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Chapter 708 The whole ship, the grenade!

All the people are soldiers, a very heroic statement.

But generally speaking, there are two drills a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. At night, there are also arrangements for military theory study of military books, and the army trains at an intensity of 996...

It is also the highest-quality professional army known as the "field army" in later generations.

In later generations, even in a well-established industrial country, the mobilization efficiency was often only one person out of thirty.

If calculated in terms of men, the proportion is higher, but not too much. After all, a powerful army cannot be separated from logistics, and logistics cannot be separated from production.

Needless to say, in ancient times, organizing an army has always been an extremely difficult task. This is why even warlords who engage in unbridled chaos and cause great harm can often get the title of "hero".

In addition to the shamelessness of many literati who are willing to say anything for money, another more important factor is that organizing an army is not easy in itself.

Within a region, someone who can arm an army of 10% to 20% of men can be regarded as a rare political and military figure in ancient and modern times.

Not to mention women and children... Only one military sage, Sun Wuzi, could do this since ancient times.

But now...

The thing you dreamed of happened.

Chai Shao suddenly realized that the family members of the Forbidden Army who had been picked up on the ship this time could actually become not only elite, but also definitely capable of fighting. So...

In the future, this battle will not only be remembered in history, it will also be included in various military records...

It was so dreamy that Chai Shao almost doubted his life at this moment. But seeing...

To be precise, I was listening to the waves on the sea surface, and the frequency of lapping against the side of the ship gradually became higher.

As the night slowly passes, the sun seems to rise at any time.

But the sun has not risen after all, and as the sound of the waves becomes more and more anxious, the air seems to be getting hotter.

Chai Shao's breathing was a little rapid, and it took him a while to calm down.

The ancients said that martial arts masters have long breaths, which means that when a person is fighting, the time from normal breathing to rapid breathing is very long. This means excellent physical strength, and most importantly... the ability to stay calm.

Just when Chai Shao was calming down, a fierce and sharp whistle suddenly sounded in the air, as if some kind of raptor appeared.

The sharp whistling sound approached quickly, and he was right in front of him in the blink of an eye.

Chai Shao felt a warning sign in his heart, and he took a step to one side. The next moment...

Ma Zhou was sweating coldly as he witnessed an arrow grazing the tip of Chai Shao's nose, shooting across the sea, and nailing the wooden wall of the cabin until the feather tail was missing.

God will not give anyone better luck just because he is a famous general, has great military achievements or is deeply loved.

However, this horrifying scene happened and everyone finally got into the mood.

Chai Shao looked at the deck and the old, weak, women and children whispering and shivering on the side of the ship...

I couldn't help but feel a little unbearable in my heart. These people were ordinary people. The male members of the family had to work for the country, and now I just went with them...

As a result, we didn't go very far when we encountered this kind of thing.

However, it is useless to say so much now, after all, the battle has begun.

It’s already started, let’s take action.

Chai Shao gave an order, and the sailors on the two ships responded one after another. The sound shook the sky and the momentum was like a rainbow.

This made Chai Shao feel a little heavy. In fact, they also knew that the troops were insufficient this time, so they were outnumbered and the odds were against them.

But even though they were holding weapons, they showed no signs of timidity. They were using themselves to cheer up everyone on the ship.

In this case, I can't be distracted anymore.

Chai Shao quickly cheered up, personally picked up a heavy crossbow and came to the side of the ship.

"All ships, shooter mines!"

Fortunately, this time, although the well-trained Imperial Guards turned into old, weak, women and children, due to previous considerations, sufficient grenades were prepared on the ship.

This thing can reserve a lot of combat power without much bulk or weight.

An arrow piercing the clouds, thousands of troops, and the battle finally begins.

After a while, it passed...

The familiar arrows are like rain of locusts, and the familiar explosions and water splashes are happening again.

But this time...

Finally it was Yeon Gaesumun's turn to be shocked.

The battle has just begun. A casual look at the fleet on our side shows that none of them are within fifty steps of the Tang army's warships. They are all swimming at a distance of about a hundred steps.

This distance was not set casually. Yeon Gaesomun strictly ordered this distance to be maintained because the distance of fifty to one hundred steps was where bows and arrows could comfortably shoot, and the Tang army could only use bows and crossbows to fight.

As for the powerful grenade offensive that the Tang army was proud of, which once defeated the Turks? Sorry, this distance is not enough!

The grenade cannot be thrown fifty steps away!

After Yeon Gaesomun learned the legend of the "Sky Thunder Sacred Weapon" in Goguryeo, he personally organized thousands of soldiers to try to throw it.

The results couldn't be more clear. The distance that almost everyone could throw with all their strength was only more than twenty steps, and not even many could reach more than thirty steps.

Among the thousands of people, there is only one Black Tooth Changzhi who has thrown fifty steps. And this guy is currently...

For this reason, after Yeon Gaesumun Yu suffered a loss in the battle with the Tang army, he immediately responded and ordered the entire army to keep a distance of fifty to a hundred steps when fighting.

Arrows can pass through, but grenades cannot come in!

This was the only opportunity for the Goguryeo army to fight fairly against the Tang army.

Of course, the Tang Army's warships are faster. If they don't encircle them, then the Tang Army can just escape——

The distance of fifty to one hundred steps is simply impossible to achieve.

And if they are surrounded, then the Tang army can charge - anyway, there will always be warships that they will rush into.

But generally speaking, no matter where it is, it is best to encircle as much as possible. The advantage of encirclement operations is still too great. If the Tang army tries to charge and break through, the ships behind will follow and shoot arrows, and the ships in front can escape as soon as possible.

Anyway, it is a matter of fighting and retreating. As long as the ships behind are killing faster than the ships in front, there will always be a time window to avoid the threat of grenades and have a head-on archery battle with the Tang army.

but now……

A terrible thing happened. The Tang Army's grenade range actually increased...

It's the same as archery, it's also a distance of eighty to one hundred steps!

This is very terrifying. With such a heavy grenade, the Tang Army could actually project it a hundred and eighty steps like a feathered arrow. What is this concept?

This means that any arrow attack will be immediately countered by a grenade strike.

The Tang army is now not afraid of the Goguryeo warships' plan to synchronize their advance and retreat!

Yuan Gaisuwen was in a state of shock. If Feather Arrow lost its range advantage, then the war with Tang would really be...

The tide is over...

This chapter has been completed!
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