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Chapter 226 The book written by the saint!

Changsun Chong walked into the Imperial College, and met passers-by along the way, including senior fellow apprentices Dr. Hongru, who all just nodded and smiled and walked quickly past.

In the Imperial College, which is the benchmark place for etiquette and law, this seems very unusual and somewhat rude.

However, the strange looks from passers-by did not slow down Changsun Chong.

It wasn't that he was ignoring people on purpose, but that... Changsun Chong was really shocked on this day.

A real primary school textbook, compiled by Master Li Sheng himself.

Profound, wonderful, rigorous...

There is almost no personal life in these small books, but they are all exquisite knowledge!

Changsun Chong couldn't be more excited about these brochures.

Therefore, as soon as the morning session ended, Changsun Chong immediately headed straight to the west of the city!

Thanks to my acquaintance with Li Sheng, I was lucky enough to get a set.

After a while...

Changsun Chong finally arrived at the Imperial Academy.

But after looking around, I didn't see Wang Fuchou... I don't know where he went.

Changsun Chong took a look and found an old man studying the scriptures, so he stepped forward.

"Senior, disciple, may I ask where the sacrificial wine went?"

"Sacrifice wine?"

The old man raised his head and found out that he was from the Imperial Academy, so he no longer had any doubts.

But he shook his head.

"Jiujiu has just gone out to eat. If you have anything to do, you can tell me first."

"Okay senior!"

Changsun Chong is not picky either. No matter which senior he gives it to, he just needs to collect Li Sheng’s book as soon as possible!

Saying that, he took out the book...

"Senior, this is the set of books. This is a book that has been popular among the people in Chang'an recently. It is a book used to enlighten children and teach them to become talented. This set of teaching materials is..."


When Changsun Chong said this, the originally careless old man suddenly frowned.

"What did you say? This is...a book of enlightenment for children?"

"Senior, that's right! However, although this set of books is for children's enlightenment, the knowledge in it, including astronomy and geography, is all-encompassing, difficult and rigorous, and infinitely mysterious! Since our Imperial College is the sect of the world's literary education, disciples think that it is natural that we should



When Changsun Chong said this, the old man's expression dropped.

He looked at Changsun Chong...after a moment, he sighed.

"Oh...you young people."

"If you don't study the Four Books and Five Classics of the sages carefully, you just go around collecting these useless books to read every day. Can you govern the country by reading these books?"

"You also said that this is a book for children. Since it is for children's enlightenment, it is of course the first priority to pay attention to my Confucian etiquette and explain the debate between superior and inferior. These astronomy and geography are just miscellaneous knowledge..."

"If you let the children of the Tang Dynasty learn this, wouldn't it be tempting them to rebel?"


This old man was also a scholar from the Imperial Academy.

Seeing Changsun Chong's excited look, he immediately felt disdainful.

"Young people today are so impetuous!"

"But...Senior, this is also written by a sage, and it was only recently printed and published..."


Hearing Changsun Chong say this, the old man smiled disdainfully.

"You said this book was written recently and just printed and published. How can it be written by a saint?"

"Is it Confucius or Mencius? Look at the recent wind and sunshine, and the sun will come back to life?"

When the old man said this, Changsun Chong did not dare to speak loudly.

We don’t dare to say, and we don’t dare to ask, who asked me to continue to earn a salary in the Imperial College...


Changsun Chong still felt that this set of books must be disseminated, collected... and spread throughout the world!

So important.

"If this book of yours was written by a poet immortal some time ago, I wouldn't say much about it. I would take it as a guide and study it day and night. But..."

"No, senior, this book is actually..."

The two were arguing at this point, and suddenly, Wang Fuchou came back to the Imperial College with a large group of old people...

He couldn't help but be surprised when he saw Changsun Chong arguing with the old man.

"……How is this going?"

"Chong'er, Senior Brother Luo, what are you doing..."

The old man smiled helplessly at Wang Fuchou, "This kid, Chong'er, found a few books somewhere. He said they were the method of enlightenment for children, the hope for the future of the Tang Dynasty, and books written by saints..."

"Brother Wang, you also know that this Confucius and the sub-sage capital has been dead for thousands of years, and there is no saint reincarnated. Besides, this rural book contains astronomy and geography, so it is definitely not the study of sages. This kind of evil book

If you use it to educate children, wouldn’t it be misleading?”

Wang Fuchou was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect this to be the case... This is indeed strange!

But looking at Changsun Chong, the boy seemed to have something to say.

After thinking for a while, he said, "I think so... Chong'er, I'm not talking about you as a teacher."

Wang Fuchou said earnestly, "It is true that the study of astronomy and geography is also a kind of knowledge... But you have to understand that people who have studied these things since ancient times..."

"Everyone claims to be able to see the first five hundred years and the next five hundred years, but in fact they often can't even explain the things around them, so what's the use?"

"They study the feng shui of mountains and rivers, but often they don't know how to dig a well. Isn't this knowledge just misleading people?"

When the old man said this, Wang Fuchou had a rough idea.

He felt that... he had read quite a bit in recent years, and he had also read a lot of these kinds of books.

But in terms of gains... I really don't feel like there are any gains.

Mysterious and mysterious knowledge can't guide anything, so what's the use?

I just saw that Changsun Chong was very enthusiastic, so I explained it.

Changsun Chong was helpless.

In fact...he had roughly read these books after he got them.

In his opinion, Wang Fuchou's words are not bad. But this is also the reason why he admires Li Shengzhi's book...

Take geography as an example. Even if you read the scriptures on geography, it is extremely difficult to truly understand geography. If you are asked to choose a mountain and find a good place to bury a dignitary, that would be really useful.


If it is another situation, such as going on an expedition with the army, you are a military advisor, looking for traces of the enemy, and where is a suitable place to set up an ambush; or you are the only scholar in a village, and you are fleeing a famine in a certain year, and you are looking for a place where you can find food...

This kind of situation that really requires geographical knowledge... these broken scriptures can't solve it.

Then who would respect these knowledge? Naturally, no one cares about it.

In fact, this problem was very serious in ancient China. Originally, if the knowledge of past dynasties could be accumulated, China might have already had natural science... But because everyone was busy reading the sages and trying to figure out the meaning of their words, naturally no one would

After asking questions, knowledge cannot be accumulated into a system.

Changsun Chong didn't know how to explain this matter to these seniors. Although he felt that... Li Sheng's book was really different from the various scriptures that this senior denounced, but it was always difficult to express it.

But think about it, I actually don’t need to express...

"Let me put it this way, junior, these books were praised by His Majesty during the morning court!"

Changsun Chong thought about it and felt that he could not win the argument, so he simply carried His Majesty out!

This chapter has been completed!
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