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Chapter 23 How can this mu of yield be a thing of the world?

Not to mention Queen Changsun.

Even the eight-year-old Xiao Changle, who was following the kitchen and looking at the food in Li Sheng's hands, smelled the aroma, and his eyes had long since opened.

This stuff looks so delicious!

Moreover, the aromas of milk and potatoes are light and rich, which are complementary to each other.

At the same time, they are both sweet and harmonious.

Together they are simply a top-notch combination.

In fact, this is also the case. In Li Sheng's previous life, this thing was a must-have dish for people in many places for dinner.

Regarding Mrs. Li, Lele looked forward to seeing her.

Li Sheng was very proud. It seemed that his skills had not been lost.

"Master, can...can I eat it?"

Although Lele sat at the table obediently with great restraint, she was already looking at the dishes on the table with longing!

Li Sheng laughed and waved his hand.

"Eat! Master will cook whatever Lele wants to eat today!"

"Ma'am, please!"

Then, Queen Changsun and Changle picked up the spoons at the same time, scooped up a spoonful of mashed potatoes, and slowly put them into their mouths...

A few seconds later.

The two of them were stunned.


"This...this mashed potato tastes so wonderful."

"Master, this... ah ah ah ah... so... ah ah... so delicious..."

Queen Changsun is fine.

Changle simply forgot about the identity of the princess and started the mode of eating and drinking!

Originally, as a princess, she didn't have a lot of rules governing what she did in her daily life?

But this day,

This mashed potato, this taste, this aroma...it just broke her defense!

If you don’t stutter, you won’t be able to relieve your addiction at all!

Queen Changsun couldn't help but sigh.

"Young master, this mashed potato dish is truly the best in the world!"

After a while,

In just a few minutes, Queen Changsun's portion was still half full, so Changle could just eat the whole plate without being polite!

The speed is incredible.

For the most favored princess in the Tang Dynasty, this is the first time that she is so greedy!

Li Sheng enjoyed the fun of showing off his skills and did not eat so fast. Seeing that Chang Le was eating with great enthusiasm, he brought a big plate from the kitchen and refilled Little Chang Le's glass.

Queen Changsun's eyes turned slightly red.

Children are happier than anything else if they can get along well with Changle.

The taste of these potatoes is really good. It seems that at least the child did not suffer from them.

"My child, these potatoes are so delicious. They must be very rare...but your health is important. Don't be reluctant to eat them on weekdays."

Empress Changsun is different from many concubines and noble ladies in history. She knows how the people live their lives.

As long as there is something good, it must be saved until the end of the year, festivals, or when entertaining guests.

Normally, I would be reluctant to take a bite.


When Li Sheng heard what the other party said, he laughed on the spot.

"Ma'am, you're joking. If you had to save even a few potatoes, wouldn't the world be full of smoke?"


Empress Changsun didn't understand what Li Sheng said for a moment, but she understood it immediately after changing her mind.

What this means is...

Potatoes...every household is willing to eat them? Doesn't that mean they are not valuable?

How can it be?

Absolutely impossible!

"This potato tastes so sweet, isn't it a rare thing?"

"What are you talking about, madam? I didn't cultivate these potatoes intensively, I just tested the fertility of the land. Although the yield per mu is average, it is more than three thousand kilograms."

Li Sheng explained with a smile, and then continued to add new mashed potatoes to Xiao Changle.

Children have the most tricky mouths. If a dessert can be recognized by a child, it is the highest honor.

But at this moment, Queen Changsun stayed where she was.

Three...how many?

More than three thousand... kilograms?

What number is this?

She had thought before that this thing was so expensive that she could even have it at a state banquet.

As a result, the yield per mu is more than 3,000 kilograms. Isn’t this a joke?

Are you sure it's more than three thousand kilograms, not more than three hundred taels?

"Son, how can we produce more than 3,000 kilograms of potatoes per acre? It is impossible for all kinds of food in the world to produce so much per acre!"

"Ah? Well, but... Madam, this thing really yields more than three thousand catties per mu. If it is cultivated properly, five or six thousand catties can be produced."

Li Sheng is telling the truth. The yield of potatoes is really like this.

Later generations of front-line agricultural experts built experimental fields, and the highest potato yield per mu could reach more than 20,000 kilograms.

Of course, this kind of experimental field used for writing papers is not of much reference, but ordinary potato fields can really reach this amount. It is said that even rice can produce 10,000 kilograms per mu, let alone potatoes. Li Sheng has no

Take this seriously.

But Queen Changsun was completely confused.

It's going to die, weighing more than three thousand pounds. Isn't this thing a fairy seed from heaven?

If it were not given by gods, the mortal world...

In the mortal world, Empress Changsun knew that among the two or three things that made Li Er frown every day, the most important thing was the food and drink of the people.

In ordinary fields, there are usually more than one stone.

The best quality farmland is Liangshi.

Two stones, that is two to three hundred catties.

This...three thousand pounds?

How can this acre of yield be a human thing???

There is nothing right in the world!

Queen Changsun felt that her brain was stuck and went blank.

She didn't know how to speak at all.

Li Er thinks about everything every day, every month, and every year except when he will be able to crush these Turkic barbarians.

It means whether the people there have enough to eat this year,

If you have no income in your hometown, you will either eat people or go to other places to beg in groups and become refugees...and then naturally they will start to gather and rebel.

If this thing... is promoted nationwide.



What kind of scene should it be?

She simply couldn't imagine it.

No, you have to confirm this in person!

This is so important!

"Son, I want to see these potatoes for myself. If possible, would you like me to dig one up myself?"

Queen Changsun looked at Li Sheng with bright eyes,

Li Sheng was startled by this look. Why was he so excited?

It seems like Lao Li and Mrs. Li were like this the day they first arrived.

But just digging potatoes is not a big deal.

Anyway, the basket beside the potato field was taken away by her, and Mian'er and Ying'er were doing housework. Apparently the dinner they arranged also included potatoes, and they happened to have to dig for it.

Madam, if you want to see something new, let's take a look.

"What's so difficult about this? Madam, just come with me."

"Master, master, I want to go too, I want to dig potatoes too... Only by digging potatoes can the Tang Dynasty prosper..."

Changle also clamored to follow her to dig potatoes. She had been smart since she was a child and knew a lot about the ways of governing the country. She also thought of what Empress Changsun thought of. Although it only corresponded to the knowledge in the book, she did not have such intense emotions.


Since ancient times, every time food prices rise, famines will occur in more places in the world.

When the price rises to a certain level, people will exchange their children for food, and then wars everywhere will be inevitable.

Xiao Changle remembered reading these descriptions in the Four Books and Five Classics.

Li Sheng laughed heartily, thinking it was just a child's talk, and immediately stood up and led the mother and daughter towards the back of the front hall.

This chapter has been completed!
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