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Chapter 421 Economic foundation, must pass!

Li Sheng had just solved the problem of battery life in the camp. The next step...

"The next step, of course, is to strengthen control over the Mobei region."

"However, this purpose involves all aspects, so I will talk to a few brothers about the military aspects for now."

"First of all, the villages must be combined into villages. There can be no scattered villages and tribes, and labor must also come and go in a unified way."

"This...I'm afraid this won't work, right?"

Li Jing couldn't help but frowned, "In Mobei, people's livelihood is very complicated. If everything is cut across the board..."

"It's exactly what we need to do across the board! Combine all the villages and tribes into towns one by one."

"As for the names of the towns, they are called Anxi Protectorate District 1, Anxi District 2, Anxi District 3..."

Li Sheng ignored the surprised and astonished looks of everyone and moved the online game partition from his previous life out...

"Do you remember how the First Emperor revolutionized the world? It was the system of counties and counties!"

Li Jing took a breath.

If you say this, then he will understand.

Changing the enfeoffment system to the county system was the key to the First Emperor's ability to conquer the world!

"As for what to do if the situation is complicated, that's simple. Just make the complicated situation simple for him, and that's it, right?"

"Make it simple? How to make it simple..."

At this time, Qin Qiong couldn't help but speak, "Although the people of Mobei all believe in the Immortality Heaven, the differences between the various villages and tribes are also huge, and there are even two neighboring tribes that cannot speak the same language..."

Thinking of this, Qin Qiong felt outrageous, "How can a place like this be said to be simple..."

"Old Qin, the situation is too small, isn't it?"

Li Sheng smiled slightly, "There are language barriers and customs barriers, but you just need to remember that there is one thing... that is universally understood!"

"oh oh?!"

Li Jing and others were startled when they heard this, and then saw Li Sheng Surong said, "The pressure of life must be solved!"

"The economic foundation must be solved!"

"What kind of system is practiced in Mobei? A slave system!"

"To make the people of Mobei useful to me now, I have to give them benefits and then trap them. As for the method, the first is to equalize the acres of land. Of course, Mobei is not like the Central Plains, and the most important property is the land. But it can wait.

Effectively replace it, divide the property of the heads of the various tribes in Mobei, and distribute it to the slaves and servants, so that you will definitely gain support."

"Second..." A cold light flashed in Li Sheng's eyes, "The Mobei Hu people have been invading the northern border of China all year round, and we, the Han Chinese in China, are not fools. People in the border areas of China have always been in dire straits, so we cannot allow us to carry out social transformation for them in vain.


"The second one is trade. Aren't these Hu people willing to do anything for profit? That's good, haha... We will support a group of local Hu people to come out. If we need resources, we will ask for them. Anyway, what are they doing?

Sell ​​them all; and if there is a recurrence, the local thugs will be the vanguard. They will be bought and controlled with the fine wine and silk from the Central Plains. In this way, the situation in Mobei will be decided!"

The plan Li Sheng mentioned was exactly the plan of North America in Western Europe and East Asia in the previous life, known in history as the Yalta System.

This system actually existed in ancient times.

But there is really no one as clear-minded and decisive as Li Sheng.

At that time, when the Qin State governed Shu, it also sent its own young masters, and the rule relied on the Qin Jun who was subordinate to the subordinate kings.

As for Li Sheng's method of supporting agents, there have been cases in history, but it has basically not attracted attention. Basically, few people have noticed or bothered to think about it.

At this moment, when Li Sheng mentioned it with such clarity, Li Jing and others were suddenly enlightened.

This move is too cruel!

Not only can he maintain his rule for a long time, but he can also continue to take advantage of Mobei's resources, etc.

Needless to say, the cost is extremely low since this agent is secretly controlled.

And if there is boiling public dissatisfaction in Mobei, using these bribed thugs to suppress it will also allow the border residents of China to say goodbye to border troubles!

Absolutely amazing!

Li Jing and others were in a state of admiration. The more they thought about it, the more terrifying this strategy became.

So wise, so smart, so awesome,

Li Sheng is not only a martial and Confucian immortal, but his vertical and horizontal skills are also at the level of an immortal...

The more I think about it, the colder my back becomes!

But then, Li Sheng also returned to the topic, "Then your work is confirmed."

"Option one is that I will lead troops to station and operate here, and you will bring your own troops back to the court to protect the border residents... Although there are too many, I can't guarantee it, but it is not difficult to find a few young men among the barbarians to support them. Turks

If the remaining troops can be reunited, the number is estimated to be only tens of thousands to less than a hundred thousand, so you will not have any pressure to defend."

"This plan is the most stable! But the benefits are also the slowest."

"Option two... is that Brother Li and you guys will garrison here with a large army, and I will go back and garrison the original northern Xinjiang area."

"This plan is actually more stable. My pressure will be greater, but the problems will not be big..."

When Li Jing and others heard this, they looked at each other, and then Qin Qiong immediately said, "This second plan will definitely not work. The Holy Marquis has worked hard for a big battle and is in need of self-cultivation. How can the Holy Marquis bear this pressure?"

"Exactly! Although the task in the rear is no different from that of suppressing bandits, it is extremely troublesome and laborious. This hard work must not be left to the Holy Marquis!"

Everyone said something to me, doing all kinds of hard work.

Li Sheng was very pleased. The martial virtues of the Tang Dynasty were still abundant. If he had traveled to the Song Dynasty, he would not know where the blame-shifting would go...

Of course, it is also possible that the great scholars of the Song Dynasty did not know the difficulty of the public security war at all, and simply took over everything, and then overturned, the place was corrupted, and Chang'an was once again invaded...

But seeing everyone so enthusiastic, Li Sheng had an idea of ​​his own and smiled slightly...

"I understand your thoughts. However, unlike what you all think, this Mobei is not a purely frontier place..."

"In a larger world, this place is another piece of the Central Plains, another Xiangyang, and another Chang'an!"

"The responsibilities of the garrison are not as easy as you think..."

Li Sheng smiled slightly, "So I'll leave the garrison in northern Xinjiang to you all. I'll go to the west of Youzhou to garrison the area to take care of the problem."



Li Jing and others were still waiting to ask why it seemed like they had decided.

The key is……

What does this "bigger world" mean...

This is already in Mobei, isn't it considered a borderland?

Equivalent to Xiangyang, Chang'an...

Doesn't it mean that this place in Mobei is actually a holy place that military strategists must fight for?

At this time, although everyone was confused and extremely curious,

However, Li Sheng knew that this topic was too far-reaching and he might not be able to explain it in a short while, so he didn't say anything more - after all, he was also a hero in the fight with the Turks, so he didn't have this little decision-making power...

After making the plan, Li Sheng also decided on the next step.

Return to Fanglingzhou!

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