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Chapter 891 Trade Costs

Such examples appear very frequently in Europe, the most famous one being the Vikings...

Of course, Wang Jing and others did not know the allusion to Vikings.

But they know that the brothers' cargo ships have suffered heavy losses recently.

It's almost as if you can go out and buy half a bottle of soy sauce and encounter five or six waves of pirate ganks. It's not difficult to describe it.

Moreover, there are differences between China and the era of Viking pirates. In addition to the fact that there are many desperate fishermen who want to make a fortune and turn to big business, there are also many who are merchants themselves. Because the road is harder and there are more brothers, we might as well...

When going out to sea for trade, I also turned into a pirate to plunder and make a lot of money - after all, you see that there are so many pirates on the ocean and the risks are so high. Brothers, this business is simply done with their heads in their belts.

How can the business be sustained without some benefits and a lot of blood? This is similar to what happened when Great Britain colonized the world.

This pirate has both a Viking type and an Angsa type. In a mixed doubles fight, even a god wouldn't be able to withstand it.

In short, the times have developed to this stage recently, and the pirates have made such a big fuss that Wang Jing and others can no longer bear it.

The ships out there have been damaged so much, and that’s all money.


The next day, when everyone was almost in extreme anxiety, Pei Ji, the think tank in the group, suddenly thought of something.

This trade is not easy, but...won’t the prices of goods also have to rise?

And think about it carefully... As long as the prices of these goods rise fast enough, can't the losses caused by the pirates be made up for?

This idea can be understood by later generations who have studied economics, or even those who have not even read economics at all. As long as they really know a little bit about business - any business - even web surfers with a little more knowledge can figure it out.


But in this era, Pei Ji's idea is like the blind monk R Flash ten years ago, which is simply a shocking and unparalleled show that only professional players can have.

Under such circumstances, Wang Jing and others were naturally shocked and confused, and they soon understood...

It seems that not only can Te Niang be able to continue this overseas trade business, but she can also make a lot of money!

Because the price of exotic goods from overseas must rise. After all, pirates are causing so much trouble, and this price increase will definitely match the level of pirates' rampage, because the level of rampant pirates is equal to the level of rising costs.

But at this time, if the brothers can have a higher resistance to robbery than ordinary merchants, then the cost increase will be lower.

The cost is lower than that of ordinary people, but the price is based on other high-cost merchants. Isn't this...

Not only will you not lose money, but you can also make a fortune!

How could Wang Jing and others not be excited once they think about such a good thing!

And recently...


On the one hand, prices have really started to skyrocket, mainly for various exotic goods from overseas, such as rare pearls and mother-of-pearl, etc. - the latter is the core material for making mother-of-pearl crafts, which are top-notch luxury goods, unlike the crocodiles of later generations.

Same as skin.

And at the same time...it was also because this group of people with the fifth surname and Qi Wang, after learning from the pain, ordered people to rearrange the armed configuration of the merchant ships going to sea.

Originally, I was thinking about how to defend against pirates. This time I changed my mind and directly considered how to defeat the pirates——

This idea was completely reborn compared to before, and soon the armament level of the merchant navy was greatly improved... After all, the armament standards have changed, so improvement is inevitable.

Although it is not big, it is indeed much stronger than the merchant ships with the same level as the previous guards.

If Li Sheng saw this scene, he would definitely be excited, because...

Merchant ships are armed, armed merchant ships, each ship is an army, this is the true standard configuration of the Age of Discovery.

Although just rectifying the armament situation and improving the military strength is not much, one thing to be clear is that the Five Surnames and Qiwang are all powerful in the first place. They really have many elite soldiers and generals under their command, and their combat effectiveness is not weak.

Although the ability to deal with pirates is still incomparable with the Forbidden Army, it can really crush ordinary pirates, unless they encounter large groups of pirates that dispatch hundreds of large and small ships at a time.

And under such circumstances...

Naturally, the trade costs of the Five Surnames and Qi Wangs were quickly reduced.

At this time, the prices of overseas goods are still skyrocketing... After all, the rampant pirates are gradually no longer news. Not only women and children in the Jiangdong area are aware of this situation in the Tang Dynasty, but even the merchants in Lingzhou are aware of this situation.


When the news comes out, it is naturally a huge gain - for prices, not only the scarcity of things itself causes price increases, but also because of the rampant pirates, people's confidence in the supply itself is gradually destroyed.

Everyone is speculating whether it will become more and more difficult to obtain exotic goods from overseas in the future... Under such circumstances, it is natural that wealthy families from all over the world will start to consciously stock up on goods.

At the same time, in addition to "users" like wealthy families, there are also many craftsmen who deal in luxury goods such as shells, pearls, and mahogany. Various shops will naturally start to stock up on goods.

The number of people hoarding goods also increased overnight, and you can imagine how fast prices rose.

Therefore, under such a situation, it is also conceivable that Qiwang, the fifth surname, recently collected rice in tears and received soft treatment...

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Just like the day on Nakazusojima, it was still early in the morning...

There was a burst of laughter in the flower hall.

When he walked around the courtyard full of grass, he saw that Pei Ji and Wang Jing were playing chess, while Li Tiancheng, Zheng Taishan and others were watching the game.

Playing chess got to the point of excitement when Wang Jingluo made a wonderful move to kill Pei Ji's dragon. He couldn't help but burst into laughter with excitement.

After all, Pei Ji is the think tank of Wu Surname Qi Wang, so it goes without saying that his chess skills are amazing. Think back to the early Han Dynasty when Zhang Liang played chess alone with old men all over the street and played several games at the same time.

In the circle... to be precise, in the entire upper-class celebrity circle in China, there are all star players.

It is obviously not easy for Wang Jing to defeat Pei Jibo. How can he not be excited? Even if this chess game is not really over yet...

Moreover, coupled with the factor of a person being in high spirits during happy events, Wang Jing found it even more difficult to suppress his good mood.

Protrude the upper part! The lower part is out, and the upper part is finished...

While Wang Jing was laughing this time, Pei Ji didn't look depressed at all, and then he laughed again, with a mysterious smile on his face.

"Brother Wang, it's too early to be happy. What do you think of my move?"

Pei Ji's face was full of mysterious and masterful demeanor when the piece fell, but when Wang Jing looked at the chessboard, he was a little stunned... um, it seems that he was shown off by Pei Ji? This...

This chapter has been completed!
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