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Chapter 773 The size of the army!

Everyone's anxiety quickly turned into an anxious atmosphere.

After all, who is willing to let go of such a great opportunity?

It's just that what Pei Ji said makes sense. You can't do anything rashly. That would be really dangerous.

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while, and Pei Ji looked particularly embarrassed. Although it felt good to be a wise man, it also disturbed everyone's interest...

But at this moment, Wang Jing took a deep breath and waved his hand.

"I see that everyone is hesitant about making decisions. In the end, it is useless and a lot of time is wasted."

When Wang Jing said this, the others, Pei Ji, Li Tiancheng and others, all looked a little pity.

What does Brother Wang Shi mean... is he going to give up on this matter?

But this is too frustrating.

But Wang Jing didn’t really say give up, he just said,

"Since this matter is of great importance, we can't act hastily. Let's take a look first and then talk!"

Let’s take a look first and then talk.

It seems...that's all it can do.

Of course, everyone still had a vague idea in their minds.

What if this good opportunity is just missed?... After all, many things in the world today are just looked at, talked about, looked at, talked about again, and then disappeared after looking at it.

But at this moment, Mr. Li Tiancheng, who rarely spoke or offered advice, suddenly said, "Everyone, if Li Er wants to mobilize his troops, it won't happen in a day or two. If I want to find out the news, I won't say much, at least in

There is still at least half a month before Li Er and his troops can be transferred back to the Central Plains. Is this time enough to investigate and find some clues?"

The clue is naturally about Li Er's sudden military deployment.

And in these fifteen days, Li Tiancheng didn't just come. The mobilization of the army and the rapid march of the assault troops were absolutely different. They could not be compared with Li Sheng's sudden invasion of Mobei.

The number of troops stationed in northern Xinjiang to guard Goguryeo was 70,000 to 80,000.

In the past, people usually said that the Tang Dynasty had 100,000 troops, but that did not include those north of Hedong, where they were guarding Goguryeo.

This is different from the army that defends the Turks in the northwest. The troops that defend the Turks may be used at any time. These guys don't know when they will go south to rob their homes and rob them. It's hard to say.

If you talk about military affairs easily, you definitely have to talk about this, otherwise it won’t be hard-core.

The army defending Goguryeo on the eastern front is different. Goguryeo is a country with a code of etiquette. Although it is still the barbarian system, whoever has the bigger fist is the father. The whole palace coup in three days is nothing at all... But Goguryeo still has to do it after all.

Unlike other barbarians, the level of integration is much better.

With wise and powerful leaders, it is indeed possible to stabilize the country and even export order to surrounding areas where various tribes are rampant, absorbing the population and increasing its strength.

This is also the biggest difference between Goguryeo and the Turks. The Turks are a group of people who rely entirely on fighting to make ends meet and rob families and homes.

However, Goguryeo has made a lot of progress, and even competes with Li Er for the orthodoxy of etiquette and law in China. Therefore, although it seems that the outbreak in Goguryeo is not as violent as that of the Turks, the long-term harm is actually greater——

There can't be two orthodox divisions in China, right? What would happen? No monarch with any sense of responsibility would accept such a thing, let alone a ruthless boss like Li Er.

Therefore, the number of troops stationed on the eastern front of Mobei to defend Goguryeo was naturally large.

But at the same time, because of Goguryeo's more stable characteristics, it was rarely used.

This is similar to the money that people keep at home. They don’t calculate this in normal financial problems, but in critical moments, this is used to save lives.

These troops and horses on the Eastern Front are positioned in this way.

And the size of the army mobilized by Li Er this time was not small, it was 80,000 elite soldiers.

There are also people from Hedong who are armed and well-trained in self-defense techniques. Although they are not in the establishment, they can actually be turned into soldiers at any time. The total number of these people totals more than hundreds of thousands.

This time Li Er transferred 50,000 troops back to Chang'an.

Although these troops are far away from the hinterland of the Central Plains because they are in remote areas, and because they are... they have not fought for a while, and they feel a bit like "marginal people", so the Forbidden Army has never given this part of the effort to change their uniforms.

Regarding military arrangements, there is also the factor of insufficient production capacity.

After all, such a large-scale armament is very impressive even in modern times. If you suddenly want to equip yourself with the latest weapons, you will know that you must do it step by step.

Of course, since it was trusted by Li Er and used to defend Goguryeo's army, this part was certainly not in vain, and its combat effectiveness was still very reliable.

However, none of this can change the natural law that the larger the size of the army, the more difficult it is to mobilize - otherwise the Soviet Union's ability to coordinate large-scale combat operations would not be regarded as a military qualification comparable to the power of nuclear weapons.

So Li Tiancheng is really not talking nonsense, this time...

Everyone, you do have time to do some research!

When Li Tiancheng said this, others Wang Jing, Pei Ji and others also woke up. Indeed...

Although the situation is a bit strange, it is at least not critical.

In this case, what's the point of being impatient? Just take it step by step...

Everyone felt a lot more relieved at this moment, and even the tight wrinkles on their faces began to relax.

Pei Ji looked happy, looked around at everyone, and then looked at Li Tiancheng,

"Brother Li is right!"

Then he looked at everyone and said, "In these half a month, we can investigate carefully and see what Li Er's intentions are!"

"If the northern border is really empty...hehe, by then, even if Li Er wants to mobilize his army to go north again, it will be too late. By then, as long as our Majesty Yeon Gaesumun seizes the Yanyun Xingsheng Land, this Li Er...


Speaking of this, Pei Ji gave a cruel smile!

"No matter how wise and powerful Li Er is, he will still suffer a big loss! In the future, he will definitely lose the country of China, and then it will be our world again!"

Pei Ji made this additional analysis.

Li Tiancheng, Cui Baihe, Wang Jing and others, who had just felt relieved, showed excitement on their faces.

If things really develop like Pei Ji said, then...

Then this thing is wonderful!

Thinking about it this way, the news I got today... is indeed valuable!

Wang Jing and others laughed in unison!


"Brother Li still knows military matters! Good! Good!"

"Brother Pei's analysis is so thorough and thorough! I admire you, I admire you!"

Everyone laughed heartily.


The good or ill fortune behind this news is yet to be determined.

But at least, do some investigation first... There won't be anything wrong with this, right?

This is equivalent to Li Erping adding risks to his country in vain, and these risks are all great opportunities...

As long as the northern frontier is empty...

This chapter has been completed!
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