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Chapter 218 Just know how many of you brothers want to cut wool!


"Don't every household have this snow-white jade salt to eat?"

Li Sheng was stunned, "Yes, of course I'm looking for salt in the lake."

Li Er and others looked at each other in silence...

Good guy, every household has this white jade salt?

If the people of Chang'an knew this, they would be envious to death...

Anyway, they are jealous to death now.

But at this moment, Du Ruhui suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Are you all looking for salt in the lake?

In the lake?

"Sir, is this... this salt well in the lake? Then... how do these people get salt?"

"Besides...since the salt well is in the lake, doesn't it mean that all the salt has melted? How can we get the salt?"

Du Ruhui felt very strange.

When he said this, Li Er, Fang Xuanling, Wei Zheng and others also thought about this issue...

Several eyes suddenly focused on Li Sheng.

Li Sheng shrugged.

"What are you talking about? What kind of salt well? There is no salt well at all."

Everyone was dumbfounded.

No salt well?

So where does this salt come from?

It's not like a small household on the seaside, relying entirely on sea water to get salt. Then the salt will be so bitter.


"This salt is naturally obtained by drying the lake water by the lake."

Everyone was saying just now that it definitely couldn't be sun salt.

Immediately afterwards, I heard this sentence from Li Sheng's mouth...



Are you kidding???

Such good salt, you tell me it is sun-dried?

You must know that in this era, it is not that there is no sun salt.

But the salt in seawater is not pure sodium chloride...

Salt in the chemical sense, magnesium sulfide, sodium nitrite... there are too many.

Therefore, during the long ancient period, the best salt came from a very small number of salt wells, and what was produced was naturally based on experience.

This...this white jade salt is actually sun-dried?

Everyone couldn't believe it...

Water and salt with so many impurities can actually produce such good quality.

If it were at the beach, wouldn't it be...

Li Er's mind went completely blank.

Once this method of drying salt is popularized, wouldn't it mean that... people all over the world can eat it...

Oh my God.

Li Er simply didn't dare to think about it any more.

At this moment, Li Sheng suddenly said, "You...ah, I forgot."

Li Sheng also remembered it.

There are various materials about the ancient salt industry - the most famous one is naturally the salt stickers of the Song Dynasty.

But even in the Song Dynasty, when the handicraft industry was extremely developed, this kind of salt was not available at all.

The salt in Li Sheng's hands is the crystallization of modern industry.

Although it is just by controlling the water temperature to reach a special point, the conditions for crystallization can be changed just enough to precipitate sodium chloride...

However, such a simple operation cannot be accomplished solely based on experience without the guidance of scientific theory.

So in this era, most people actually eat salt...

Li Sheng looked at the paint box that Lao Li brought again!

Finally realized, well...

"I understand, Lao Li, your salt...isn't cheap?"

Li Sheng scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

Really embarrassing...ugh!

But now it's no longer Li Sheng's turn to be embarrassed, it's Li Er's turn to be embarrassed.

"Damn it, you have this salt pearl and jade in front of me, how could Lao Li have the nerve to take this salt as a gift... just throw it away, throw it away when you turn around!"


Li Er looked at Li Sheng and smiled like you know...

Li Sheng snorted angrily.

"I know you brothers want to harvest wool again!"

"But... you brothers are always making money for the people of the Tang Dynasty. You should have made enough, right? It's not that I don't want to give this salt to you, but I say it's better to give it to the court!"

"Otherwise, the salt production industry will be monopolized by this big family again, and the people will still not be able to eat cheap and good salt."

"This is called righteousness! Do you understand?"

When Li Sheng said this, Li Er naturally agreed!

My son is right!

The treasury, the treasury... now, maybe there is enough money to expand the Xuanjia Army by another 200,000.

Unlike Li Er who cared about the treasury, Wei Zheng was extremely surprised.

Damn, I thought before that the future king would live a luxurious life and be immoral, but now look...

This is clearly the virtue of Yao and Shun.

Your Highness is simply sent by God to be a king.

However, Li Er fully agreed, but Li Sheng did not immediately give him the method of making salt, but continued.

"This salt is naturally provided to the people at a low price, but... I think you can give Li Er some advice."

"This method of making salt can be of greater use!"

Li Er was stunned when he heard this, "What's the bigger use?"

Li Sheng nodded and smiled slightly.

"Don't we, the Tang Dynasty, want to conquer the Western Regions and capture the Turks?"

"To expand the military and prepare for war, we must also take into account people's livelihood... The price of iron has skyrocketed a few days ago, but I heard that this old boy Li Er is very short of money."

When Li Sheng said this, Li Er's face suddenly turned red.

Really, there is nothing I can do if my father is short of money.

Why do you, a child, have to expose your scars?

In fact, not only some time ago, but also recently...Li Er was also worried about money.

In fact, building a temple is not about building a wall or a city, and it doesn't cost that much money.

However, due to the preparation of military equipment and the restructuring of the Xuanjia Army, the money was really flowing like water. Now there is really no money.

It’s lacking, it’s really lacking.

Since becoming emperor, Li Er has realized how difficult it is to be a good emperor.


He didn't quite understand why Li Sheng suddenly mentioned this matter.

Although I also know that Li Sheng is very rich... but if that little money is donated to the national treasury, I'm afraid it will be useless.

As for the salt...

Li Er was even more confused.

You have said that you want the people to eat cheap and good salt, but you are talking about making money and making profits, which is definitely not possible.

But then...

Li Sheng smiled slightly.

"If you want to make money from salt, you can. But it cannot be done by the people of the Tang Dynasty."


Not only Li Er was dumbfounded, but Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and others around him didn't know what medicine Li Sheng was selling in his gourd.

Since you can't make money from the people, then who can you make it from?

The five surnames and Qi Wang group... recently echoed an old saying that the landlords have no food left in their homes...

Then who gets the profit?

"If you want to make money, of course...export refined salt and make money from foreign countries!"

"Foreign money?!"

I heard what Li Sheng said.

The expressions of Li Er and others suddenly froze.

Mud, this idea...why didn't we think of it?

If the government-run salt industry cannot make money from the common people, why not make money from foreigners?!

In fact, at the borders of the country, there are always businessmen secretly reselling things from both sides. This is called "Hui Yi" among the people.

However, in order to prevent sensitive materials such as food and ironware from flowing out, it has always been prohibited.

But this matter of salt can definitely be presided over by the authorities!

"Your Majesty...Old Li, I'm up." Fang Xuanling suddenly said in surprise, "The Tibetan envoy is coming to Chang'an recently!"

This chapter has been completed!
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