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Chapter 749 Literacy Textbook!

When they thought that the great scholar from Jiangdong would appear again and control the world's cultural education with one mouth, and that the children in private schools all over the country would be taken advantage of by these people, Wei Zheng and others felt as sick as if they had eaten flies.

At this time, Wei Zheng and others felt that all the conflicts they had had with this group of people over the past year were really worth it. After all, they had really made these people bleed.


Why did Your Majesty still support Tai'a this time and give others power?

This is very strange!

Wei Zheng couldn't hold himself any longer and had to stand up and say something.

But before he could stand up, he heard Li Er say with a smile, "Everyone, you are very concerned about this cultural and educational matter..."

When Li Er said this, everyone below felt their hearts tremble.

What's going on? Li Er always felt like he had a bad premonition in his tone, as if he was speaking sarcastically.

However, Li Er didn't say anything sarcastic yet. What he said next was,

"My heart is so comforted, my heart is so comforted!"

When these four words came out, the ministers in the court immediately felt relieved. They thought Li Er was waiting for an opportunity to punish them, but they didn't expect that he really praised everyone.

But then...

"...However, this time I want to develop culture and education, but I don't need you to work hard. This time I want to develop culture and education, and I have a clever plan to do it!"

After Li Er finished speaking... there was complete silence in the Li Zheng Palace.

The ministers looked at Li Er in astonishment, their expressions a little dull.

Well, it's actually reversed again.


I'm afraid this matter is not very scientific. If you don't need a scholar like me, then who are you going to use, Your Majesty?

Although everyone was mentally prepared, Li Er's words still made people a little confused.

Does Li Er insist on using his own people? But when it comes to teaching and educating people, how can those people be compared to the old scholars like you? They are simply incomparable.

Then this Li Er is...

Everyone looked at each other, but they didn't feel panic in their hearts.

But the next moment, Li Er added, "The booklet you just saw in your hands is the thing that I will issue to the world this time."

"With this as a foundation, we don't need to recruit great Confucian scholars to be the world's teachers. We can also educate the people of the world and make everyone in the Tang Dynasty literate!"

Li Er finally came to the topic and directly threw out the whole violent theory, and this time...

The faces of the ministers below turned pale instantly.

Now they understood why Li Er had such a good attitude and gave them such a good opportunity.

This... this thing seems to have a chance, but Li Er has actually planned it for a long time, and has no intention of giving any so-called chance!

At this moment, the faces of all the ministers turned pale.

If this pattern continues, things may become complicated. After all, who knows what Li Er’s plan is...

Don’t let the party members not be cultivated, but instead create a bunch of little Wei Zheng, Xiao Du Ruhui and Xiao Li Sheng, then the trouble will be big...

Even though nothing happened for a while, there was already an atmosphere of panic.

Everyone is frantically thinking about what kind of rhythm this is, good or bad luck...what exactly is going on?...

Li Er seemed to have expected this reaction from everyone.

He stretched out his hand and made a fist to cover his expression, coughed lightly, and then said, "How is this booklet? You can tell me. I have just made suggestions and suggestions. I see that you are very enthusiastic. I think you are all my loyal ministers and good generals. Could it be that... for this book? You don’t have any opinions about things?”

Li Er had a smile on his face.

To others, this expression was like a cool breeze on the back of the neck.

It's coming, it's coming. I thought before that Li Er was planning to test everyone's knowledge, and then everyone could go through the process and occupy the hilltop, but in the blink of an eye...

How did this become this rhythm?

This time, the school knowledge is still tested, but this...

The booklet had not been handed over to people before, and everyone was thinking that this thing might be a test of the Four Books and Five Classics, a collection of classics and history, or something like that.

The result was good now, and we went straight to the lantern riddle guessing stage.

Who can guess this?

At this moment, Xiao Yu frowned.

It would be great if you could guess this thing.

But if you can't guess it, then... the key is that this thing always makes people feel that it has deep meaning. If you can't guess it, I'm afraid it will be a bit troublesome...

But at this stage, Xiao Yu doesn't plan to stand out anymore.

There are many mistakes to be made, and if you step on any thunder, you will be in trouble.

But what he didn't expect was how could Li Er take out a book of lantern riddles? Guessing lantern riddles was considered talent and knowledge?

This seems a bit hasty and difficult to convince the public...

It does not mean that strong combat effectiveness does not mean that you should not consider how to serve the crowd. Sometimes the combat effectiveness itself requires the commander to have a strong ability to serve the crowd.

Just when Xiao Yu was deep in thought, Li Er suddenly spoke again with a smile.

"...Hahaha, dear friends, if you feel strange when reading this book, it's actually nothing. I don't think it's strange. After all, this is my first time seeing this thing."

"This thing is called a literacy textbook!"

"Literacy textbook?"

Li Er finally said what this thing was, but immediately there was a flurry of discussion - indeed no one had ever heard of such a thing called a "literacy textbook" in the world.

Only Xiao Yu's brows furrowed more and more.

Wait, textbook? This term "literacy textbook" is a bit strange. It is actually wrong to say that there is no such thing in the world, because among other things, the most famous Thousand Character Classic is a kind of literacy textbook.


It is specifically called "literacy textbook". Doesn't this seem a bit strange?

It seems that as soon as Li Er said this, this textbook became the best literacy textbook in the world. How could this happen? Literacy textbooks are the work of ancient literature and education. Anyone who can create such a thing will definitely spread it.

It cannot be said that it exists through the ages, and it also needs the test of time.

Now when Li Eryi took out this booklet, he described it like this, as if this thing was invincible. How could it be so simple?

Things suddenly seemed weird, and Xiao Yu couldn't help but feel suspicious, always feeling that there was some kind of plan behind this matter.

But then, Li Er also continued to talk.

"And the secret of this literacy textbook is not that the content is extensive, but that this booklet can..."

Before Li Er finished speaking, some officials down below felt something was wrong and couldn't help but speak,

"Your Majesty, are you going to use this booklet... to teach people how to read?"

Now it seems that there is no doubt that it is so.

However, Li Er was in trouble for a long time today, and all the officials in the court were a little scared and not sure.

If it is really confirmed that Li Er wants to use this book to teach people to read, then the matter will be easier to handle. What teaching materials are used will not affect the overall situation anyway... But how to use this thing?

This chapter has been completed!
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