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Chapter 621 Tang Country... Li Sheng?

Did the Tang Dynasty develop shipbuilding industry in Hangzhou?

Jieli Khan and the others really don’t know much about this matter...

Except Zheng Xuannian.

Although Zheng Xuannian was sent to Mobei to assist the Turks by the internal decision of the Zheng family in Xingyang, his ties with the family were not severed.

In a great game in Hangzhou, the five surnames and Qiwang suffered heavy losses, and even the largest Wang family in Taiyuan suffered serious losses - nearly half of the land was converted into copper coins, cloth and other highly liquid properties. In the end, the game was still

lost heavily.

Zheng Xuannian is also a core member of the Zheng family, so how could he not know about such a big matter?

But if you know it, you know it...

But after all, Zheng Xuannian was not in the Central Plains during this period, and of course the details are not clear.

Of course, Zheng Xuannian was even more confused as to why Yuan Gaisuwen, a Xianbei native in this cold land of Mobei, suddenly became concerned about this matter...

Seeing the doubt on the other side's face, Yeon Gaesumun smiled slightly, but didn't hide it.

"Everyone, let me tell you the truth, although there are many people in Goguryeo who control strings, fishing and hunting include fishing and hunting, and hunting and fishing. We Xianbei people are equally familiar with the business of the sea."

"In today's world, the Tang Kingdom is powerful. A duel on land... Even though we, Goguryeo, are strong, we may not be able to defeat us. Goguryeo is located in the far north and is closed in the cold. Even the Tang Kingdom cannot easily conquer us."

"Now on land, we and the Tang State may be locked in a long confrontation. At this time..."

Yeon Gae So-moon sighed softly as he spoke,

"If we do not seek new benefits for Goguryeo from the sea and increase our national strength, I am afraid that the confrontation will still fail in the long run."

"Since we in Goguryeo also have heroes who are familiar with maritime affairs... why not make plans early and compete with Tang on the sea!"

Yeon Gae So-moon’s words were sonorous and powerful, and he was honest from the bottom of his heart.

Jieli Khan and others were impressed, and at the same time...

It also sparked some hope.

That's right...the Han people in the Central Plains have all kinds of wonderful skills and good things, and their armaments have always been developed. However, correspondingly, the Han people are farming and settling down, and they will not easily leave their homeland.

At sea, no matter how powerful the Tang army was, they still had the problem of not being familiar with the sea.

Now that Goguryeo has powerful sailors and navy at its disposal, why not compete with Tang on the sea?

If this is fixed, maybe we can use the sea to encroach on the interests of the Tang State, weaken its economic treasury, and gradually devour...

Thinking of this, Jieli Khan couldn't help but admire him. There were more Han people in Goguryeo than Turks, and they were indeed more thoughtful than Turks.

But here comes the problem. The Turks... are the overlords on land, and we are not familiar with things at sea.

If Goguryeo decided to control Tang from the sea, wouldn’t we Turks be useless?

Jieli Khan thought this, but he was filled with doubts and worries. Before he could clarify his thoughts, Zheng Xuannian beside him had already opened his mouth with shining eyes.

"Although I'm not talented, my parents have some property in Hangzhou, and I've had some dealings with the demon Li Sheng. If the general wants to know the situation, I must tell you everything!"

Then he excitedly turned to look at Jieli Khan, "Khan, now that the Tang Kingdom is unstoppable on the ground, it's time to plan for it at sea!"

When Zheng Xuannian said this, Jieli Khan couldn't help but get excited.

If you think about it carefully, this is indeed the case. On land...

If the Turks can't defeat them, then isn't Goguryeo the same?

If you want to defeat the Tang Dynasty, you must have a broad mind.


Yuengai Suwen is now concerned about matters at sea, and Jieli Khan can't help but be a little worried. Is this Turkic combat experience still useful?

If it's useless, then it's still a trouble... It's very troublesome for the Turks.

But then, Yeon Gaesumun smiled and said.

"That's right. Now the Tang Dynasty is so powerful that it has few opponents on land. If we want to compete with it at sea in the future, we must rely on General Jieli's experience."

As he spoke, he cupped his hands to Jieli Khan and said solemnly,

"Goguryeo will confront the Tang State, and the general's support is indispensable. What is the secret of the Tang State's grenades and other items? I hope the general will enlighten you!"

As soon as Jieli Khan heard this, he knew that the Turkic combat experience was indeed useful.

This made sense, everyone opened up about their intentions, and communication naturally became smoother.

On this day, Yeon Gae Su Wen took Jie Li, Zheng Xuannian and others to chat until late at night.

Finally, we finally made a plan!

The navy of Goguryeo must go south. At the same time...

From Zheng Xuannian's mouth, Yeon Gaesumun learned that the Tang State's latest plan is to build a fleet to eat up the fertile land in the extreme south and open up new territories.

It is extremely rich in resources, and because of the warm climate, it is even richer in products. The local natives are lazy but don't know what famine is.


Yeon Gae So-moon’s train of thought became clear.

Since the "navy" of the Tang Dynasty is going south, then Goguryeo's goal must also go south!

Of course, the sea route to the south is long and difficult to cross easily. If we want to establish a stable route, ground support is essential.

To achieve this goal, it would definitely be unwise to seize the Tang Dynasty's coastal cities, but...

The islands along the coast can be called Goguryeo's treasure.

Based on these islands, it can also threaten the coastal towns of Tang State.

This wave is a sure win!

Yeon Gae Suwen's thoughts were quickly clarified, and the plan in his mind quickly took shape.

After the party...

Yeon Gaesumun returned to his study, picked up a pen and looked at the white paper on the desk. The white paper was imported from the Tang Dynasty, and there was a map drawn on the white paper.

This is clearly the map of the southeastern waters of China hanging in Li Ergong!

Yeon Gaesumun did not understand the Tang Dynasty as he pretended to do just now. He pretended not to understand it in order to induce the psychological tendency of others to learn from others, so that he could learn more about it.

An inexplicable smile appeared on his face.

"Tang Guo...Li Sheng?"


"Since everyone boasts that you are an unparalleled virtuous minister and brave general, let me take a good look at how capable you are, hehehehe..."

Saying this, Yeon Gaesumun took a charcoal pencil and sketched on the map of dotted islands near the southeast corner of the southeast coast of Tang State...

"...This is really strange for Li Sheng. He knew there was this island, but he didn't even name it? I'm afraid this is not a secret..."

"...What is the name of this island?"

"Zhongzuo Institute."

"Zhongzuo Institute?"

When Wu Meiniang heard Li Sheng's words, she couldn't help but show surprise on her face.

Zhongzuo Institute...what is this place?

What a strange, hard-to-pronounce name...

Li Sheng smiled slightly and did not answer.

The name of the island is just a name. Of course... Zhongzuosuo Island also has a name, called Xiamen.

This chapter has been completed!
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