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Chapter 480 Is it really the reincarnation of Marquis Wu?

This absurd and terrifying possibility quickly emerged in everyone's minds.

Gradually, the more Wang Jing and others thought about it, the more horrified they became.

Because before, no matter how we fought.

Even if Li Sheng is said to be a monster, it is because of Li Sheng...

Machiavellian tactics, wisdom, military science, and all kinds of strange skills...

All the techniques from hundreds of schools of thought are too powerful.

Anyone who has dealt with Li Sheng understands everything.

As the main force on the front line of fighting against the monsters on behalf of the great families of the world, Qi Wang, the fifth surname, has an intuitive understanding of Li Sheng's terror.

A long time ago, Wang Jing, Lu Changgeng, Cui Baihe and others all had a consensus.

Ma De, this monster Li Sheng is probably not the reincarnation of a god.

If it weren't for the real reincarnation of gods, this guy...where could this guy come up with so many tricks and tricks?

This is exactly what Gui Guzi is, this is what he is!

but now……

this moment.

But everyone was really scared.

This is so evil. It is impossible to row a boat without the wind. Could it be that Li Sheng is as capable as Zhuge Liang...

This is very scary!

"This...is this Li Sheng really..."

"Is it true that Marquis Wu is reincarnated?"

Everyone's expressions were extremely ugly, and Lu Changgeng looked at Wang Jing with horror on his face.

Wang Jing's face was pale, he was mumbling to himself, and his thoughts were confused.


"This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible..."

"This Li Sheng is not a god, how could he..."

At this time, Pei Ji also panicked.

As the chief think tank of the group of people with five surnames and seven looks, Yao was also panicked at this moment, completely panicked.

But at least he is calmer than others, or the way he panics is a little different.

After taking a deep breath, Pei Ji said, "Everyone, the matter is unknown at this time, and we cannot make any hasty conclusions. What if... maybe... this matter is not that bad, maybe the servants are spreading lies?"

When the old housekeeper heard this, he was immediately frightened. He hurriedly looked at Wang Jing and knelt down to kowtow.

"Master, me!——"

"shut up!"

Wang Jing shouted angrily, "Get out of here, get out now!"

But at this time, Pei Ji's words also reminded him.

The other people around him, Li Tiancheng, Li Chengqian, etc... all looked over.

Yes, what happened this time was indeed a bit scary.

After all, the monster Li Sheng has reached a new level of monster now...

But then again,

How could such a big ship move without wind?

How to row a boat? Use the head row of this big boat.

But... who knows, what if...

Li Sheng, if you open some openings on the side of the ship and ask the sailors to go to the side of the ship and stick the oars out of the openings, wouldn't it be possible to row the boat?

Thinking about it this way, everyone feels that it is quite reasonable!

That's right...

That's right, that's for sure.

Li Sheng, the monster, must have thought of some weird trick, otherwise the ship would not be able to move.

If you think about it this way, maybe the matter isn't that serious.

we can even say……

Although Wang Jing and others could not think of any basis, they thought that Li Sheng was just a clever trick. What big things could he do? From this point of view, Li Sheng not only did not become more terrifying, but it was also very funny.

To sail this big ship, of course it depends on the wind.

No matter how awesome you, Li Sheng, are, how can you make the ship move without wind?

When Pei Ji said this, everyone immediately calmed down.

Thinking about it carefully, there is even a hint of disdain.


Wang Jing sneered.

"Li Sheng is used to using all kinds of magic to get things done, and now he wants to do it again. It's a pity..."

"This big ship is in countless storms on the sea. This Li Sheng has deceived the foolish emperor Li Er, an ignorant gangster, and still wants to deceive the sea? Haha!"

"I don't think there's any need for us to wait. Let's go over here and see what kind of tricks this Li Sheng is up to!"

Wang Jing said with a sneer, and everyone nodded immediately!

Li Tiancheng, Pei Ji, Xiao Yu, Lu Changgeng, Li Tiancheng... and others all looked angry and disdainful.

Ma De, this Li Sheng really wants to scare everyone to death every day. There are too many tricks, and everyone is almost spoiled by him.

Now when I heard Wang Jing's theory, I suddenly felt that it made so much sense.

Why is Li Sheng so arrogant? Can he frighten the sea?

For a moment, everyone was furious and roared.


"What Brother Wang said is absolutely true!"

"What's so arrogant about this demon? Let's go over right away!"

"Isn't it just that the big ship is moving without wind? This big ship must have used some strange method!"

Everyone roared and set off together, finally reaching a consensus.

Just now……

Wang Jing's words made Pei Ji, Xiao Yu and others, Cui Baihe, Lu Changgeng and others, as well as Li Chengqian.

Even Wang Jing himself.

They all seemed to be inspired by something and had a strange feeling.

That's right... Li Sheng's various magical skills may not be as powerful as they appear on the surface.

Although everyone had previously scolded Li Sheng for his uncanny skills, they had to face the fact that the things Li Sheng made were easy to use.

And now...

They can feel it vaguely.

All the things Li Sheng created were actually ingenious, but not extraordinary. In other words, they were not anything against heaven.

Take the curved shaft plow as an example. No matter how useful the curved shaft plow is, doesn’t it still have to be pulled by people or oxen and horses?

In fact, this is not a revolutionary thing!

Once you realize this...

The long-standing fear in everyone's hearts gradually began to melt away.

When I think of the name Li Sheng, it is no longer so scary.

This time, no matter what tricks Li Sheng does...

Everyone suddenly felt that they could definitely handle it.

If Li Sheng can do this trick, then so can we!

It will pass after a while.

Cars and horses moved slowly, and gradually everyone came to the vicinity of Li Sheng's shipyard.

There were many common people along the way who had also heard that there was a large ship undergoing trial sailing in West Lake Port, and they all came to watch the excitement. Naturally, Wang Jing and his party did not cause any surprise.

On the contrary...

Along the way, Wang Jing and others couldn't help but feel a little dazed when they looked at the busy people coming and going and the scene around the West Lake.

The area around the West Lake has been completely razed to the ground. It is flat and looks very beautiful.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is... beside the West Lake, more than ten rammed earth platforms that seem to be foundations have been built.

These rammed earth platforms are generally about one foot above the ground and look spectacular.

But... what is this used for?

Wang Jing and others looked at each other, "This Li Sheng..."

"Is he really planning to retire here in West Lake? This monster knows how to choose a place, huh..."

West Lake is the place where Fan Li lived in seclusion with Xi Shi after his retirement. Needless to say, the scenery is beautiful.

Thinking of this possibility, everyone felt a little angry.

This chapter has been completed!
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