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Chapter 494 The son is indeed a god forever!

It was not until the invention of paper that instrumental painting based on papermaking finally appeared.

Just like the emergence of bamboo slips, which replaced the inscriptions on bells and tripods, the world has a more convenient way to see and hear. Scholars can know everything about the world without going out. During the Warring States Period, "scholars" began to appear on a large scale, with an explosion of talents and political turmoil.

Institutional innovation is changing with each passing day...

A new world has arrived.

It is also because of bamboo slips that China has poetry.

The same goes for paper.

During the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the invention of papermaking brought about the splendid Jian'an literature, but correspondingly, it also provided room for maneuver for careerists such as Yuan Shao, Zhang Jiao, and Ah Zhongda. The Forbidden Army lost control, people's hearts fluctuated, and eventually the economy was in crisis.

came and completely buried the Han Dynasty.

But correspondingly, paper itself never disappeared, bringing about dark and chaotic times, but also the real art of painting, and... the new economy that accompanied it.

Because of the emergence of bamboo slips, a large number of political innovations occurred in China during the Warring States Period.

As a more powerful information carrier and a tool, paper is naturally used in production and life.

for example……


Therefore, Li Sheng's words did not arouse any doubts at the scene. At this time, drawings were already relatively familiar to the people in China.

Of course, it is not accurate to say that it does not raise any doubts.


After Li Sheng announced.

All the tourists present had the same expression on their faces instantly...


"The blueprint is not a secret recipe, how can it be sold?!"

"Oh my god...this, the drawing of this house, I thought it was a family heirloom, this..."

"My mother, if we can really get this thing, the houses we Jiangdong people will live in in the future will not even be comparable to His Majesty's palace!"

The announcement of this decision...

As the stadium building itself shocked visitors from all walks of life, the announcement of the auction drawings immediately produced a corresponding shock.

Everyone in the entire venue was excited!

Seeing this scene, Wu Meiniang felt dizzy.

Good guy...

He is truly worthy of being a young master...

At this time, I'm still afraid that I won't be able to get funds, I'm afraid...

The young master is indeed an eternal god!

After the auction starts.

Li Sheng followed the auction process in his previous life and auctioned the drawings...

At the same time, he also subtly communicated the auction process to the people gathered today.

Market the entire process.

Of course, this is the first wave of marketing, and the main purpose is to let participants know the general framework.

And in the future, it will naturally be gradually formalized and formalized...

The purpose, of course, is to get all auction participants to pay as high a price as possible.

On this day, the auction house that had just been completed was busy with an auction until late at night.

It wasn't until midnight that the auction ended and the crowd dispersed.

And this time...

Li Sheng directly grabbed a shiny number.

Thirty thousand guan!

This figure is certainly a drop in the bucket compared to the investment in the entire shipbuilding industrial zone, which is nearly one million dollars.

But first of all, this is just the first auction, or even seriously, the only item in the first auction.

And what about the follow-up? What level of income... I can’t even imagine.

On the other hand, the main purpose of this auction is to familiarize the people here with the auction process.

Late at night...

At the end of the auction, 30,000 copper coins were put into the bag.

Li Sheng naturally summoned Wu Meiniang and other employees for a meeting.

There were not many people present, mainly some people from Li Sheng's decision-making team. On the one hand, they were the technical representatives with the best skills among the recruited carpenters and the fastest understanding of shipbuilding technology.

On the other hand, there are people like Wu Meiniang, or the decision-making team from Chang'an Zichengzhai, as well as some talents selected from Lingzhou Academy in the west of the city.

After everyone arrived and took their seats, the crowd was very excited.

No one expected that Li Sheng's fanciful money-making plan would actually become...

Especially Wu Meiniang, she almost fell into submission and washed Li Sheng's feet.

In the past, even though she had helped her elders with the family business since she was a child, in this era of underdeveloped commodity economy, she was already a rare family planner.

But she really never expected Li Sheng's move...

Good guy, you can still make money like this!

Not only Wu Meiniang, but also all the employees under Li Sheng here are blushing and their eyes are shining.

Today’s 30,000 yuan... it’s so satisfying.

"Holy Lord, this auction house makes money too fast. I think we might as well stop building ships in the future. Wouldn't we make more money by doing auctions??"

A staff officer who came from Chengxi Academy excitedly gave Li Sheng suggestions. It turned out that this guy was a familiar face. He was the old man Li Sheng used when he recruited troops to march westward and defeated the Turks.

Ma Zhou!

This time I came to Hangzhou to engage in marine business, and I also brought Ma Zhou with me.

But after Ma Zhou finished speaking, he was immediately glared at by Li Sheng.

"Are you thinking about shit? Do you really think these 30,000 guan are a lot? Let's lose blood this time."

Li Sheng finished speaking angrily.

Ma Zhou and others were stunned.

"Loss of blood? No...that's not right, Holy Marquis, with these 30,000 guan, how many grenades and cakes have to be bought, how come this is still a loss of blood?"

Not only Ma Zhou found it incredible, but everyone else also looked at Li Sheng blankly.

They all felt that what Li Sheng said... was a bit too much for his appetite.

Only Wu Meiniang looked at Li Sheng with a thoughtful expression.

At this time, before Li Sheng could speak, Wu Meiniang answered directly.

"...Young master should mean that this wave of income... Although the income of 30,000 guan is a lot of money, the 30,000 guan is not the profit of the auction house."


"Ah? This..."

Everyone was stunned and looked at each other with confused expressions.

These 30,000 yuan... are not the auction house's profits.

What profit is that?

Isn't this the profit of the auction house...

At this time, only Li Sheng looked at Wu Meiniang in slight surprise...

Good guy, you are worthy of being an empress. After just one month of studying finance with me, you already have financial awareness...

This learning ability, tsk tsk...

When Wu Meiniang saw Li Sheng staring here, her face immediately turned red, but for a moment, she felt extremely proud and sweet.

He sat upright, put on a serious face, and continued,

"First of all, these 30,000 coins are just the selling price of the drawings of the auction house. The value of this is the value of the drawings."

"And the auction house's profit, strictly speaking, is only 10% of the 30,000 guan, which is... 3,000 guan."

Everyone understood Wu Meiniang's explanation instantly.

For a moment, they looked at each other again...

Good guy, it seems much more reasonable...

But think about it carefully, these three thousand strings...

It’s also a huge amount of income!

The auction house just provides a venue. In this night... you can make three thousand coins...

This chapter has been completed!
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