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Chapter 928 Efficiency soars!

It's like a person who is used to using push-button mobile phones sees the Apple 4 in a video for the first time. It's completely dimensionally reduced and striking... Of course, Asmin really wants to see these people who built giant clippers.

Big guys.

It would be ridiculous if I made a special trip to the Tang Kingdom and never saw the first-line elites of the Tang Kingdom until I returned!...

No, this is definitely not possible.

So Asmin naturally walked over, but when she couldn't pass, she realized... If nothing else, the crowd was not that big.

There are only a few people in total. Although when this small team first came to Lingzhou College, they gave an emotional speech to the students at the request of the college teachers, which was quite impressive, but then they just stayed there.

A small shed was set up in the square in front of the college, like a stall, to register students who were interested in going to Hangzhou to work in the shipbuilding industry, followed by tests... and so on.

The current college in Lingzhou is the same as the one in Chang'an. It is a newly established college, so the rules and regulations for learning and research are relatively simple or open. Students... under Li Sheng's instruction, can study day-to-day.

This day study does not mean that students are allowed to attend classes without living in the dormitory area of ​​the college, but that students can simply skip the class. As long as the time comes to take the final exam at the end of a course and pass the test, the college will recognize it.

There is actually no way around this. It was Wei Ziyu who first asked Li Sheng to mention this matter, and the person who asked Wei Ziyu this question happened to be from Hangzhou Industrial Zone, from Zhongzuo Industrial Zone, from Chang'an Industrial Zone...

In short, every yamen from the Tang Dynasty that needs talents to serve in local offices needs manpower, especially talents!

A truly outstanding talent with the aura of Li Sheng, and such a talent...

Although it has only been a short two years, the officials sent by the court to organize factories in various places, as well as the trendy merchants who took the initiative to step in, have already felt that the production form of the factory can greatly affect any production.

Improve efficiency, but...

But once you use it, you will quickly understand that the potential of the factory goes far beyond refining steel and spinning cloth faster and better. It can become more powerful and become a wealth-making artifact in the literal sense. It is no joke.

The ones who can best stimulate the potential of the initial factory are undoubtedly the group of students from various colleges.

the reason is simple!

The key to the surge in factory production efficiency is the refinement of division of labor, which can simplify complex and difficult production into countless simple links. Workers who master one link are naturally more focused than masters who are responsible for the entire product.


If you are more focused, you will naturally become more professional! Of course, the quality and efficiency of your output will also increase significantly.

This poses requirements and challenges to the organizers of the factory production form. Since the key to factory gameplay lies in segmentation, organizers must detail the entire production process and maximize efficiency.

The big concept of "production" is accurately broken down.

And who is the person who knows the most details about production? Who else could it be? Naturally, they are the students in the college, those who master technology.

Only when you have mastered technology can you carry out dissection, just like a good chef must be a skilled dissector and have enough knowledge of the ingredients to be able to design cooking.

And in this case, think about how many colleges and universities there are in the entire Tang Dynasty? In Li Sheng's opinion, these two are not even colleges and universities at all... Te Niang's calculus is the top ceiling subject, and it is not even a course.

In fact, only people like Wei Ziyu who come from a good background, have the most solid foundation, and work the hardest can learn to understand.

How can ordinary people do it?

But after all, the academy is different from ordinary wild paths.

Textbooks from the two colleges can actually be purchased everywhere throughout the Tang Dynasty - this is what Li Sheng and Li Er once insisted on in the memorial. The outflow of science and technology is inevitable, and the only thing that can keep the Tang Dynasty standing is progress.


But after all, the college is led by teachers, and the efficiency is certainly better than self-study. Of course, better is just better, but it is limited.

For students who can really immerse themselves in study, the college will certainly not be stingy in making travel conveniences easier for them, allowing them to work part-time, skip classes and only take exams, as long as they can pass.

In the end, during this period, even if Li Er paid specifically to support these students while studying in the college, Li Er would pay for the teacher's salary and the operating expenses of the college, but the students' food and accommodation would also have to be spent, and most of the students would have to pay for it.


The family background is not as good as that of Wei Ziyu.

This is what makes people like Wei Ziyu different from ordinary dudes. She can understand the many difficulties faced by young people from poor families, so she gives them this opportunity.

Of course, such opportunities are also equal. Children of wealthy families don't have to come to class. They can spend as much time as they want on weekdays. Anyway, the fact that only after passing the exam will be registered as a successful graduate does not change...

But then again.

In short, since Wu Meiniang recently came to Lingzhou, Asmin is fully qualified to go there. After all, the college allows students to leave the college and study part-time...

So how could Asmin miss this opportunity... It's just an opportunity, even if it has no cost, there is a cost in choosing this opportunity.

This is the opportunity cost!

It means that if Asmin thinks about it, she can get more information about the Tang Dynasty by going to Hangzhou to see and investigate.

And looking at the college teachers, students, and people on the ground in Lingzhou, and the Forbidden Army stationed nearby, although they all feel a little dissatisfied with the industrial zone, the Forbidden Army, and the people in Hangzhou... I think Tang State is relatively big.

, people all live a somewhat competitive life, but it is obvious that at least the imperial army here still quite approves of the Tang Navy stationed in Hangzhou.

This also made Asmin very excited, because in addition to the recognition of the grassroots Forbidden Army soldiers, according to more detailed investigations she conducted, the navy in the "Jiangdong" area of ​​the Tang State also spent a lot of money and resources from the Tang State's treasury.

It’s not any worse than Lingzhou.

And if you take into account the funding received by the Forbidden Army in Lingzhou, a large part of the cities built are not entirely for military purposes, but a considerable proportion are for improving people's livelihood, revitalizing the economy, and improving people's livelihood.

So after all the calculations, the Tang Dynasty's navy actually... at least according to some recent thoughts, spent more money.

There is no doubt that the king and the cabinet of the Tang Dynasty are a group of powerful characters. Think about it, such a group of people spent a lot of money to build a mysterious army...

This chapter has been completed!
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