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Chapter 791: Actually Retracting the Troops?

This scene really frightened the old housekeeper and made him feel very nervous.

As for Wang Jing and others, they could no longer see the old housekeeper's gaffe at this moment, and there was only one thing on their minds.

Two hundred thousand to defend?

Only 100,000 partial troops are deployed to continue the tentative entanglement?...

This...what is going on...

Outrageous, so outrageous...

How can this be?!

Goguryeo...actually withdrew its troops?

This round of fighting between Goguryeo and the Tang army can be said to completely fit the description of being quiet but extremely intense.

For the two sides to attack and defend, one side used an army of 300,000 men. To Goguryeo, this was almost equivalent to a housekeeper's money, similar to the silver coins sewn deep in the quilt and pillows of ordinary people's homes, which would never be taken out to spend unless it was for money.

To save life.

And Tang Jun...not to mention.

Since ancient times, investment in the latest military technology has been of great importance.

How could the army, which is not a well-tested and responsible army, be entrusted by the monarch to take care of the most valuable dangerous goods in the entire country?

But most people don't understand the true background of this battle.

Even the fifth surname and Qi Wang are just...

Anyway, after getting the news...

Wang Jing and others thought hard and investigated, but they only got some brief information...

In short, Goguryeo did indeed launch a military operation, with an army of 300,000 marching south towards the northern border of the Tang Dynasty. Although no large-scale battles took place, there were many fierce battles.

Therefore, Wang Jing and others became more and more confused.

First of all, Goguryeo sent troops, which was keeping everyone's agreement.

After that, Goguryeo's military deployment seemed a bit... stiff.

Yes, stiff, this is the result after Wang Jing and others used a small amount of emotion to retaliate from a distance.

As for where it is stiff...

The first is Goguryeo’s overall decision-making.

An army of 300,000 against 30,000 - an army of 80,000 and a withdrawal of 50,000, isn't this 30,000? However...

On the Goguryeo side, they actually chose to divide their large army into small armies and march southward.

This seems a bit strange. Since ancient times, wars have been fought with as many troops as possible. Many generals are eager to bring all the old, weak, women and children in the country into the army. It is a classic configuration that is like a stuffed egg.

This is not done because these generals have cerebral palsy and do not know that numbers do not equal combat effectiveness.

But it is the key battles that really require military strength. No matter how many aspects affect combat effectiveness, military strength is always the first one.

No matter how awesome you are on your own, it is impossible for anyone to really fight against ten thousand enemies. Examples like Zhang Fei's Changbanpo can only be regarded as the realization of his personal prestige, but prestige also needs to be accumulated through victory.

When there is no prestige, anyone leading troops must abide by military rules and cannot play haphazardly.

But this time Goguryeo actually...actually just divided its troops.

Of course, Wang Jing and others cannot completely understand this.

Although Yeon Gaesomun was the leader of the barbarians, Goguryeo was a country after all, not a tribe.

When your family is big and your business is big, you will worry about how to deal with the consequences in the future if you make the wrong move.

When lumber prices in Hangzhou skyrocketed, Wang Jing and others did not invest all their property. This decision later really saved Wang Jing and others' lives.

...Since Yuan Gaisuwen is the patriarch of the Xianbei people, then...it is conceivable that Yuan Gaisuwen himself is also responsible for his Xianbei people in this way.

If the war goes unfavorably, it cannot be done so that there is no chance to arrange funeral arrangements.

After all, if the Turks are destroyed, they can flee to Goguryeo. If Goguryeo is also destroyed, can they really go to Chang'an to buy a house...

So Wang Jing and Pei Ji and others still understand this part.

Fully understood!

But why the war turned out to be unfavorable later was extremely strange.

Three hundred thousand, even if it is split into ten shares, there are still 30,000 people at one time, right?

There was a wave of 30,000 people, and the total strength of the Tang garrison was only 30,000. Each military town where troops were stationed was estimated to be less than 10,000 people. After all, such a long front had to be defended.

Such a small number of people have to guard so many places. Even if these ten armies cannot be gathered together at once due to various considerations, there is no problem in gathering seven to eight hundred thousand people.

And the Tang Army has thousands of people in one garrison point. You rush over at once...

The offensive is in the dark and the defense is in the light.

The other party has no time to react, and thousands of people will face the impact of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of troops.

How can you stand this?

This is simply like a flying dragon riding on the face.

In this kind of battle, wouldn't it be possible to win if you have the right skills?

However, even though this game seemed like a sure win... Goguryeo just couldn't defeat it.

Not only could it not be defeated, it is said that it suffered heavy losses and lost countless soldiers and horses.

Of course, because the Tang army only had 30,000 troops stationed in the northern frontier, it cannot be said that it suffered heavy losses. However, it is precisely because the Tang army only had 30,000 troops stationed in the northern frontier that it became even more apparent that the number of battles and exchange ratios this time was shocking! ...

That such a weird thing really happened is simply shocking.

It was also because of this that Wang Jing and others felt angry and couldn't figure out what the hell happened...

Is Cheng Yaojin so awesome?

But no matter how awesome Cheng Yaojin was, how could he outnumber 30,000 troops to 200,000?


The matter has come to this, whether it is Wang Jing or Pei Ji.

No matter who you are, no matter how much you read poetry and books, no matter how eloquent your tongue is, the results have already been produced and cannot be changed.

Of course, Wang Jing did not give up his efforts to find out the inside information about this incident. After all, what happened this time was too disgusting.

One Wang Jing, one Pei Ji, and many members of the Five Surnames and Qi Wangs had not slept for more than an hour for more than a month.

the reason is simple……

Even though no one like Wang Jing or Pei Ji came to mention it, everyone understood that if they failed to help the Hu people change their dynasties, then in the future...

One can imagine how gloomy the road ahead for the five surnames and Qiwang is.

What's even more frightening is that Li Er currently has many policies, laws and strategies, all of which are aimed at improving the national power of the Tang Dynasty at any time.

If the national power and economy of the Tang Dynasty continued to improve... Of course, this does not necessarily mean that the Five Surnames and Seven Hopes will be doomed from now on, maybe it will be a good thing.

But this kind of good thing only looks good after all.

What's really serious is that the Tang Dynasty's national power continues to grow, and it's not because of them.

This is extremely terrifying, because although it has been said since ancient times that the emperor is the one who has strong soldiers and horses, there is another saying, that is, a man can conquer the world immediately, but cannot rule the world immediately.

No matter how good you are in fighting, you still have to obediently invite Shangshan Sihao and the learned Confucians to rule the country for you after the battle.

but now……

In the many years since Li Er came to power, he has never used a real great scholar...

This chapter has been completed!
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