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Chapter 529 Ready to start construction!

Du Ruhui's call came at just the right time to relieve Li Sheng's embarrassment.

Li Sheng, Li Er, Wei Zheng...

The others subconsciously followed the sound, and then curiously followed Du Ruhui's gaze to look downstairs.

The view from the third-floor restaurant was pretty good, and everyone quickly saw the scene outside.

Along the perimeter of the West Lake, there are a total of more than ten square and flat buildings, which seem to be paved with fine stone slabs and are extremely neat.

There is no doubt that these areas are the foundations for the shipbuilding industrial zone.

At present, scaffolding has been erected on these foundations, as if they are ready to start construction.

There are actually more than ten foundations to be started at the same time in the industrial zone...

At first, Li Er, Wei Zheng, and Fang Xuanling were stunned by this scene. They didn't understand what Du Ruhui was surprised about.

But then, I remembered.

This great undertaking of shipbuilding costs a lot of money.

With such a huge cost, it is natural that the entire project cannot be carried out at the same time.

Whether it is according to the plan in Li Sheng's memorial or the financial situation calculated by Li Er, Wei Zheng and others.

It is absolutely impossible to build nine shipyards at the same time.

Instead, we will build three of them first, and after the construction is completed, the first fleet will be produced for a year, go out for a while, and make a profit.

At this stage, some other businessmen are attracted to invest in ships, follow the trend and go to sea, make some money, recoup costs, and then build three more ships.

After there are six shipyards, we will continue to operate them one round and make a profit, and then finally build the next three.

In the whole process, the waiting time for the next three shipyards will be shorter. After all, the first six shipyards have already started to make profits, and it is impossible for the next three shipyards to become unprofitable.

But the problem is...

Even though the latter three will be shorter, during the construction period, these three shipyards are all blank, so we still have to wait.

Waiting and waiting, this is the most confusing and painful part of construction.


After this observation, Li Er, Wei Zheng and others realized that something was wrong.

Why is it that all of a sudden, so many shipyards seem to be starting construction at the same time?

After counting, there are eleven of them.

Not three, not even nine as planned, but eleven!

too exaggerated!

If the construction was not about to start, there would not be so much scaffolding built, otherwise it would not make sense, because the scaffolding would soon break due to wind and rain, and it must be used soon.

Then Li Er was shocked.

What's going on?

"Sir, these sheds are used for..."

Li Er's face was full of surprise and he looked at Li Sheng in disbelief, "What is it used for?"

"What shed?"

Hearing this, Li Sheng followed Li Er's gaze and looked downstairs. He then looked for a long time with a look of doubt on his face.

This doesn't seem to be anything special.

But Li Sheng just finished speaking.

Li Er immediately added, "Of course it's on the foundations! Or..."

"Is there anyone in this industrial area doing red and white things?"

Speaking of which, in ancient times, there were not so many commercially operated hotels.

Whether it's a wedding, a funeral, or a baby's birthday, you pay and you can have it taken care of at any time.

In ancient times, as well as in many modern rural areas, temporary sheds were set up to do such things because there was no such thing as a hotel or the journey was long and inconvenient.

Li Er still couldn't believe that these were all shipyards that were about to start construction...

"Did you say that?"

Li Sheng followed Li Er's gaze and said angrily, "What's there to say? These sheds are naturally a shipyard construction site that is about to start construction."

Now it's confirmed.

Li Er, Wei Zheng, Du Ruhui, Fang Xuanling...

Everyone was stunned.

Are these... really the shipyards that are about to start construction?


Eleven buildings, started at the same time!

Li Sheng, Prince, Your Highness... No, half-immortal.

Such a large investment cannot be wrong, right?

What kind of chicken have you caught? Can it lay golden eggs???

Or wherever Li Sheng goes, money will fall from the sky?

What the hell is this!


No, Li Er couldn't even imagine it.

If ancient and modern emperors could have this ability, I'm afraid it would still be the Xia Dynasty now...

Let’s not talk about anything else about Li Sheng’s shipyard.

The financial status revealed by these construction sites alone can be called unbelievable!

We need to know how the dynasty was destroyed since ancient times.

It can be said that careerists are running rampant, assassins and rangers are running rampant, and political turmoil is happening. It can be said that people's minds have changed and rebellions have increased sharply. It can be said that land annexation is serious and people are living in dire straits...

But in addition to this part, there is another landmark event, which is the emptiness of the treasury.

And Li Sheng...

If these sheds are really being built in the shipyard, then there is nothing special about this girl. It would be like Guan Zhong has been reincarnated!

Seeing Li Er and others' faces full of surprise,

Li Sheng couldn't help but be surprised. This shipyard...

It doesn't seem to be anything special, besides...

"No, Lao Li... your family was not in the shipbuilding business before? Have you never seen a shipbuilder?"

Li Sheng was a little surprised that the other party looked surprised.

Aren’t they just a few shipyards?

If you want to build a few shipyards, you can't just use your right hand.

Li Er and others' heads turned back dizzy.

Looking at Li Sheng again, his eyes were filled with stars and he was dizzy.

"Sir, this shipyard..."

"I originally heard that the imperial court allocated funds to you, but...well, several shipyards are building the same shipyards. How come...there are so many projects started at once???"

Li Er couldn't hold it back in the end. He couldn't hold himself any longer and had to ask!

Li Sheng laughed when he heard this.

Oh...it took me a long time to do this.

Regarding this issue, there is nothing else to say.

Li Sheng simply shrugged.

"This matter is said to be complex, but it is also complicated. But it is said to be simple, but in fact it is also simple..."

"Of course, the more cash flow, the better. On the one hand, it is to increase revenue and increase income. Didn't the Nuclear Weapons Institute also renovate the ice cream factory..."

Li Er and the others can still understand the logic Li Sheng said.

The general meaning is that this shipyard cannot generate income immediately, but it needs to engage in other businesses first to increase some income.

This idea is quite similar to Guan Zhong recorded in history, and there is really nothing wrong with it.

But then again, the new words in Li Sheng's mouth never stopped feeling.

Li Er and others can only be secretly shocked, what the hell is this...

It’s a weapon that kills giants, and it’s a ‘He Wu Yuan’ that I’ve never heard of... What does this mean?

"Sir, what is this 'Five Courtyards'?"

Li Sheng was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then suddenly realized that he was talking nonsense.

He immediately laughed, "Old Li, you don't need to understand this thing for the time being. It's quite profound, hahahaha!"

This chapter has been completed!
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