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Chapter 1019 Jiuqu Yellow River Tower

 Liang Yan calmed down and lowered his head to look at the ground.

As the old monk continued to carve with stones, the fourth portrait gradually took shape. It seemed to be in a swamp, surrounded by all kinds of monsters, some with cold eyes, some with arrogant smiles, and some

There were several severed limbs in the corners of his mouth, as if he was chewing on the corpse.

Among the numerous monsters, there is a person whose back is particularly conspicuous.

This man was wearing a yellow monk's robe. Although his bones were a little thin, his shoulders were extremely broad. The Buddha's light bloomed all over his body, and he was incompatible with the demons around him.

Although it was just a back view, Liang Yan could almost recognize it at a glance. This person was the monk in the previous three paintings!

In this swamp filled with demonic energy and monsters, there was actually a monk mixed in, and he seemed to have completely integrated into it, without causing any commotion.

Liang Yan was confused, followed the old monk's description, and then looked down.

In the center of the swamp, he drew a seven-story pagoda. The shape of this pagoda was exactly the same as the Sutra Pavilion that appeared in the second picture.

The difference is that there is no golden light on this pagoda. Instead, it is surrounded by infinite black energy.

On every wall outside the pagoda, various types of tortured people are depicted. Some had their vests pierced by iron hooks and hung on trees; some were stripped naked and burned with fire pillars; some were dipped in water.

In the pool of blood, he desperately tried to poke his head out.

There are various kinds of tortures. The whole pagoda does not have a trace of Buddhism. Instead, it is like a human purgatory. Although all living beings are depicted on it, all living beings are without exception and are enduring endless torture and pain.

At this time, I turned back to look at the monsters around me, and found that almost all of them were facing the magic tower, as if they were worshiping.


Liang Yan thought to himself, feeling an indescribable strange feeling in his heart. There were really too many unreasonable things in the fourth portrait painted by the old monk.

The pagoda that appears in this portrait is clearly a gathering place for demons and evil spirits, so why is it exactly the same shape as the Buddhist Scripture Pavilion that appears in the second picture?

And that monk, if you look at the stories in the previous three paintings, it is clear that he is an orthodox disciple of Buddhism and an outstanding disciple with wisdom.

This person has gained the respect of his predecessors and was allowed to enter the Sutra Pavilion to practice the supreme Dharma. It stands to reason that he can become a highly respected monk with boundless power. Why did he end up associating with demons and even visit that demonic tower?

After reading the four pictures of the old monk, although he could understand the stories in them, Liang Yan still had too many puzzles in his heart.

He was about to ask, but suddenly he discovered that the monk with his back to him in the fourth picture slowly turned around.


Liang Yan was slightly startled, and subconsciously looked at the monk in the painting, only to see the monk turn his head, revealing an old yellow-skinned face, which actually looked exactly the same as the old monk in front of him!

"not good!"

Liang Yan was so surprised that he hurriedly jumped back dozens of feet while secretly sizing up the other person.

Unexpectedly, the old monk did not chase after him. He was still squatting on the ground with dull eyes and dull expression. However, the old monk in the picture on the ground had an evil smile on his face and a glint in his eyes, looking at it with interest.

Hold yourself.

"Are you the monk in these four paintings? Are you a Buddha or a demon?"

Liang Yan asked while observing the other party's reaction.

There was no surprise. The old monk remained silent and the monk in the picture on the ground still smiled horribly.

"Damn it!"

Liang Yan looked around and thought to himself: "This monk is too weird. If I stay any longer, I might be in danger. I have to leave here quickly. But I have just used the magical power of the 'Babu Yanyuan'

I tried it, and the surrounding walls are basically indestructible."

When he thought of this, he suddenly glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw the small hole at the top of the cave.

"By the way, why did I ignore that place!"

When he first woke up, the surroundings were dark, with only a beam of light shining through the small hole at the top of the cave. If the surrounding walls couldn't be broken, why not try again from there.

Liang Yan had made up his mind and without any hesitation at the moment, he secretly guarded against the old monk opposite and flew towards the top of the cave.

The old monk looked at the direction in which he was flying away. Suddenly, there was a slight fluctuation in his dull and dull eyes. The corners of his eyes trembled a few times. After a moment, he actually showed a trace of anxiety.

He stood up from the ground and waved his hands, as if he wanted to say something, but couldn't make any sound.

Liang Yan had already reached the top of the cave and could not see the old monk's expression. He gathered spiritual power in his hand and a golden light burst out, hitting the location of the small hole.

This punch was just a pure test, but it went surprisingly smoothly.

The small hole that was originally only the size of a fingernail collapsed instantly after being hit by his punch. Countless debris fell from the top of his head. Liang Yan transformed into an escape light and escaped from the cave with just a slight flash.

After jumping out of the cave, the surroundings immediately became brighter.

Liang Yan narrowed his eyes and looked around very vigilantly, and found that he was actually in an attic.

There are windows all around the attic. Looking out through the windows, you can see a clear water and blue sky, surrounded by green mountains, and the scenery is particularly beautiful.

As for the interior of the attic, there are some old furniture placed, which looks a bit like a study room in a secular scholarly family, and many of them are very elegant.

"It turns out that the cave was built under an attic."

Liang Yan thought as he walked to the window at the edge of the attic. He tried to put his hand out the window, but was knocked back by an extremely strong force.

"Oops! You can't get out of here at all. Where is this place?" Liang Yan looked at the scenery outside the attic and muttered to himself.

"It's the 'Jiuqu Yellow River Tower'!"

A voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Your uncle!"

Liang Yan almost reflexively ran to the right, and at the same time turned around and looked back. The "Eight Parts of Evolution" in his body was already in motion.

"Your uncle" is a curse word in Huaiyuan town. Ever since Liang Yan began to practice Taoism, such a secular curse word has never been spoken again.

But at this moment, he finally couldn't help but curse in his heart.

That old monk in the underground cave, and this voice that suddenly appeared behind him, why are these people so nagging and like to hide behind others?

Liang Yan was cursing in his heart, and at the same time he looked forward and found a middle-aged man standing just behind him.

This person was wearing a blue robe, dressed like a scholar, with fair skin and slender fingers. He looked elegant and feminine.

He also held a volume of book in his hand. Although the words on the cover could not be seen clearly, it gave people the feeling that the book was in his hand.

Liang Yan's "Bodhi Bright and Pure Appearance" has started to operate, and he found that this person is just like the old monk underground. With his current level of cultivation, he can't see the depth of the other person at all.

"Senior, I came here accidentally. If I offend you in any way, I will apologize!"

He bowed his hand in apology while carefully observing the other person.

After hearing this, the middle-aged scholar smiled softly and said: "My little friend, you don't need to be so nervous. You are here because you are destined to me. I will not make things difficult for you."

Seeing that his attitude was kind, Liang Yan felt a little relieved, but his inner magic was still running, and his spiritual power traveled throughout his body, and then he slowly said:

"What exactly is this place? And what is the 'Jiuqu Yellow River Tower' that the senior just mentioned?"

The middle-aged scholar smiled slightly and said: "The place we are in is a sealed place. As for the 'Jiuqu Yellow River Tower', it is naturally the attic where we are now."

"Sealed place?"

Liang Yan was stunned for a moment, then thought of something, and glanced towards the ground subconsciously.

"Haha, it seems that my little friend is not stupid, that's right! The one who sealed it is the old monk in the cave under the ground!" The middle-aged scholar nodded and said.

"Why seal him?" Liang Yan asked with a puzzled expression.

"Why the seal? You've been down there for a while. Can't you see that this person has already been possessed by a demon?"

The middle-aged scholar sighed and said: "He was originally a promising eminent monk in the Luotian Sect. He was born with wisdom. No matter what kind of Buddhist scriptures or supernatural powers, he could understand it in just a few years.

Understand. While his peers were still training hard in the Tongxuan Realm, he had already understood all the magical powers in the Sutra Pavilion, and successfully overcame three disasters and nine difficulties, becoming a Buddhist great sage. It’s just a pity.


Liang Yan felt something move in his heart and asked, "What's the pity?"

"It's a pity that he didn't pursue the great road, but instead studied all kinds of magical powers and secret techniques to an extent. After studying all the secret techniques in the Luotian Sect's Sutra Collection Pavilion, he felt that the Buddhist techniques were still lacking. For this reason, he racked his brains and actually created

He found a way to unite Buddha and demon, and then fell deeper and deeper into the devil's path."

Having said this, the middle-aged scholar sighed softly, with a trace of regret in his eyes.

"The Holy Realm?"

Liang Yan was shocked. He really didn't expect that he, a monk in the Golden Core Realm, would have the opportunity to witness a monk in the Manifestation Saint Realm with his own eyes!

After the surprise, there was still a hint of fear.

"Senior, are you saying that the man down there is possessed by a demon? Did I break out of the cave just now and damage the seal? He is a cultivator in the Holy Realm. If he escapes, wouldn't this junior be dead?"

He asked a series of questions, but the middle-aged scholar waved his hand and chuckled: "My little friend, there is no need to panic. The Confucian sect's most precious treasure, the Nine-Bend Yellow River Tower, is suppressing it here. The devil cannot escape."

"Oh, that's fine."

Liang Yan composed himself, showing a look of lingering fear, then bowed to the middle-aged scholar, and said again: "Senior, I dare to ask, who is senior? And why does he appear in this place?"

"who I am?"

The middle-aged scholar laughed and asked without answering: "Boy, do you know who suppressed that devil down there?"

"Could it be?" Liang Yan's face changed slightly.

"Yes, the one who suppressed it here is my true self, the Confucian saint 'Shimu Jushi'! As for me, I am the incarnation of a ray of spiritual thought he left here!"

"It turns out to be Senior Shimu!"

Liang Yan had a solemn look on his face, stood up straight, straightened his clothes, and then bowed respectfully and said: "Senior is really upright and awe-inspiring, and he is actually willing to sacrifice his spiritual clone to suppress this devil below.

, I don’t know how many lives were spared because of this, it is truly a role model for our generation of monks!”

"Haha, these are all taken for granted." The middle-aged scholar waved his hand and said: "As a Confucian and benevolent disciple, how can I sit back and watch the devil bring trouble to the world? But you, a kid, are only in the Golden Core realm.

With your cultivation base, why do you want to take a trip into this muddy water?"

"It's hard to say anything." Liang Yan shook his head, as if he didn't want to say more.

"Forget it!" The middle-aged scholar chuckled and said, "No matter what the reason is for you to come here, this is not the place you should stay. I will show you a clear way to get you out of here."

"Thank you, senior!" Liang Yan said with a happy face.

"The 'Jiuqu Yellow River Tower' is the most precious treasure of the Confucian sect. It has nine floors in total. There are no exits on the bottom eight floors, and the only exit is on the highest floor on the top of the building."

"I see. No wonder I tried to go out from the window just now, but was knocked back by an extremely strong force!" Liang Yan showed a look of sudden realization.

"Haha, you don't know the mystery of the Nine-Bend Yellow River Tower, so naturally you can't get out. Come up with me and I'll teach you how to leave this place."

As the middle-aged scholar said this, he turned around and climbed up the stairs to the side. Liang Yan saw this without any hesitation and followed him up.

The two quickly climbed eight floors and reached the top floor of the attic.

There is only a small room here. There is an old desk in the center of the room, with paper and pens on it, and an inkstone as dark as ink.

As for the walls of the room, there are two ink paintings hanging on them.

Among them, the painting on the left is a green ancient tree, while the painting on the right is a gray rockery. Both paintings are lifelike, as if the real ancient trees and rockery are in front of you.

"The exit is on the ninth floor, but it is hidden by the restriction left by me. You first take down the two paintings on the wall, and then smash the inkstone on the desk, and the exit will naturally appear.


"I see."

Liang Yan nodded slightly, looked at the two landscape paintings on the wall, pondered for a moment, and suddenly asked: "Senior, if I open the exit, will it affect the seal and allow the person underneath to escape?"

"Do not worry!"

The middle-aged scholar showed a funny look, waved his hand and said: "You kid, you don't know how famous the 'Jiuqu Yellow River Tower' was back then. This Confucian treasure is used for..."

In the middle of his words, before he finished speaking, he saw Liang Yan beside him suddenly turned around, with a golden light in his hand, and actually punched him!

Thanks to: Chizuru Ichinose for the reward!

This chapter has been completed!
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