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Chapter 993 Can it really be solved?

Xiao Yu was about to leave, but then Li Sheng continued, "After a period of time, I will naturally arrange things for you, and then you can deal with the people over there."

"Oh...thank you, Holy Marquis, I tell you..."

Xiao Yu was about to bow and leave without interest. After all... although he was afraid of Li Sheng, Li Sheng was not hostile to him, and he did not find a way from Li Sheng...

What can we do? We can just withdraw and be done with it.

But just as he was thinking about it, Xiao Yu suddenly felt something was wrong.

Wait, what did Li Sheng just say?

After a period of time, it will naturally... be solved?

No... can this matter really be solved?

Originally very disappointed... even because he was very disappointed, he became less disappointed. After all, it was an expected disappointment... and Xiao Yu, who was about to leave here after quickly being disappointed, suddenly felt agitated and his brain got stuck.

This is an army from a foreign country pressing down, and in his hands are a bunch of ordinary shipwrights and sailors...

How does this work?

Xiao Yu couldn't help but ask. After all... this matter is really too difficult. Even if Li Sheng is here, how many solutions can he think of?

But when he asked, Li Sheng actually spoke,

"There is no need to worry about this matter. I will change a batch of boats for you in the future. Then you can deal with those sailing boys as you like... Is there anything else?"

Xiao Yu came out half dazed and half confused.

The moment he walked out of Li Sheng's small building, a sea breeze blew in his face. Although it was a warm and hot place, the weather in early autumn was still very hot, but...

The sea breeze was still slightly cool, which made Xiao Yu's whole body excited, and his mind started to work again, remembering what Li Sheng had just said.

internal combustion engine……

What is this?

When a ship is equipped with this thing, its speed can be twice that of today's ordinary sailing ships, and it can be faster than the imperial warships...

Is this possible?

Xiao Yu couldn't figure out how there could be a ship faster than Li Er's steam ship in the world!

Nowadays, time has passed, and many things are no longer kept secret. Now Xiao Yu already knows how powerful Li Er's ship is, and also knows the secrets...

It's nothing else but the magical steam engine - if an ordinary sailing ship is like a person walking on two feet, then a ship with a steam engine is like having a mount.

This speed and ability to withstand wind and waves are naturally far superior to that of a sailboat!

But for such a powerful ship, Xiao Yu really...never dreamed that his fleet would one day be equipped with such a powerful ship.

I never thought that something could be built that could surpass the warships used by Li Er's imperial army... How fast and powerful could such a ship be?


How can Li Sheng come up with such a powerful thing???

Xiao Yu did not doubt that Li Sheng was willing to give this kind of thing to merchants, because the internal combustion engine... This thing, according to Li Sheng's description, is a thing used to make ships run faster.

——At the very least, this is an item that does not have a sharp edge, and is not like the grenades used by the Forbidden Army that can cause thunder and hurt people.

Of course, such a thing cannot be regarded as a weapon... at least it is not directly equal to a weapon! And even if...

Xiao Yu can also see the military value of this thing, but after all, it is not a real murder weapon, and...

Li Sheng is willing to supply the merchants, so Li Er's imperial army won't be able to get better ones? Impossible...

Besides, by this time, Xiao Yu had slowly figured it out. This time...

Merchants are overseas in large numbers, sending people and supplies swarmingly. Although they are not military organizations,... the merchants have been suppressed since ancient times, and even entered the "legendary list of heaven" - Han

Not a famous article, among the five beetles.

Xiao Yu also understands the reason. To put it bluntly, it is because these industries cannot produce food.

But recently... Li Er has started to support industry.

As for the reason, Xiao Yu didn't understand it for a while, and then...he ran away the next time and stopped thinking about these things, but in short, even today...

Li Er's attitude towards merchants is still intriguing. On the one hand, he strongly encourages them, and on the other hand, when he disciplines and restrains merchants, he is still as ruthless as before...

This situation is very strange, but... no matter what, merchants go overseas to open trading ports to make profits, certainly for themselves, but at the same time...

Isn’t this also a disguised form of opening up Xinjiang?

Although merchants went to sea for money in the final analysis, in terms of results, it still spread the footprints of the Han people all over the world.

If in the future, the Han people are not only limited to this land of China, but also spread in every corner of the world, then...

At that time, the historian may not necessarily be bragging about Li Er or his own group of merchants.

Of course, Xiao Yu only thought about these thoughts for a while and did not dare to think too much, let alone speak out. But after weighing the pros and cons, judging from the results, this is indeed the case.

In this case, Li Er would not really obstruct it even if he thought about it... The only question is, what is this internal combustion engine and how can it make the ship run faster...

Now Xiao Yu bid farewell to officialdom and started to join the business circle. Because of his previous experience as a high-ranking official, Xiao Yu quickly became prosperous. He was very well-informed and knew... Although there are various doubts, it is very likely that the Tang Dynasty Forbidden Army

The machinery installed on the warship he drove was the same as that on the "steam train" from Chang'an to Lingzhou.

Of course, steam trains appeared later, and Xiao Yu also felt that things like "factories" and "industry" were often better than those with advanced skills. The steam train was certainly more powerful than the one used on ships.

But even more powerful, there is always a limit... The steam engine on this steam train can carry thousands of troops and horses, and hundreds of thousands of grains of food from Chang'an to Anxi Governor and even farther away in a few days and nights.

Forbidden army camp.

Now, Li Sheng actually wants to build something more powerful... Can this internal combustion engine be more powerful than that thing?

This shit, just thinking about it makes people's scalp numb.

But since this is Li Sheng's own arrangement, although Xiao Yu is uneasy and afraid that there is some conspiracy behind it, he can only choose to rely on Li Sheng - a foreign army threatens hundreds of people.

Apart from Li Sheng, I'm afraid no one else can come up with a solution... Even Wei Zheng who was in Wagang Village at that time would have a hard time solving it!

Of course, now that he has Li Sheng's guarantee, Xiao Yu is more relieved. After all, Li Sheng's golden brand is indeed unquestionable.


If Li Sheng knew Xiao Yu's thoughts, he would most likely tell Xiao Yu not to think too brightly, because Li Sheng actually had no real confidence...

This chapter has been completed!
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