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Chapter 985

Whether it’s Wuzi Iron Ore or Jack Lawu Iron Ore, there are so many good things in the world... there are so many.

It is true that the country is beautiful, but... if you want to bend it, of course it must be done by those who like the country.

Li Sheng turned his face slightly and said, "Go and ask Asmin to come over."


King Luo Bin had just heard Li Sheng talk about the benefits of Wuzi Iron Mine. Now Li Sheng suddenly summoned this foreign woman, which made King Luo Bin frown secretly.

Damn it, should this good thing be given... to a foreign woman?

Although this girl from this country was educated by our Tang Dynasty, she now works for our Datang Dynasty, and she even made a pact with Li Sheng to be a slave for twenty years...

But that bloodline is a foreign country after all, and the bloodline will not change because of any covenant.

King Luo Bin's hesitation only lasted for a moment, and since it was Li Sheng's order, of course he just obeyed it, but his steps were a little slower than before.

Li Sheng seemed to notice this little bit of slowness and smiled softly.

"Be trustworthy when employing people. After all, after the Tang Dynasty..."


King Luo Bin really didn't understand, and although he didn't dare to bother Li Sheng by asking nonsense questions, since Li Sheng wanted to preach, of course he still had to listen carefully.

King Luo Bin stopped.

"Do you know where China was from in the very beginning... where did we Han people come from?"

"The first Han people?"

This question is a bit jumpy...

King Luo Bin couldn't help but think of his great ancestor Liu Bang... It was Emperor Gao who founded the Han Dynasty. Later, China could call itself "Han" regardless of whether it was of Han descent.

But in the beginning... speaking of it, it started when Liu Bang received the title of King of Han from King Huai of Chu. But before that...

This is really a child without a mother. It’s a long story!

However, although King Luo Bin was a member of the imperial army, he also studied a lot - this name is no joke. After thinking for a moment, he said, "... It should be the Central Plains."

"That's right. The Central Plains back then was the world in people's eyes at that time, but later they found out that it was no longer the case. It doesn't matter. What matters is what to say. Today's China and the Tang Dynasty will no longer be the world in the future. They can only

Count on the Central Plains. And in the future... we will have to visit more places, and we will have to use a variety of talents from all over the country. This will always be the case."


When Li Sheng said this, King Luo Bin understood...According to historical records, the Han people were indeed not equal to the people of "the world" at first.

However, because of the emergence of Liu Bang, everyone in the world was happy to be his minister, so there was a saying later that "On the shore of the land, could it be the king's ministers".

But it seems... it’s not right to allow a foreign woman to manage such an important resource?

King Luo Bin still seemed to understand, but Li Sheng had a fate, and he couldn't delay any longer.

After a while, Asmin was called over.

This time, the little girl from the past did not show any nervousness, excitement, suppressed excitement, or any other emotions. She just stood calmly in front of Li Sheng.

"Chief, Asmin is here."

"Well... Tianzhu has a relatively special resource called Wuzi Iron Mine..."

Li Sheng then told Asmin about the special features of this iron mine, and Asmin nodded quietly.

"Just understand. This information about the iron mine... can be considered as compensation for me taking advantage of you. Remember to use it well."

After saying this, Li Sheng seemed not to notice the invisible change in the little girl's temperament at all, and left with a flutter of sleeves.

But at this moment, Asmin suddenly stopped Li Sheng, "Chief of the Mountain!"

Li Sheng turned around, "Still have any questions?"

The latter shook his head, as if he was trying to brew something, and was silent for a while, and then suddenly said, "When Asmin comes, she will definitely take Jerusalem, the royal city of Persia, and return to the palace to become the king. If I can capture my sister Dai Qisi alive, I will definitely do it."

Give it to the mountain chief as a slave to bear witness."

Li Sheng seemed to be shocked by this sudden grand plan, "Your sister... made this big news, you don't want to kill her?"

After all, it is a coup, and the coup makers are the target of being punished anywhere in the world - after all, those who come to power in coups are often just careerists, and those great men who lead their classmates to conquer the world little by little. After all, they are


At this time, Asmin also smiled and looked like the ignorant girl before, "...No matter how heinous the crime is, she is still my sister. As long as there is a chance, I will protect her."

After a pause, he continued with a slightly red face, but his eyes were as calm as water, "When I was a child, I made an appointment with my sister to marry a husband and never leave him. In the future, when the overall situation in Persia is settled and the people live and work in peace and contentment, Asi

Min also came with his sister to serve the mountain chief."

Li Sheng smiled, turned around and walked away without saying anything else.

"King of Soldiers, let's go."

This strange atmosphere made King Luo Bin feel a little moved. He seemed to understand something... but it was not true.

However, Li Sheng's phrase "Bing Wang" was still thrown off by King Luo Bin, because he and his friend King Ma Bin have similar names. Normally people call them "Luo" and "Ma". Only Li Sheng had a clear idea and directly differentiated them with "Bing Wang" and "Bing Wang".

He shook his head dumbfounded, and then...

King Luo Bin also thought of something. He came out this time to accompany Li Sheng as an assistant and bodyguard.

Needless to say, the guards only need to protect Li Sheng thoroughly. But when the assistant... came, he said he would help Li Sheng with his "investigation"——

If the inspection that President Wu is talking about is the Wuzi Iron Mine in front of us, then...

Doesn't this mean the mission is over?

"Teacher, are we... going back to the Tang Dynasty?"

King Luo Bin felt that Li Sheng seemed very simple, but also seemed... too complicated, so he simply asked the most direct question.

Li Sheng was really stunned for a moment when he heard this. He said that his main mission when he came here was indeed for the Wuzi Iron Mine...

It's really done now, but I still feel like I'm still worried.

Asmin can handle this matter and will definitely use it to seek the greatest benefit for Datang. Li Sheng has no doubt about this.

But the next step, the question is very strange... because I always feel that something needs to be done. Tianzhu, Tubo, Kushan... and Persia after the coup.

These idiots are neighbors to each other, and both Tubo and Guishan border on the Tang Dynasty... There has been no interaction between neighbors since ancient times, so...

If these guys form an alliance, and then confront Datang...

Alone in the lane, Li Sheng estimated that Li Er, Wei Zheng... these guys are capable of beating these younger brothers around with one hand.

But looking at the unusual movements of the Tianzhu people, I'm afraid the possibility of forming an alliance is really quite high. If they really formed an alliance and joined forces to fight against the Tang Dynasty, then... what the hell?

It's getting bad!

This chapter has been completed!
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