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Chapter 1854 All gone?

“They all ran away??”

Finally, he understood what Pei Ji was talking about, but Wang Jing didn't seem to understand it very well.

What does it mean to run away?

"Everyone ran away? Where did they go?"

Wang Jing's heart showed signs of starting to beat wildly, and his eyelids and scalp were also spasming inexplicably...

In my mind, there is a faint vein that is tense and tense, as if it is like the strings connected to a huge piano, and it will suddenly start roaring at any time.

Then, Pei Ji burst into tears and said, "These villains really have no loyalty at all. They took advantage of me and others, and now they are in trouble and they are running away... I have ordered people to hunt them down with all their strength.

But it’s all gone!”


Wang Jing was stunned.

This... what is going on.

This group of people actually ran away?!

The reason why Wang Jing refers to "this group of people" in his mind is because what Pei Ji said about running away with the boat is 100% the same group of people that everyone just recruited not long ago!

Because everyone had carefully analyzed the origins and ideas of this group of people in advance, the impression was still very deep. Yes, this is that since Li Erguang established the academy, the field of knowledge has begun to become uneven. Some people are working for Datang, and at the same time they are working for the Tang Dynasty.

Earn fame by yourself, and make your wife and son your wife.

But this kind of order will obviously lead to another result, that is, other people who cannot win over the above-mentioned group of people will naturally have their minds active, and there is no doubt that after Wang Jing, Pei Ji and others discussed it, they expected

These two groups may have considerable conflicts and may become enemies forever.

Such predictions and speculations are actually quite scientific and are not just the imagination of Wang Jing and others.

If you promote the virtuous, the people will fight against each other, and if you appoint the wise, the people will steal from each other. When some people gain fame and status by virtue of their wisdom and bravery, when the descendants of these people gradually lose their wisdom and bravery, others will use their own bravery and wisdom to

Looting these descendants - such plundering is often accompanied by a note, called "leaving no one behind." Of course, it is impossible for Wang Jing and Pei Ji's group to think about such long-term things, but at the very least, this batch of

People must not be of the same mind as Li Er.

Of course, at first glance, this group of people also gained strength from the knowledge they learned from the prefecture and county colleges established by Li Er, but people don't think so much, and this group of people will never be loyal to Li Er.

At one point, the ideological power of Wang Jing and others is still reflected, and their guess is basically correct. However...

Although this group of people is indeed not loyal to Li Er, Wang Jing and others are still unable to grasp what this group of people are not loyal to Li Er.

To put it more mechanically and realistically, it is not even difficult to grasp, but simply impossible to grasp.

Because the actual situation is that these young scholars who choose to leave China and come to the dark, chaotic and storm-filled realm of pirates do not know what they should be loyal to. But there is a limit to human confusion, because

When conflicts are intense to a certain level, people can no longer be confused. There are often some key landmark nodes in history. But for the fleet at this time, this node is too obvious, and there is no need to grasp it at all.

What rules——

The fierce attack launched by Li Er's strange ship on everyone's fleet is the key point!

In short, to put it simply, during a night's escape, this group of young scholars were quite confused about the way forward and did not know who they wanted to be loyal to. Because of the strange attack method of "hidden support" and the incredible

The ultra-long voyage, the intense fear brought about by such a thing, made these young people suddenly want to understand something.

Of course, you must first be loyal to yourself. As for the emperor or the master, whoever gives me heaven's grace will be supported by me. Whoever doesn't give it, let alone whether it is against it or not, I can just watch it anyway, right?

The fact is that although these young scholars did not have a good life in the academy system and naturally had no feelings for the emperor Li Er, but they really wanted to join a group of powerful forces that were obviously against the imperial court. The psychology of these people

The torture was still quite heavy, not to mention the mental internal wear and tear, but because of the disaster in the middle of the night, the ideas of these young scholars became quite clear.

Anyway, the emperor's grace has not been given to me, so it is okay to be a thief. But on the other hand, it seems that the emperor has no grudge against me, so it seems a little inappropriate to serve the thief myself - such a simple consideration

After that, the group of young scholars recruited by Wang Jing, Pei Ji, Cui, Zheng, and Lu all came to the same conclusion in their brains.

Then I won't be loyal to the emperor, nor will I work for the thieves. I'll just sail away and be done with it.

This whole process is actually quite mysterious. In the peaceful years, a young man may not be able to understand the essence of political science even after reading countless books throughout his life. Even Wang Jing and Pei Ji, who are well-educated scholars, actually think so.

Anyway, they are just a group of people from Guizhou. Their temperaments are either brainless and energetic, or they are chronically depressed and commonly known as soft persimmons. But no matter which situation they are, they can be exploited.

He is still full of energy and can't deal with Li Er, so this can be exploited. And if he is a timid person with no martial virtues, that's fine. Anyway, the ship is bought here first, and letting such a person take charge of the ship can avoid a lot of problems.

Unnecessary risks, as for going to war...

As long as these guys follow along to support the scene and reduce the frequency of resistance, this actually serves a military function.

The purpose and value of military units are not always used for fighting. For the Qin and Han Dynasties in the past, the army was the real fighting organization and the path to promotion for warriors. But for Wang Jing and others, the army was not mainly

Used to win battles, but used to fight wars - there is an essential difference between the two.

A white horse is not a horse, and winning a battle is not a war. An army pursuing victory can be an army pursuing peace at the same time. But an army pursuing war is different. This is just for fun. Of course, this kind of excitement is not good for the king.

Jing is gone, Pei is alone, this kind of carnival is something they don't like very much, it can even be said to be the least favorite.

After all, if it weren't for these stinking warriors, the vast hectares of fertile land would have been enjoyed forever.

That's what they say, but as the saying goes, one moment and another moment, Wang Jing and others now wish that Li Er's peaceful and prosperous age would be filled with fire and smoke every day.

All of this is based on the premise that the people under your control will not get into trouble!

This chapter has been completed!
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