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Chapter 212 This person is actually the reincarnation of a true Buddha?!

Hong Ren smiled and continued.

"For example, there is the Emperor's Heavenly Realm. In the heavenly realm, everything is abundant, there is no wind, rain, hunger or cold, but there are countless merits. But..."

"The blessings of heaven are due to the fact that heaven is in heaven."

"Now the donor and the young monk are in the human world. How can the world of heaven be built on earth?"

"There will always be hunger and cold in the world, and there will always be wars... They will never change. Isn't it ridiculous for a donor to take an unattainable goal as his guide?"

After Hong Ren said this, he clasped his hands together.

"Only by turning to the Buddha and enduring hardship can we achieve the heaven in our hearts!"

When Hongren said this, the people burst into tears again.

That's so well said!

Of course it is good that the world is for the public, but there are always people who seek personal gain. How can it be built in a world where the world is for the public?

No matter how good or imaginary the goal is, what's the use?

Hongren's explanation made countless people pessimistic, because everyone knew that Hongren was right...

Why does the world serve the public, and which government does not recite this sutra? The result is that you have to serve the public, and I have a special reason not to serve the public "temporarily"...

But Hong Ren's next words immediately made the people around him feel extremely comforted.

This is called Buddhist compassion!

But for this kind of statement.

Li Sheng could only hehe, ignoring everyone around him and said loudly, "Wrong, big mistake!"

"The world is for the common good, and it has never depended on silent endurance, but on the hard work of countless people in our country, with one knife, one shot, one meter and one millet!"

Li Sheng suddenly retorted loudly, and...there was clearly no reason in these words, it was just emotion.

The people around him looked a little blank, and it seemed that Li Sheng's words were... very stupid.

Even Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang couldn't bear to turn their heads and didn't dare to look again... This picture was simply too beautiful...

But Hongren obviously didn't take it lightly.

Since you speak out so loudly for your Taoism, why can't I perform a Buddhist lion's roar?

Immediately he shouted loudly:


"You clearly know that the heaven on earth cannot be built, yet you drag countless people to do it in vain, and you still say that your Taoist method is not an evil method!"

Li Sheng chuckled and said softly.

"Master...if the heaven on earth could be built, then the earth would have become heaven long ago."

"Then you still do it!..."

"But precisely because there is no heaven on earth, we, the scholars, must continue to work hard to build this heaven where the world is for the common good!"


Hong Ren was stunned for a moment.

I guess, I couldn't understand the meaning behind this... words.

But I still feel it makes perfect sense!


What does this feel like?

Yes...this is the feeling I had when I first heard the Fourth Patriarch Daoxin's teachings when I was only a few years old...

Although I don’t understand what the other person is saying, I feel so awesome!

But this...

Isn’t this person very angry? Why...

Why is it that the person who doesn’t know how to feel harsh is himself?

At the moment when Hongren was confused, Li Sheng turned around and faced the countless people who were watching in a daze.


"All living beings are Buddhas, and Buddhas are also all living beings!"

"When we come to this world, everyone brings misfortune with us. Your Majesty brings your misfortune with you, and we bring our misfortune with us."

"Because of various misfortunes, manpower is sometimes poor. There are things that Buddha can do and things that he cannot do."

"But so what? Flesh and flesh are bitter and weak, and life is short. But precisely because life is short and not worth a penny, we must use this short life to exchange for something that is neither bitter nor short, but great and long-lasting!"

"Everyone, moral enlightenment is not the right fruit!"

"These are the supreme truth!"

"May all my thousands of divine states be like Yao and Shun!"

"May everyone in my country be like a dragon!"

Li Sheng roared.

The whole place was silent!

At this moment, Hongren was completely stunned.

My mind is blank...

Oh my God, I finally saw it today...

At this moment, the people under the terrace were equally sluggish.

After a while...

It was boiling!

"Shixian is right!"

"You have no brains to endure bullshit!"

"May our Tang Dynasty be like Yao and Shun!"

"May everyone in my country be like a dragon!"

Li Sheng’s words.

Completely shocked everyone.

Everyone present, whether they are clan members, scholars, or common people passing by...

At this moment, everyone's mind went blank.

There is only one feeling in everyone's mind at this moment.

Li Sheng's words are better than countless scriptures!

Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng, who were watching, were completely stunned.

"Is this... a true immortal... or the incarnation of heaven..."

The scholars further away, including Wang Fuchou in the elegant seat, were completely stunned.

"Master is indeed... a Confucian Immortal, a Confucian Immortal!"

Hong Ren, sluggish for a long time.

Finally, he suddenly stood up and left his seat, knelt down and worshiped Li Sheng.


Several monks behind him were dumbfounded.

"Wait a minute, Junior Brother Hongren, what are you..."

"Junior Brother Hongren, this person is from the Taoist sect! How will we explain to Master later?"

"Junior brother Hongren, you can't do this!"

"Junior brother Hongren, what's wrong with you?!"

The next moment, Hong Ren directly kowtowed to Li Sheng.

Then he raised his head...his forehead was covered with dirt.

His eyes were extremely pious.

"Master, I understand."

"Disciple Hongren, pay homage to the living Buddha in the flesh!"

Hong Ren actually knelt down and kowtowed to Li Sheng...

However, no one had any doubts or confusion about this scene.

In this debate, Li Sheng has no doubt that

Just with the last few words, I won completely!

Following Hong Ren’s words.

Pay homage to the real Buddha in the flesh!

Several monks behind him were also dumbfounded.

This man...is actually the reincarnation of the true Buddha?!

I originally thought he was a Daoist helper, but I didn’t expect... Hi!

Then why should we seek Buddha or join a temple?

Immediately one after another, they all knelt down and worshiped!

"Disciple Wang Mazi, pay homage to the true Buddha! Ask the Buddha to accept you as a disciple!"

"Disciple Zhang Laizi, please pay homage to the true Buddha! Ask the Buddha to accept you as a disciple!"

"Disciple Li Waizui, please pay homage to the true Buddha! Please ask the Buddha to accept you as a disciple!"

"Disciple Liu Sangao, please pay homage to the Buddha! Please ask the Buddha to accept you as your disciple..."

In the blink of an eye, everyone bowed down!

And right after.

It was as if he was reminded by these monks.

Under the terrace, countless people, scholars, senior officials, and clan members were watching...

They also bowed to Li Sheng one after another!

"Believer Xiao Dexin, pay homage to the true Buddha! Ask the true Buddha to show mercy and accept disciples without hesitation!"

"Believer Wang Sanlang, pay homage to the true Buddha! Ask the true Buddha to show mercy and accept disciples without hesitation!"

"Believer Li Wanji, please pay homage to the true Buddha! Please have mercy on me, the Buddha, and accept a disciple..."

This scene happened.

Yuan Tiangang, Li Chunfeng, Dao Yun...all the Taoists were also dumbfounded.

They never expected that Li Sheng could actually teach such a supreme method.

What on earth is this...?

Taoism? Buddhism?

In short, it is the supreme law!

Yuan Tiangang thought about it and hurried up to call the master at this time. Wouldn't it be a great card?

But then, I saw my nephew Li Chunfeng walking over quickly.

"Disciple Li Chunfeng, pay homage to the true immortal..."

This chapter has been completed!
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