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Chapter 1089 Lord Ran Deng

 Liang Yan killed Fox Thirteen with one sword. Xiong Ba, who was far away at the other end of the woods, seemed to feel something. He glanced in this direction, and for the first time there was a hint of panic in his originally crazy eyes.

"Oops! That slutty bitch."

Xiong Ba murmured. Although his fist strength was still domineering and fierce, the aura on his body wavered for a moment. Mo Haoran seized the opportunity and used the golden light of Buddhism to continuously eat away at his giant bear's appearance, gradually gaining the upper hand in the battle.


On this side of the woods, Liang Yan had stopped and activated Jianwan again, crushing Hu Shisan's body into ashes. Only after confirming that her soul had completely dissipated, did he cautiously walk over.


At the level of Tongxuan Realm, all kinds of weird supernatural powers and spells are emerging one after another. Liang Yan has not been practicing Taoism for a long time, and he has not seen many things consciously, so he is very careful to avoid capsizing in the gutter.

He came to the place where Fox Thirteen died. At this time, the person was completely gone, leaving only a fox-head mask, a storage ring, and the "Yinghuo Divine Needle" scattered on the ground.

Liang Yan inspected this set of flying needle magic weapons and found that most of them had been destroyed by his own sword energy. They seemed to have lost their spirituality and could no longer be used.


After sighing softly, Liang Yan cast a spell and put all the broken "Yinghuo Divine Needles" into his bag. He also grabbed the fox-headed mask and the scattered storage rings in his hands and inspected them briefly.

a while.

"This mask is really powerful. It can actually completely hide one's own aura, and it can also transform into another person. It's many times better than the 'Yuanmu Dao' spell I used."

Liang Yan sighed with emotion and put the mask into his storage ring. As for Fox Thirteen's storage ring, he didn't have time to take a closer look at it at this time, so he could only put it away temporarily and check it again when things were over.

He cleaned up the surrounding fighting area, erasing all the sword marks, then turned around and returned along the way he came.

Liang Yan and Hu Shisan did not chase him too far after the battle, but he was back to the previous place in just a cup of tea.

At this time, Mo Haoran was fighting fiercely with Xiong Ba. The golden light of Buddhism and the power of the soaring fist were constantly colliding in the forest, erupting into layers of halos.

Liang Yan's eyes were so vicious. At this time, he had keenly noticed that Xiong Ba's strength had dropped by a level compared to before.

The reason is that there is already a trace of timidity in Xiong Ba's heart. Although he is still open-minded and fierce on the outside, the timidity in his heart cannot be concealed in front of masters of the same level.

"It seems that he already knows that Fox Thirteen is dead."

Liang Yan understood it instantly. Seeing that Mo Haoran had completely suppressed Xiong Ba, he was not in a hurry to help, but raised his hand to take back Hu Shisan's "Red Dust".

This magic weapon is very powerful. It can actually trap his own two swords. It is more than one level better than the magic weapons of Kunshan Three Evils, Xuan Ye Lao Dao, Poisonous Lady and others.

Fox Thirteen was dead and there was no one to control "Red Dust", so he naturally released his Black Lotus Sword and Fixed Light Sword.

Liang Yan put away the magic weapon and put his flying sword back into Taixu Hu. He then walked around in a circle, erasing all the sword marks left by his sword, and then slowly looked at the battle in the forest.


"Donor Liang is quite leisurely and elegant. The fight hasn't even ended yet, so he's starting to clean up the battlefield?"

Yu Feihong on the side couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help but speak.

"Haha, Senior Mo has superb Buddhist teachings and immeasurable magical powers. How can he handle a mere Xiong Ba? Liang is just a junior in the Golden Core Realm. He relies on Senior Mo to save his life. How dare he get involved in this kind of thing?

A battle of levels?" Liang Yan laughed.

Yu Feihong was slightly startled when he heard this, and even Mo Haoran, who was in the middle of the fight, frowned slightly, but both of them were very perceptive people, and they understood what he meant almost instantly.

"So that's it, then please ask the benefactor to plunder the formation for the poor monk, and let's see the poor monk accept this bear monster!"

Mo Haoran smiled slightly and activated his Buddhist magical powers to the extreme. Under the reflection of thousands of golden lights, Xiong Ba's figure was firmly suppressed below.

The two were fighting fiercely, but a black cloud flew rapidly from the distance. Behind the black cloud, there were two figures, flying above the woods at an incredible speed.

The black clouds, covering the sky and the sky, were roaring in, and they were near the battlefield in the blink of an eye.

Liang Yan looked up and saw densely packed red-eyed crows in the black clouds. These crows fell from mid-air and gathered on the branches of the forest chattering, finally forming a black-robed monk.

This man wore a crow mask and was extremely thin. His eyes behind the mask were emotionless and seemed to be uninterested in anything.

Xiong Bazheng broke through Mo Haoran's Buddhist golden light with one punch. Seeing the monk who suddenly arrived, he couldn't help shouting:

"Crow Liu, the slutty fox is dead!"

"I can't control her anymore, let's go!"

The man wearing a crow mask shouted lowly, reached out and took out a scroll from his sleeve, and slowly unfolded it.

In the scroll, there were pictures of mountains, rivers, lakes, seas, palaces and pavilions, which looked majestic and magnificent. At this moment, a white light shot out from it, split into two in the air, and shot towards Xiong Ba and Ya Liu respectively, one on the left and one on the right.

"not good!"

Mo Haoran frowned slightly, the spiritual power in his body was running, and the golden light suddenly filled the sky, as if he wanted to catch Xiong Ba before the white light arrived.

However, Xiong Ba was unhurried. The veins in his arms swelled and he fired eighteen punches in succession. Each punch had the power to break mountains and cut rivers, and only the golden light in the sky was thrust into the air.


With two roars that broke through the air, both Xiong Ba and Ya Liu were caught in the white light. Their auras disappeared at the same time, and the two white lights turned around in mid-air and returned to the scroll.

The lonely scroll slowly fell from the air and spontaneously ignited without wind. After a moment, it turned into a wisp of smoke, and no trace of it could be found.

At this moment, the two figures chasing behind Ya Liu arrived. The first one was wearing a brown robe, a scribe's scarf on his head, and an emerald green flute stuck in his waist. He was the fourth round figure.

Examiner Nan Tianxing.

As for the young girl behind him, it was Ye Qing, the examiner of the third round.

"Eight Views of Yunluo!"

When Nan Tianxing arrived, he happened to see the scroll taking away Xiong Ba and Ya Liu, and spontaneously ignited in the air without wind. He couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It turns out there is such a rare treasure, no wonder it dares to sneak into my Wushuang City!"

Nan Tianxing's expression was extremely ugly. The Eight Scenes of Clouds and Luos was a rare treasure. According to legend, it was made by an expert from Yongye City. Not only could it break through the void, but it could also come and go without any trace.

The only drawback is that it can only be used once, and it will self-destruct after use, making it a one-time life-saving magic weapon.

After the master of Yongye City created this magic weapon, he did not use it himself. Instead, he exchanged items needed to overcome the tribulation with others. Later, this magic weapon traveled to many places, and whose hands it ended up in has been

No one knows about it anymore, but he didn’t expect to appear in the Fanghu Immortal Valley in Wushuang City today.

"Amitabha, don't chase after poor people. Fellow Taoist Nan, you should check first to see if there are any survivors here." Mo Haoran clasped his hands together and whispered the Buddha's name.

After hearing what he said, Nan Tianxing was suspicious of the person's identity, but he also understood that now was not the time to question him. He hurriedly rushed into the forest and began to check the injured candidates one by one.

After half a cup of tea, Nan Tianxing let out a long sigh, his eyes full of regret.

"Only five people are alive and the rest cannot be saved."

Liang Yan happened to come over at this time. After hearing this, he knew without even looking that the five people Nan Tianxing was talking about must be Cang Yueming, Situ Kuangsheng, Huangfu Qi, Ji Lai and Li Xiran.

Although those candidates who were controlled by Fox Thirteen in the past developed a combat power that exceeded their own potential in a short period of time, their essence and souls were burned as a result, and they were already weak.

Later, they received three punches from Xiong Ba from a distance, and most of them died on the spot. The remaining ones who were seriously injured and dying also died one after another during this period.

Only the monks who were not controlled by Fox Thirteen at that time were lucky enough to save their lives. Among them, Cang Yueming, Situ Kuangsheng, and Huangfu Qi were the most seriously injured and had passed out long ago.

As for Li Xiran, both of them had magic weapons to protect their bodies. Although they were not knocked unconscious at that time, when Fox Shisan used his magical power again, he was still almost controlled.

Although Fox Thirteen was already dead at this time, the two of them were still in a coma, but their injuries were the lightest among the five survivors.

Nan Tianxing instilled spiritual power into these five people one by one and used secret methods to suppress the injuries in their bodies. After the conditions of these people gradually improved, he collected the bodies of the remaining candidates one by one.

"Ye Qing, have you checked the other mountain trails in the mountain? Are there any survivors?" Nan Tianxing asked in a deep voice.

"No one is alive. Except for the few people in front of me, all those who participated in the third round of assessment were killed." Although Ye Qing looked a bit naive, she also knew at this time that she had committed a crime of dereliction of duty.

He nodded and replied softly.

Seeing this, Nan Tianxing sighed and said: "I know you feel guilty, but I don't blame you for this. After all, the first two rounds of assessments were accompanied by examiners, and only this third round of assessments took place in the mountains.

, not only are there no examiners accompanying you, but there is also fog in the mountains, which obscures the exploration of spiritual consciousness, so they choose to do it here. I will report the matter to you truthfully. As for how the higher ups punish you, it is beyond my control."

The two communicated for a while, and Nan Tianxing motioned for her to step aside and turned his attention to Mo Haoran, who was not far away.

"Your Excellency's Buddhist skills are profound and profound. If I read correctly, they should be passed down from the Luotian Sect, right?" Nan Tianxing asked, squinting his eyes.

"Amitabha, poor monk Luo Tianshan Huijue." Mo Haoran said with his hands clasped together.

"Huijue, are you the Reverend Ran Deng, Huijue?"

Nan Tianxing's face suddenly changed, and then there was a hint of suspicion in his eyes, and he asked with some disbelief: "Senior, since he is one of the eight great sages of Luotian Mountain, why do you want to get involved in the assessment of my juniors in Wushuang City?"

"It's not that I deliberately wanted to sneak into this assessment, but this poor monk is destined to suffer this fate."

Huijue slowly opened his mouth and said: "Although the poor monk was successful in cultivation, he could not survive his second major disaster. He had no choice but to use the sect's secret technique to reincarnate, and 'Mo Haoran' is mine.

Turn the body of calamity."

"Before I retrieved my past life memories, 'Mo Haoran' was just a drunkard and a wanderer. This time I joined Wushuang City, and I was originally going to be killed by these gangsters here. This can be regarded as God's opportunism for me to avoid disasters.

A kind of punishment. Fortunately, my descendant Yu Feihong found me and used the magic weapon from my previous life to awaken my soul, otherwise the poor monk would have died."

After listening to Huijue's words, everyone present also understood. It turned out that Yu Feihong did not come to join Wushuang City, but came here to find the reincarnation of his master.

Nan Tianxing is a monk who has already entered the realm of transformation. He thought about all the rumors almost instantly. He nodded and said: "That's it. It seems that the Buddhist scriptures that Monk Jindeng obtained under the oil lamp

The remnant version is the technique practiced by the senior in his previous life. As for why Mo Haoran attained enlightenment in his dream, it must be because the remnant soul of senior Huijue from his previous life entered his dream and passed on his technique to his reincarnation, right?"

"Haha, Nan Donor really has a keen eye."

Huijue laughed and said: "Although I can teach myself the Dharma in my dreams, I can't awaken my soul by myself. I have to find a destined person to find my reincarnation body for me. And who can destroy the sacrifices in the temple?"

If you take off the oil lamp on the stage, you will be the poor monk's destined person."

When he said this, he looked at Yu Feihong with a gentle smile on his face, obviously considering him as his official successor.

"They say lies spread rumors, but I am sincere. It seems that it wasn't Yu Feihong who refused to join Luo Tianshan, but Luo Tianshan didn't want to accept him yet." Nan Tianxing said again.

"I really can't hide anything from Senior Nan! Yes, when the uncle of Luo Tianshan came down the mountain to find me, he saw the clues at that time. He asked me to find the master's reincarnation body in the vast sea of ​​people. Otherwise, in this life

Nor can I join the Luo Tian Sect."

When Yu Feihong said this, he pointed to the top of his head and said with a smile: "The ring scar on my head is the deadline he gave me. If I haven't found my master before the ring scar disappears, then I will be completely separated from Luo

Tianshan is no longer destined."

"Okay, your master-disciple relationship has ended up in my Wushuang City."

Nan Tianxing's face showed a half-smile expression. Although Hui Jue was a powerful person in the Transformation Tribulation Realm in his previous life, after all, he was only in the middle stage of the Tongxuan Realm in this life. In terms of strength, he was even lower than himself. Of course he would not.

It would be too restrictive.

In fact, the reason why Hui Jue and Yu Feihong explained so much was because this was inside Wushuang City. As monks from Luotian Mountain, they did go a bit too far by coming here without warning.

Thanks to: Little layman for the reward, thanks to: Chizuru Ichinose for the 5,000-point reward!

This chapter has been completed!
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