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Chapter 553 Too exciting!

Many of the guests present had never expected this.

Not only are there really hardwoods for sale this time.

And it is the rarest and rarest of the finest hardwoods.

Such things usually belong to the auspicious category.

Or, it could be sent to Chang'an as an auspicious sign to offer to His Majesty to build a palace, and to make his family's hometown more famous by making him look familiar.

Or, use it where it matters most.

For example, building an ancestral hall.

Obviously, since people deliberately built a building like an ancestral hall, they would not take it lightly - if the ancestral hall collapsed, this would be extremely ominous in this era.

During the Western Jin Dynasty, the Imperial Ancestral Temple collapsed, and everyone knew the story behind it. They directly traveled south in their clothes, and the entire court was beaten by Shi Le until they ran away collectively...

In addition to important buildings such as ancestral halls, there is also shipbuilding.

In Jiangdong at this time, land was still the top resource. Unlike in later generations, land annexation was fierce and the private commodity economy was developing...

But even if it is not as developed as the commodity economy of the Song Dynasty, with ships and ships of pure industrial products, such as iron pots, Jiangdong is still Jiangdong, with abundant water and grass, and abundant products. It is true that the products are abundant, so naturally

There is a need for transportation.

This time...

All the guests present seemed to see the light.

Good guy, this thing shouldn't start so well?

But even so, there are still a large number of people who can't help but be tempted.

If such a good thing really existed, it would be so exciting!

But then...

Wu Meiniang took a breath and announced...

"This round of bidding starts now. The starting price is one thousand coins!"

"A thousand strings?!"

"Holy shit, Qian Guan?!"

Upon hearing Wu Meiniang's announcement, all the guests in the audience were stunned.

One thousand guan, which is only five times the price of the ticket.

Although one thousand guan is not a small amount.

But compared to the previous sky-high prices of tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of dollars, this is much cheaper!

And the most important thing is that there are still rules when it comes to shooting things that cost tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands.

That is, for each auction, the price increase must not be less than one-tenth of the previous price.

In other words, if the starting bid is 10,000 guan, you must get at least 11,000 guan when bidding.

Every time you add a thousand guan, it will become an astronomical figure soon. Every time you increase the price, it is a huge psychological struggle.

And this time, this thing...

The starting price is only one thousand guan, which means that everyone can increase the price by one hundred guan and one hundred guan!

This price increase is higher than before...

Although compared to the initial price of hardwood, which is less than one hundred guan per piece, it is still much more expensive for the best quality wood, which is only 100 to 200 guan.

But compared to the current price of tens of thousands of dollars on the black market, this is too much conscience!

As Wu Meiniang announced the starting price.

For a moment, the entire venue fell silent.

And then...

One second later.

All the guests in the entire venue were excited and started bidding!

"I'll pay you one thousand one hundred guan!"

"One thousand two hundred strings!"

"Fifteen hundred strings, I want it!"

"One thousand eight hundred guan! Vice President Wu, give it to me!"

"Two thousand guan! Two thousand guan once, two thousand guan twice..."

"Two thousand five hundred dollars! This hardwood must be mine!"

Suddenly, the entire auction venue was in a climax.

After two months, hardwood finally reappeared in the official market for the first time, completely detonating this group of Jiangdong wealthy businessmen.

So exciting!

As soon as the bidding started, it was extremely fierce. The entire huge auction venue turned into a mess, and the crowd was noisy and excited.

After a while, the price of Blink House directly exceeded 5,000 yuan.

It is directly five times higher than the original one thousand strings!

This price jumped directly from more than 3,000 guan to 5,000 guan. When this price appeared in this way, the guests in the auction venue couldn't help but be startled.

Good guy, is this five thousand strings?

Although it is not yet prohibitive to everyone, the price has soared so fast that everyone can't help but be stunned.

Spending five thousand coins to build a ship...is it really worth it?

This is just a mast.

But then, everyone realized it.

If it remains the same as in the past, hardwood can always be found if you are willing to look hard, and you can get it into your home at a relatively reasonable price.

But now, things are different.

When hardwood is so scarce, the value of this top-quality hardwood is different from before, because...things are rare and valuable!

In the past, it was basically impossible to make back the cost of a ship built with five thousand masts.

But now, if no one else can build it, there will be no ships.

Then this will probably be the only big ship in the future, sorry. I can really make money back!

The principle is the same as graphics card mining. No matter how high the price is... others can't buy it, but I can mine it. Can't I make money back...

Although it is impossible for these ancient people from Jiangdong to know what a graphics card is, the principle is the same.

Make things rare and valuable, and that's it!

Thinking of this, everyone's heads were stuck for a while, and then the crazy bidding frenzy started again.

"Six thousand strings!"

"Six thousand five hundred strings!"

"Six thousand... six thousand six hundred..."

"Eight thousand strings!"

"Eight thousand three hundred strings!"

"Eight thousand seven hundred strings!"

"Nine thousand five hundred strings!"

"Ten thousand, I'll give you ten thousand!"

"Don't even try to rob me! Twelve thousand guan!"

"Twelve thousand guans are here to show off one's shame? I have fifteen thousand..."

"Sixteen thousand strings!"

Amidst the noise.

The price of lumber is rising rapidly.

During this period, Li Er naturally made several bids.

From the moment the giant tree appeared, Li Er thought about it for a while and finally figured it out.

It's pretty much what Wang Jing and others thought, this wood...

Sheng'er's side is probably just this one, or at most three or five.

After all, the whole country is out of stock, and Sheng'er is not a fairy, so he can't conjure hard wood.

Therefore Li Er also knew,

My child, Li Sheng, must have been under a lot of pressure recently.

And this pressure, of course, comes from... Sheng'er himself has always cared about the people of the world.

On the other hand, it came from myself. Although the idea of ​​building ships to go to sea and exploring the maritime territory was proposed by Sheng Er, the edict was issued by myself.

At this time, as a king and father, how can you sit back and watch your children and subjects fall into pressure and ignore them.

Of course, we should try our best to reduce some of the burden on our children!


Li Er's several bids, including three thousand guan, six thousand guan, and eleven thousand guan, were quickly overwhelmed by other people's bids.

This made Li Er more and more nervous.

The competition for this hardwood was so fierce, it seemed that the shortage must be severe, and the entire group of gentry in Jiangdong seemed to be going crazy.

But gritting his teeth, Li Er knew that he still had to take action!


This chapter has been completed!
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