we took advantage of the overall situation of the game between the Romans and Li Tang and took advantage of the situation.

There are all kinds of opportunities to take advantage of. If there are no Romans in the world to fight against Li Tang, how can we afford to operate this intelligence network?"

Pei Ji had a smile on his face, but he said something abruptly, which was very confusing at first. Wang Jing and others were stunned when they heard it.

This horse-riding, this intelligence network was not established by our brothers by spending money to recruit connections. Does it have anything to do with the Romans? Wang Jing frowned for a moment, "Brother Pei, I'm afraid this is some, let's set it up

When did the Romans contribute to this intelligence network? Speaking of things here, if the key lies with the Romans, then wouldn’t it be useless to us, as far as the Romans are concerned? It seems..."

This chapter has been completed!
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