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Chapter 255 I'm a big Tubo, pills!

In the Lion House, there are customers from all walks of life.

Occasionally, when a prince's daughter appears, someone will call him "Your Highness."

Therefore, the names of Agumie and Songtsan Jilong did not attract more attention.

But this time.

Even if someone pays attention, they don't care so much.

Because His Highness's appearance suddenly seemed strange...

"Your Highness?"

"Your Highness? Your Highness?..."

Princess Youzhu was stunned for a long time, a long time...

After a long time, the voices of the two people next to him finally reached his ears.

But she couldn't listen to it anymore.

Just after Li Sheng finished speaking a few words, she, who was familiar with history books and was good at strategizing, suddenly understood.

This black market iron case is indeed a...

Damn, conspiracy!

There is a conspiracy!

God found more than a dozen pieces of meteorite!

If this edict is true.

That can only mean one thing.

This steel is not holy iron in the first place!

"I...was actually deceived!???"

Princess Youzhu's brain is about to fail.

She then asked blankly...

"But...but if that's the case, then...Tubo still got a lot of steel. These steels..."

"Once it is transformed into a weapon, it will still cause great harm to the border of the Tang Dynasty... How dare Li Er do it? How dare Li Er do it!"

Having said this, Princess Youzhu no longer had her previous elegant temperament. She grabbed Li Sheng's shoulders with both hands and directly started the evil ghost life-seeking mode...

Li Sheng was startled, and Li Er frowned.

Among the people, you just call me Li Er in private, but you want to do anything to my son?

I think you don’t want to live anymore!

But at this time, Li Sheng was already dizzy and spoke.

"Hiccup...what kind of problem is this? It's not a problem at all."

"It's not a problem? The Tang Dynasty has shaken the foundation of the country, and you still think it's not a problem?!"

Princess Youzhu was extremely excited.

She couldn't figure out this scam.

Li Er’s scam is indeed powerful, but it also carries a huge risk.

Just as she said.

Today, Tibet still transports away millions of kilograms of refined steel.

Even if this steel is not holy iron.

But cutting iron is like clay, this is definitely not a lie, this is something she has personally verified.

Wouldn't the Tang State be afraid that Tubo would turn around and reforge this kind of top-quality iron weapon into a weapon, so that it could be used against the Tang Dynasty?

After a while, the Tang Dynasty re-smelted iron, which was definitely not as fast as the temporary casting in Tubo.

Then when we meet on this battlefield, wouldn't it be doomed?

It is true that this time, Princess Youzhu admitted that she was fooled, but she did not believe that she would be fooled so completely!


The next moment, Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, and Wei Zheng looked at each other, as if they saw something in each other's eyes...

Immediately afterwards, everyone laughed.

Fang Xuanling said with a smile, "Little brother, you don't know something about this."

"The reason why this steel is as sharp as clay is because it's not meteorite, it's the blast furnace!"

"Even if there is no meteorite, any other ordinary iron, as long as it is put into the blast furnace, what will be smelted will be the holy iron you call it!"

"And what about Tubo? They don't have a blast furnace. Even if they get refined steel, they can't turn it into weapons! Hahahahahaha!"

"This little brother, is he surprised or not? Is he surprised or not?"

Fang Xuanling and others are all important officials in the Tiance Mansion.

He was a tall man, so he naturally recognized the extraordinary status of the scholar in front of him.

But they are not worried either.

Even though...this person might be a Tibetan.

But, it doesn’t matter at all!

Anyway, the transaction has been completed, and you will have nothing to say when the time comes!

What's more, the other party didn't pay attention at all.

Among the strategies given by His Highness, Li Er did not even tell a single lie.

In the process of producing steel in the blast furnace, some meteorite is actually used - of course, they all know that this has nothing to do with the quality of the steel.

On the whole, it is,

From beginning to end, Li Er followed Li Sheng's instructions.

Not even a single lie, even just telling the truth selectively.

These Tubo people, as well as the various aristocratic families involved in them, were played around...

What is the reincarnation of Guigu?

At that time, Li Er had just ascended the throne and inherited Li Yuan's Tang Dynasty.

Li Yuan's Tang Dynasty inherited the Sui Dynasty, and the Sui Dynasty inherited the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties.

During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, historians did not want to write about them. They were basically underworld dynasties where the people were in dire straits and foreign enemies were rampant.

At this time, as the founders of a new dynasty, whether it was Li Er or Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and others, they actually felt insecure in their hearts.

But it's different now!

Since Li Sheng appeared, they gradually discovered...

It seems that I have become a decoration.

Everyone has become a decoration.

The young master just gave me something and taught him two strategies.

Easily, a lot of situations that had originally made them anxious were solved.

This is not only amazing and brilliant, it is simply incredible.

At this time, they were even a little swollen, and...even if they swelled, it didn't matter.

Anyway, the young master will take care of everything, so why not worry about the Tang Dynasty... Hehehehe!

Fang Xuanling finished speaking.

Princess Youzhu only felt that her vision went dark.

turn out to be……

The key to this holy iron is not the iron material.


blast furnace……

She originally thought that the blast furnace was the key to processing meteorite, but the real key was of course the meteorite.

Unexpectedly, the blast furnace, which seems to be just a tool, is the foundation!

The Tubo people didn't know how to build those complicated and sophisticated blast furnaces.

in other words……

Tubo spent countless gold, but what they bought... turned out to be... a pile of scrap metal...

I'm so excited, pills!

Princess Youzhu fainted.

With a plop, he fell into the Lion Tower...

There was an uproar around him, and Li Sheng subconsciously moved closer.

"What...hiccups...what's going on, high blood pressure seems to be...get out of the way, I'm going to come in for artificial respiration...no, it should be chest pacing..."

Agu Mie and Songtsan Jilong were immediately startled, but just as they were about to approach them, Li Er gave the order, and Li Junxian in plain clothes and several guards immediately stopped them.

"What are you doing? If you delay the young master's rescue, who will be responsible if someone loses his life?"

"Get out of my way!"

Agumie and Songtsan Jilong were confused and anxious.

The celebration banquet was delicious, but the princess suddenly fell into a coma.

The princess should be happy with our blood profit...


On the night when Princess Youzhu was so angry that she passed out.

The same news gradually spread to another place...

That is, Chengxi Courtyard!

On this day, the courtyard in the west of the city was also very lively.

Li Tiancheng, Wang Jing, Cui Baihe, Lu Changgeng, Zheng Taishan...

Others were singing and dancing with the singers in the courtyard.

So excited to laugh and laugh!

"Brother Wang, it's all thanks to you this time!"

"Hey, hey, thanks to Brother Pei. Thanks to Brother Pei's news this time, we have stocked up a lot of holy iron, hahahaha!"

This chapter has been completed!
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