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Chapter 958 Trade!

But Hannibal is not Li Sheng. He is from this era and he doesn’t know anything about apples and peaches.

But Hannibal was still able to tell that this piece of paper, which looked like a work of art, must have come from the same place as the king and his manual.

Tang Dynasty!

The quality of things is here, it is impossible to fake it - no one can do it.

And the fonts on it are also very neat, similar to the paper itself, like works of art, which further explains the origin of the letter.

As for...

Hannibal read the contents of the letter several times.


Although some words are a bit unfamiliar to him, Wang has taught him how to recognize Chinese characters. Although he has not learned to the level of a scholar, he is at least somewhat familiar with it.

The meaning of key and logical words can still be confirmed by oneself.

Then there is no chance of misunderstanding...

The other party really wants to do business!

And judging from the wording, the other party undoubtedly wants to do business with him in a very friendly manner.

From this point of view, things are really a bit puzzling...

how so?

Hannibal was restless, holding the letter in his hand and pondering over it all night, but...

Still, no conclusion was drawn.

Conclusion about what conspiracy the Tang Army had.

No clue at all.

Hannibal's doubts failed to elicit any information through thinking, but this was not a big problem for Hannibal, because...

There is a Tatar beside me!

Socrates once said that of course the Tatars know best.

Since you are facing Wang's fellow villagers, you can just ask him yourself.

Hannibal was not worried that the king next to him was a spy. The reason was simple. After all, Wang Xuanchen left Chang'an, a prosperous city in the hinterland of the Tang Dynasty, and first went to his hometown of Taiyuan.

However... because the location of his serious injury was too special, Wang Xuanchen was not honored as a hero in his hometown of Taiyuan, but instead suffered a lot of malicious ridicule.

The reason for ridicule is, of course, that people like to base their happiness on Wang Xuanchen's pain, and secondly, it is also because Wang Xuanchen has become like that... naturally it will be impossible to inherit the Wang family's huge family business in the future.

Wang Xuanchen himself was naturally aware of this, and as time went by he couldn't bear the humiliation and simply ran away. However, this run was originally because Wang Xuanchen wanted to find a place to live in seclusion and practice Taoism, but he didn't expect...

He failed to gain fame and power in the Tang Dynasty, and was completely trampled under his feet by Li Sheng. However, during this trip to practice Taoism, he never expected to encounter an unexpected encounter.

He actually became the prime minister of another empire!

Maybe it was because he had experienced too many blows, or maybe the opportunity was hard-won... After arriving in Rome, Wang Xuanchen's temperament became much more mature, and he was gradually different from the playboy who cared about face and liked to step on others and show off.

Hannibal was kind enough to meet him in Rome, and Wang Xuanchen did his best to serve the new king.

Even when facing the army from China...

The most active person in seeking information for Hannibal was not the Roman talents discovered by Hannibal, but Wang Xuanchen.

This time when the Tang army sent a letter, Hannibal naturally read it first.

However, although Wang Xuanchen was not the first to take a look, he still had some bad premonitions in his heart.

I always feel...something's wrong...

An extremely dangerous smell!

Wang Xuanchen knows China very well. It has been a place where evildoers appear since ancient times.

In these hundreds of years of troubled times, countless monsters have appeared, and in the end it was the strongest monster leader who took over the world - this is not important, the important thing is that Li Er, and Li Sheng's gang are too dangerous.

There are many tricks and tricks, but no strategy is left behind!

When dealing with such a group of people, if you take it lightly at all, it is simply a matter of seeking death.

Wang Xuanchen, who lost his lower body, knew this better than anyone else.

But now, the challenge has overcome him, and now he comes before his master again.

If he is not careful, Hannibal the Great will be gone in a matter of seconds.

You must be extremely careful on behalf of your master!

Hannibal was confused all night, while Wang Xuanchen was nervous all night.

But on the next day, Wang Xuanchen still waited.

As expected, Hannibal brought a letter and came to him for help!

Before I even read the letter, I heard Hannibal muttering in very awkward Chinese, "Incredible..."


Wang Xuanchen heard this murmur directly, and for a moment he felt incredible...

The other party is sending troops here to start a fight. Although Li Er and his gang of monster generals are indeed good at fighting, Hannibal is not someone to take lightly. No matter what military deployment...

Nor would he utter such a strange exclamation as "incredible".

What is the incredible military deployment?

For a moment, many questions popped up in Wang Xuanchen's mind, but he opened the letter with suspicion, and then read it...

Wang Xuanchen understood immediately.

No wonder Hannibal felt incredible.

Because the other party has not made any military deployment at all, and the interactive content of the entire letter has no military aspect at all.

Tang Jun... No, Li Er and his troops are asking for trade!

Moreover, the words were polite and courteous. It would be more accurate to say that he was "requesting" trade.

This time...

Wang Xuanchen was also confused. How could this happen...

I have thought about all the ingenious schemes that the Tang army might engage in, and I can guarantee that Hannibal has never seen those exquisite and fierce military methods - this "Jiangdong" area of ​​Europe is what people here call the Balkans.

This part of the peninsula is so tight that I can't even stand it.

Although the war raged for many years, no truly capable force was born.

The reason why China can produce top-notch military geniuses from the chaos of chaos is because although China seems to be fighting everywhere for hundreds of years, in fact there are still many places where production has not been destroyed, and farming has continued - wars

If you fight for a long time, especially if you are led by powerful local powerful people, you will know how to protect production over time.

But things are different here in the Balkans. Those who fight are all from various regions of the World Island, and they are all outsiders. This is not important. The important thing is that no one treats this place as their own home and operates it carefully. There is no production or anything.

People take people seriously, so the economic level, let alone the level of agricultural society, is a good thing that only happened in the prosperous times of other classical empires.

In this Balkan region, most of the time... there are even many ordinary people who live in a state of poverty.

And such a place cannot produce real military talents, which is why Wang Xuanchen was worried that Hannibal would overturn.

But this letter...

This chapter has been completed!
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