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Chapter 395 Dimensionality Reduction Strike!

In addition to various conventional means, Li Sheng made another decision alone.

All Turkic people must not only hand over their armor, but also take off all their clothes and manage them uniformly!

These clothes were all placed together with several cluster grenades equipped with arson bomb kits.

If you want to run away and cause trouble, that's fine.

Dozens of exhausted Habayashi warriors may not be able to stop you, but they can still do it by detonating cluster grenades and burning all your clothes.

It is early winter now, and we are located in northern China. The climate is rapidly turning to severe cold, and Youyanhe East Road has even suffered a snowstorm.

If you are not honest, just wait and freeze to death.

Of course, if we let 20,000 people walk shirtless to Chang'an, they might all freeze to death on the way.

Therefore, the route Li Sheng arranged for Li Junxian was very clear, which was to go near the hills dozens of miles away and find the location where Qin Ruochan's troops had set up an ambush.

After meeting these 10,000 troops, we can effectively control the 20,000 unarmed prisoners, and then return their clothes to them.

Of course……

As for the food and horses for the 20,000 captives...where did they go...

Li Sheng could only say.

Neither brothers nor human beings, but barbecue is too tempting...

In the wilderness, after the battle, what can the soldiers do if they don't make up for themselves...

As for the 20,000 people who are going to Chang'an, and the 10,000 Yulin army...

The supplies for this part are also very simple.

Li Sheng had no time to clean up the battlefield, after all, the war was not over yet.

So I made it very clear to Li Junxian.

"Just tell them to just come here and pick up for free. There are grains, grass and winter clothes everywhere!"

Afraid that Li Junxian, an honest man, could not explain clearly, Li Sheng also sent him a brief letter so that Qin Ruochan could understand.

Everything is arranged smoothly and everything is planned smoothly!

Just as Li Sheng sent his troops to continue heading north.

Naturally, Li Junxian also took dozens of remaining soldiers and 20,000 Turkic soldiers to the direction of the Central Plains behind him.

Li Junxian was always sleepwalking along the way, which made him very worried.

In fact, not only Li Junxian, but also the dozens of Yulin remnants were also, but they were somewhat stronger than Li Junxian.

Once they arrived, Li Sheng sent a cavalryman from the Pioneer Battalion to accompany them.

These Turks were ignorant and fearless and feared no one, but when they saw that they were the "Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals" of the Pioneer Camp, they instantly became extremely honest.


In addition to letters to Qin Ruochan, Li Sheng also prepared a memorial.

This is a formal memorial to Li Er as a marquis, and the title is not "Li Er", but a very formal "Your Majesty".

The content...of course is to ask for credit for these dozens of Yulin remnants!

At the same time, there was a request attached to the memorial.

Please Your Majesty, please build a monument to the Chinese heroes for all the fallen soldiers!

This memorial was written in an extremely formal manner. Li Sheng spent countless brain cells to write it in classical Chinese. He also added the official seal and his signature, as if he was afraid that Li Er would not believe it.

This small detail quickly spread among the remaining soldiers of Yulin, so...

A scene that made Li Junxian depressed appeared.

As they walked, these Yulin warriors began to cry...

Madhu, it has been said since ancient times that a good man should not be a soldier.

If there are good things to say, they are all about the generals.

From ancient times to the present, which dynasties and generations have been so easy on big-headed soldiers?


Dimensionality reduction attack!

Li Junxian was even made jealous by Li Sheng. I have been leading soldiers for so long, why are all of them so respectful of His Highness...

Outrageous, out of proportion to the world...

But looking at the memorial in his hand, Li Junxian had to admit that His Highness the First Prince...well, His Highness the First Prince can bring the world back to its heart, not once or twice a day or two...

After marching like this for a day and night.


Finally we saw a place that seemed to be a camp.

It was already nighttime, and the cold wind was howling in the mountains.

There seemed to be countless lights swaying beside a river, as if the camp was here.

Li Junxian looked at the camp from a distance, and his spirits suddenly lifted.

We finally saw our friendly forces, and the brothers can have a good rest!

So he stepped forward.


Not to mention entering the light range.

Li Junxian just took a few steps closer in that direction when he immediately heard a sharp sound of breaking wind coming from the night!


An arrow flew past his ear.

Only half an inch away from death!

Moreover, the extremely strange thing is that the source of this arrow is not from the direction of the light, but from the small hill on the side!

Li Junxian was startled and immediately realized what was going on.

This friendly army is lying in wait to attack the Turks!

He immediately shouted,

"Stop ahead! Below is Li Junxian, the general of the Yulin Army!"

At this time, Qin Ruochan and others were guarding the surroundings in the camp on the top of the mountain.

That's right, the real camp is on the top of this hill, not by the river!

This small detail is naturally not for fun, but for a more sinister reason.

The enemy is at hand.

There is a huge disparity in military strength.

How many people are there in the enemy army? 390,000 troops.

We have only over 10,000 people.

And now there is not even "more than 10,000", just a bare 10,000.

So the question is, where did the “…many” go?

This is a long story...

Anyway, Qin Ruochan just wants to hit people.

Madhu... when the soldiers are in danger, there can still be such a arrogant person... It's just a death wish!

at night……

Although vigilance is still required, after all, the fake camp at the foot of the mountain was designed to be watched by the real camp on the mountain. However, the Imperial Army did not reverse their schedule and go out at night. Instead, they used a considerable number of sentries to maintain observation.

But despite having arranged sentry posts for observation, the generals of the Forbidden Army still could not rest normally.

Both Li Xiaogong and Li Ji were still trembling in the terrifying aura of the 390,000 Turkic army.

Qin Ruochan was even more troubled and couldn't sleep at night, so he went out to watch the foot of the mountain in person, and sent the soldiers he had arranged to go to sleep, leaving only a few guards to accompany him.

The reasons for not being able to sleep are also very classic.

The more you think about it, the angrier it becomes. The more you take a step back, the more you think about it.

Where did this bastard Li Sheng get the courage to act like a normal person in the face of nearly 400,000 troops?

Does this bastard think that 400,000 is the same concept as the hundreds of people he met during the fight?

If we divide our troops at this time, it's just for the purpose of harassing and fighting.

But this guy is still sleeping in a camp less than twenty miles away from the Turks.

Who gave him the courage?

I'm afraid...

The mountains were filled with the chirping of insects and birds, and it seemed very quiet. However, Qin Ruochan involuntarily tightened her grip on the crossbow in her hand, feeling as if her heart was being twisted...

Already dead?

what do I do……


The more I think about it, the more I feel I can’t stand it.

But at this moment... suddenly a sneaky figure interrupted Qin Ruochan's thoughts.

"This is……"

"somebody is coming?!"

"Everyone on alert! Prepare grenades!"

This chapter has been completed!
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