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Chapter 591 Under the heavy reward, is there no brave man?

In addition to not being greedy for merit, Li Sheng also felt...

Well, for scientific research, apart from institutions, there should also be some other incidental things.

for example……

"Principal, this is the credit of our entire academy!"

King Luo Bin smelled of steamed leather, but his face was full of excitement.

However, despite being excited, King Luo Bin smiled sheepishly and gave the credit to the entire academy.

after all……

Although King Luo Bin didn’t know how to discuss this matter, if he thought about it carefully...

"Well, principal, listen to the students."

"If students just rely on themselves, they might be able to find this kind of leather."

"But this time, if the teachers and students of the school do not work together to participate in national affairs, what virtue and ability can these students have? How long will it take for them to produce results?"

"So the students believe that in this matter, the honor should belong to the entire academy, all teachers and students!"

King Luo Bin spoke in a very firm tone!

Although the logical expression was not clear enough, and King Luo Bin himself did not even think clearly, his views were clearly expressed, as were several students behind him.

Li Sheng couldn't help but smile with emotion.

Good guy, the ancients in this era actually had statistical awareness...

Yes, just as King Luo Bin said, all the teachers and students of the academy have contributed this time.

If you really want to take credit, everyone has credit.

But Li Sheng also knew that the merits must be calculated equally... This generation is fine. After all, at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the consciousness was high, but when the next generation of young people comes out, things will not be certain.

So Li Sheng naturally has his own ideas about this reward mechanism.

So he laughed and said,

"I will make my own decision on how to reward merit."

"It is true that all the teachers and students of the school participated in the leather refining experiment this time, but... not all of them contributed equally. Since it was you who finally came up with the results, then..."

Li Sheng thought for a moment and shook his head, "Then, naturally, you should take the lion's share of the credit."


When King Luo Bin heard this, he was stunned for a moment... Several classmates in a group behind him also looked uneasy.

It's naturally a good thing to take more credit, but on the other hand...

Do you really deserve this sole credit? After all, in the final analysis...

Although King Luo Bin couldn't explain it, or even couldn't quite figure it out, his intuition always told him that his contribution didn't seem that big...

But Li Sheng went on to say,

"It seems that most of the workload is indeed not done by you. After all, one person's credit cannot achieve a large number of effects..."

"But the other way around..."

Li Sheng smiled slightly, "Even if the direct working hours are different, the work quality and efficiency are different."

"To improve the quality of work and improve work efficiency...this requires extra time and energy. In this way...should those who have expended energy and intelligence be rewarded?"

"If there is no such reward, who will take the initiative to improve efficiency and quality in the future?"

Li Sheng finished speaking calmly, and then said...

"It should be noted that everything I create... is ultimately designed to improve people's labor efficiency and quality."

"Without a real twenty-level knighthood to reward military merit, who would think of earning military merit?"

"So in this sense..."

"Without the same rewards, who would think about improving efficiency and quality, how can more good things continue to emerge in Datang?"

Li Sheng's words were directly heard by King Luo Bin and others and they were stunned.

Everyone really didn't expect that the experiment they did this time would be of such high value?

Everyone was still a little incredulous, but seeing everyone's disbelief, Li Sheng smiled and continued.

"Please remember that the world in China is a world where everyone is equal. The emperor and heaven are above, and everything must be fair!"

"You guys go back first. For this experiment, I will distribute rewards and subsidies to all the teachers and students in the school. As for you..."

Li Sheng smiled slightly and said, "I have other ideas about this matter. Just go back and wait!"

King Luo Bin finally understood that he might have really contributed a lot...

But once I figured this out, I felt a sigh of relief in my heart.

From ancient times to the present, only superiors have always taken credit for the achievements of subordinates. There are a few superiors who specifically discuss the merits of subordinates, and they also discuss great merits.

When this happened, King Luo Bin felt mixed emotions.

I secretly swore in my heart...

From now on, I will definitely follow the Holy Marquis to the death!

After seeing off King Luo Bin and others, Li Sheng was still very excited.

To say that the harvest this time is really not big.

After all, we finally have a relatively reliable seal...

Then my idea of ​​returning to Chang'an to recuperate for a period of time can really be realized. Otherwise, I would have to be Party A myself and torture myself by repeatedly finding fault with the design...

You really don’t need it now, just design it normally.

And just normal design...

For Li Sheng, the difficulty is much lower.

Things like engines, what kind of aircraft engines do you think they are, or engines for aircraft carriers...

The technical difficulty is indeed something that cannot be solved by oneself, it requires a whole large team to handle it.

But a steam engine, and its performance does not seek to be top-notch and incredible, is not a dare.

Li Sheng is confident that he will be able to solve the problem by himself in a short time.

But before that...

Not only for the entire project, but also for the future of the entire academy, as well as the future technological level of the entire Datang,

It’s also so that I can have a good rest these days…

Li Sheng decided to write a letter to Li Er first.

What policies should be used to recruit talents?

Li Sheng almost didn't have to think carefully. The answer couldn't be simpler...

If you directly arrange for a Nobel Prize to be awarded, are you afraid that the world's heroes will not be able to come out in hiding?

By the time……

The more Li Sheng thought about it, the more he felt that this plan was feasible!

In fact, it's not that he hadn't thought about it before. In fact, when he found out that he had traveled through time in Youzhou, not long after he settled down, Li Sheng thought of various ways to transform the world. But as time went by, he gradually

I am a Buddhist, after all, I am an Orion hunter.

One of them is to set up something similar to the Nobel Prize.

On the one hand, this thing can be used as a means of exporting ideology. On the other hand, it is of greater significance in stimulating scientific and technological progress.

Under the heavy reward, how can there be no brave man?

But since it is in China, of course it cannot be called a Nobel Prize directly... First of all, this person is a jerk, and no one knows him anyway. Moreover, most people in China have different concepts from those over there.

To establish such a mechanism, of course it must be localized.

Li Sheng thought for a while and was about to start writing a memorial.

This chapter has been completed!
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