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Chapter 392 Can't everyone go back?!

Ma Zhou and others have all finished eating the barbecue, but there is still a little left...

Although my stomach was already full, I still couldn’t bear to finish the meal, feeling that I could still eat another three kilograms!

However, after hearing Li Sheng's words, everyone quickly put the remaining barbecue into their stomachs.

"What's next?"

Ma Zhou was a little stunned, "We came out this time and were ordered to attack the Turkic army, but now..."

After Ma Zhou said this, Gao Ziyang also reacted, "We... are done, can we go back?"

Xie Zhongyuan and King Luo Bin did not speak, but they both looked at Li Sheng, their eyes obviously meant the same thing, and they all had the same guess.

But after all is said and done...

But Li Sheng smiled slightly.

"go back?"

"Are you kidding me? I have no intention of letting the three thousand soldiers go back this time!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

Not going back?

Could it be that... there is still danger behind and everyone can't go back?!

After all, the battle is over.

Even though they won, once they got out of the red-eyed state, everyone quickly calmed down.

Thinking about it carefully, I still feel a little scared.

After all, that is an army of more than 300,000 people!

Therefore, I subconsciously thought about returning to my hometown.

So at this moment...

Li Sheng's words immediately shocked everyone!

At this time, Li Sheng ordered all 20,000 Turkic surrender troops to be disarmed and sent to the Central Plains as slaves to the Tang Dynasty.

The following three generations of Turks were not able to escape slavery through any of the Tang laws.

Li Sheng made this decision very clear.

Those who trample on the territory of the Tang Dynasty must pay the price.

And this is just the most compassionate kind!

Originally, this former brave scholar from the countryside and now a soldier of the Forbidden Army was very surprised by this decision.

They've all been killed at home, and they're about to go to Chang'an. Why don't they be executed immediately?

However, due to Li Sheng's insistence, no one dared to say anything.

Only the guys around Li Sheng, Ma Zhou, Gao Ziyang, Luo Binwang, and Xie Zhongyuan... had a slight guess at Li Sheng's plan.

Nowadays, there are so many projects in the academy that we don’t need manpower for anything. This is just an experiment...

Moreover, I heard from the teachers in the academy that experiments still require very few manpower. In the future, when laboratories turn into factories, no matter how many manpower they have, they will not be enough.

How many?

There are so many that His Majesty does not dare to forcibly recruit civilians, and the world is in an uproar every minute...

These Turks...

Being able to go out to fight, of course, is based on Kong Wu's strong and strong labor force.

Isn’t this...right...hehehehe...

But this is a plan for where the Turks will go.

It's not even a plan for all the Turks, just a plan for the 20,000 captured remnants.

And among those who fled in all directions, there were still more than 300,000 people...

More than 300,000 defeated troops, what is the concept?

Bandits are swarming and smoke is rising everywhere!

This is pretty good, as long as the Forbidden Army defeats the bandit gangs one by one. If the situation is not good and the Turks directly gather and organize these broken troops, then...

That would be another wave of military crisis!

But having said that, the battle has just been won, and once the soldiers are out of combat, they will most likely miss their hometown... If we continue to fight at this time, I am afraid things will not go as smoothly as imagined.

"You heard that right, I just won't go back."

"Because the next step... we have to continue marching."

Li Sheng finished speaking.

Gao Ziyang, Ma Zhou, King Luo Bin, Xie Zhongyuan and others were all shocked.

According to the rules since ancient times, after such a big victory, there should be a wave of repair time, and then there should be reward money and so on...

After all, the soldiers deserve their lives, so the court must also do a good job of appeasing them.


I'm afraid it would be too much to keep fighting like this.

Naturally, Li Sheng saw everyone's expressions and smiled slightly, "Why, do you think... the vanguard army needs to go back to repair?"

"Yes, Holy Commander!"

Li Sheng saw what everyone was thinking, which surprised Ma Zhou and others, but it was also gratifying. At least they could understand each other and everything was easy to discuss.

So he expressed what was in his mind.

While Ma Zhou was talking, Gao Ziyang, King Luo Bin, Xie Zhongyuan and others also nodded from time to time.

Obviously, no matter who comes to ask about these common sense things, they will understand it.


Li Sheng smiled and listened to what Ma Zhou said.

Then, he still shook his head.

"What you said is actually correct. Let me think about it... If I remember correctly, you guys all come from poor peasant families, right?"

Everyone nodded.

It is precisely because of this that we pay special attention to this small detail. And didn't Li Sheng say it before? Only when we stand together with the soldiers can we fight with the same happiness and sorrow.

But then Li Sheng smiled and said,

"You... are still like scholars. You only know one thing but not the other."

"The soldiers here do miss their families, but have you ever thought about what exactly they miss?"

When Li Sheng said this, everyone couldn't help but be startled.

What specifically do you miss?


They really haven't thought about this.

Seeing everyone stunned, Li Sheng continued,

"I am a young and strong man in the family. If a relative in the family is bullied, no one will step forward. Is this a concern?"

"I am a young and strong man in the family. The family is missing a strong laborer and a major source of food and clothing. I must be worried about this."

"I am not yet married to Xiao Cui at the entrance of the village...right?"

When Li Sheng said this, he didn't say much more.

Because everyone’s expressions clearly said…

Well, Master Sheng, you really understand. You know exactly what everyone is thinking.

But here comes the problem. Now that you know what everyone wants, how about you...

If this fight continues, let alone how long it will last, what will happen if the family loses its source of income?

Not to mention how old Xiaocui at the entrance of the village was at that time, I'm afraid she would have told the next village...

Who wouldn’t care about these things when we go out to hang out?

So everyone was very surprised why Li Sheng insisted on continuing to fight.

However, Li Sheng did not play charades afterwards, and made it clear to everyone directly.

"But before these topics, I would like to ask you, after annihilating the Turks... where are we going?"

"Annihilated the Turks..."


Li Sheng suddenly mentioned this distant-sounding topic, and everyone was a little confused and at a loss.

Who has thought so much about this?

"After annihilating the Turks, should we just ignore this place in Mobei?"

"Continue to keep the Turks there to repair and gather? Then... in ten or eight years, let them come again, and we will fight again?"

"Don't forget, everyone. Everyone's fighting spirit is high now because the Tang Dynasty is undergoing a revolution. Everyone has hope for their future life, but they don't have many ideas yet. What can we do?"

This chapter has been completed!
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