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Chapter 609 Have You Really Planted Land?

A few middle-aged to older Tang Dynasty intellectuals, like a group of old naughty boys, pestered me to take them for a walk.

Li Sheng could only say that there was no one left in this weird scene.

"Sir, what does this farmland look like...what do you think, Master?"

"How about what?"

Li Sheng frowned when Wei Zheng asked him with a playful smile.

"Isn't farmland just farmland? How does it look? I said it looks beautiful and fragrant, but you can still hold this thing and chew on it?"

"Hahahahaha, of course not, of course not... Well, I just feel that on this beautiful occasion, this farmland is full of joy..."

"Isn't it natural that farmland grows well?"

Li Sheng smiled slightly proudly, "It has been repaired with pesticides, chemical fertilizers and water conservancy. If the farmland does not grow well, then our game will be completely ruined."

Wei Zheng and others didn't understand what "my ball" meant, but...

They still understood the meaning of Li Sheng's words.

These words may seem like small talk, but they secretly point out three key points in the world's farming affairs.

These three keys are water conservancy, fertility, and insect infestation!

Wei Zheng and others looked at each other, their hearts beating fast.

So to say……

The prescriptions that the young master gave to my brother are indeed divine things...

Pest removal prescription, this thing is so easy to use!

At this time, Fang Xuanling rolled his eyes and suddenly had a plan on his mind.

As soon as Li Sheng finished speaking, Fang Xuanling chuckled lightly,

"Sir, let's not forget the water conservancy and fertilizer. They are all refined products. But this pesticide...the pesticide is to get rid of the locusts in this area. How much can we increase production?"

"The importance of this insecticide is probably hard to compare with water conservancy and chemical fertilizers!"

Fang Xuanling said this,

The eyes of Li Er, Wei Zheng, and Du Ruhui on the side suddenly lit up, and they stared at Fang Xuanling and winked, almost giving a thumbs up on the spot.

Gosh, this is awesome!

This Fang Xuanling is indeed a celebrity in the Confucian circle. He uses these words in such a way that it is impossible to tell that he is actually telling a story!

And Li Sheng didn't think much about it. After all, there was no need to think so much about interfering with a few old naughty boys.

Just sneered.

"It's hard to compare? Old Fang, you seem to be deliberately making me laugh!"

Li Sheng laughed directly,

"With or without pesticides, the direct impact on agricultural output is indeed not that big. According to the standards you think of, it may not be as big as the impact of Quyuan plow. But..."

"Have you really farmed?"

Seeing Li Sheng's sudden sneer, Li Er, Wei Zheng and others were startled.

It's really rude to say what Li Sheng said, but...

These words clearly contain a lot of information!

Everyone looked at each other, and then subconsciously moved closer to Li Sheng, "Please...please give me some advice, Master!..."

"Sigh... I say you are just a group of older scholars, but you still don't accept it."

Li Sheng shook his head angrily and then got down to business.

"It is true that pesticides cannot directly and significantly increase food production...but the magnitude is actually not small."

"The most important thing is that pesticides can improve the yield of agricultural products!"

"Yield rate?"

Another new word came out of Li Sheng's mouth, which made Li Er and others startled.

But Du Ruhui immediately remembered,

"The yield rate... I know this!"


This time it was Li Sheng's turn to be surprised, "Lao Du, you actually know this concept? That's okay!"

Not only Li Sheng, but also Li Er, Wei Zheng and others were all staring at Du Ruhui this time.

Du Ruhui pondered for a moment and then said...

"This yield rate means that in the factory..."

"It is certain that the items made are both good and bad, good and bad. And the yield rate... is the number of items that are truly usable after removing the bad ones."

"Of course, it's not the quantity itself, but the calculation of this quantity..."

"Good products divided by total product quantity."

"Yes, yes! Young Master made it clear!" Du Ruhui said excitedly with a smile on his face, "This is the yield rate!"

When Du Ruhui said this, Li Er, Wei Zheng and others immediately looked at him with admiration. For a moment, their eyes looked different when they looked at Du Ruhui.

We all have been following His Majesty for a long time, and now... we actually know each other very well, and we all know that we are at the same level.

But this time it was different, everyone felt different.

Du Ruhui actually knows such a profound knowledge as yield rate, this is completely different...

Oh my god, we really only have to say goodbye for three days, when...?

Li Er, Wei Zheng and others were secretly frightened, and kept telling themselves in their minds that it was impossible...

When we get the opportunity, we must also learn this great science, otherwise this trend will continue...

Ma De, I'm afraid the chance to leave a name in history is gone.

No, we have to practice quietly and become stronger secretly, otherwise we will be stunned by this old yin Du Ruhui in minutes...

Li Er and others were surprised, but at the same time...

Here, Li Sheng also smiled and nodded.

"That's exactly it."

"Not only in industry, but also in agriculture, there is also a problem of yield rate."

"Imagine that the fruit farmers in Tianzhong have worked so hard for a whole year to grow the fruits..."

"As a result, the insects and flies ate them, and they came and went... In this orchard, most of the fruits were eaten by insects."

"If it were just food..."

Li Sheng said while walking beside the farmland, "That's not bad. After all, one grain was eaten by insects, but the other grains are still there. But if it is fruits and melons, then things will be troublesome...


Li Sheng frowned when he said this.

"Then it's not just a matter of losing a few percent of the grain, but the whole orchard and the farmer's family's hard work for a whole year will be wasted. When the time comes, it won't be a problem to sell their sons and daughters!"

Li Er and others were stunned as they listened.

After Li Sheng said this, they realized that this pest... was actually far more serious than everyone imagined!

Of course, fruit infested with insects can naturally be sold for money, which does not mean that it cannot be eaten.

But the problem is, the fruit is infested with moths, which means that in the future...

It will definitely be difficult to sell it at a good price.

The output of fruits and vegetables is far inferior to that of grain - otherwise these things would become grain.

Farmers' livelihood depends on the higher price of these crops compared to food.

If the price is not high, even if it is sold at a fair price, it will be a loss.

It’s almost better than nothing, and it’s not much better!

Although Li Er and others were concerned about the world, they were from ordinary backgrounds. How could they know these many details? When Li Sheng said it, he suddenly became enlightened.

And then...

Li Sheng suddenly laughed mischievously, "And there is another thing. Planting it with or without pesticides makes a huge difference!"

This chapter has been completed!
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