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Chapter 1339 Ten people gathered together

 After Liang Yan arrived at the cliff, he did not hide his aura.

We have already reached this place, and if we try to be secretive anymore, we will become annoying.

He pressed down the escape light generously and landed on the cliff.

On the ten futons in front, there were already six young men and women sitting cross-legged, leaving only four vacant seats, one of which of course belonged to him.

Liang Yan narrowed his eyes and secretly looked at these six people.

There are a few acquaintances among them, namely Yang Jianying, Yu Dongyang and Lin Fan. These are all whom I met along the way, so I know some basics.

"I didn't expect that they arrived earlier than me. It seems that these people's experience in 'Feiyu Shiwuzhou' was much smoother than mine."

Liang Yan thought secretly, then turned his eyes and looked at the other three people.

Among them was a young female nun, with fluttering white clothes, pure and elegant, hands like catkins, and skin like gelatin. She looked like a fairy hanging in the sky for nine days. She also carried a guqin behind her, which added to her elegance.

It's just that such a beautiful woman has a cold expression. She is sitting alone on the futon on the far left, looking like she is thousands of miles away.

"Why does this woman's appearance look familiar?"

Liang Yan frowned. He was sure he had never seen this woman before, but her appearance gave him a feeling of déjà vu.

Shaking his head and temporarily putting aside the doubts in his heart, Liang Yan turned his eyes and looked at another person.

This man is a monk in yellow clothes, with bulging muscles and a strong build. He carries a nine-foot-long crescent moon Zen staff behind his back. He can vaguely feel that there is a powerful force hidden among the divine soldiers.

Although he was just sitting still, he gave people an extremely dangerous feeling.

"not simple!"

Liang Yan narrowed his eyes. Of course he knew that the geniuses who could pass through the "Feiyu Fifteen Continents" and reach Suixu Mountain would not be easy, but compared with Lin Fan, Yu Dongyang and others, this monk seemed to be even more difficult to deal with!

Secretly keeping an eye on it, Liang Yan looked away and looked at the last man.

This person is a young man wearing a blue robe. He is not tall and has an average appearance, but he has a gentle aura about him. Anyone who comes close to him will feel happy and feel like a spring breeze.

"His technique seems a little special."

Liang Yan suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart, but before he could take a closer look, the six people who had been meditating with their eyes closed had already opened their eyes one after another.

Among them, Yang Jianying, Yu Dongyang, and Lin Fan all smiled slightly and nodded in greeting after seeing him, which was an expression of their goodwill. Especially Lin Fan, there was a deep meaning in his smile, as if he was reminding Liang Yan not to forget

The alliance agreement between the two of them.

Although Liang Yan was very wary of Lin Fan, he certainly would not show off on the surface. At this time, he also smiled slightly and nodded to several people.

As for the female cultivator in white and the muscular monk, they just glanced at him briefly and returned to meditation. They didn't seem to care much about Liang Yan.

This is reasonable. After all, the ten geniuses who came here did not know each other. Before meeting the ghost-hand scholar, it is still difficult to say whether they are in a competitive relationship or a cooperative relationship.

Only the young man in green robe had a kind face. He looked at Liang Yan and laughed loudly: "I didn't expect that another person with the same idea would come so soon. It's very good, very good! Everyone is limited by 'Heaven's Jealousy', so it's okay."

We share the same problem, and in Li’s opinion, we should work together to overcome all difficulties and break this disaster together!”

His words were impassioned, but none of the other five people around him responded. At this time, they were all sitting cross-legged on the futon, looking at their noses and hearts, and they seemed to pay little attention to him.

Young Master Qingpao was not embarrassed when he saw this. He pointed to a futon beside him, waved to Liang Yan and said, "We are destined to meet each other. Fellow Taoist, please come here and sit quietly."

"Fellow Taoist is really enthusiastic, but we don't come here just to make friends."

Liang Yan laughed, turned around, and landed on a futon near the corner of the mountain wall the next moment.

To his left and right were Yang Jianying and the female cultivator in white. Yang Jianying was nothing, but when the female cultivator in white saw him landing near her, a hint of disgust flashed deep in her eyes.

Although it was just a fleeting moment, those sitting here were not ordinary people, and Liang Yan could naturally feel it.

He confirmed that he had never seen the female cultivator in white, but she seemed to be somewhat hostile to him.

"Do you seem to have any prejudice against me?"

Liang Yan didn't hesitate, looked at the female cultivator in white not far away, and asked directly.

"Hmph, people who are just looking for fame and reputation."

The female cultivator in white looked cold and aloof, and looked at Liang Yan. The disgust in her eyes was even more obvious. It seemed that Liang Yan was not worthy of sitting with her.

"Have we known each other before?" Liang Yan frowned and asked with some confusion.

"It's not even close to knowing each other."

The female cultivator in white said coldly: "It's just that a few years ago, you injured my incompetent sister Yu Xiaolong, and captured my adopted sister Yun Suyi. Although the two of them are not good at learning, they are both good after all.

My sisters, Palace Master Liang has taken advantage of them in order to establish his authority. Could it be that he doesn’t take me seriously?”

After hearing this, Liang Yan suddenly realized and thought to himself: "No wonder she looked so familiar to me just now. It turns out that this person is Yu Xiaolong's sister!"

He looked at the female cultivator in white again and found that the two did have some similarities, but their looks were still very different. Yu Xiaolong was cute and cute, but the female cultivator in white in front of him was gentle and graceful.

Faced with the question from the female cultivator in white, Liang Yan's expression remained unchanged, and he laughed and said, "Fellow Taoist, I'm joking. It was Na Yun Suyi who massacred the family first, and Liang was just acting in accordance with the city lord's laws. As for Yu Xiaolong, it's just a battle of skills.

, and she came to me on her own initiative. If Liang refuses to fight, wouldn’t it make me look cowardly?"

Because it was his first time here, Liang Yan didn't know what the female cultivator in white was doing, and since the Suixu Mountain discussion was about to begin, he didn't want to cause any trouble, so his words were extremely polite.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, the female cultivator in white didn't buy it. Instead, she snorted coldly: "Wise words! If I have a chance this time, I would like to learn from Palace Master Liang's clever tricks!"

Liang Yan didn't expect this person to be so persistent. Hearing this, he sneered and said lightly:

"Since fellow Taoist wants to compete, Liang will naturally accompany him. It's just that magic has no eyesight. It doesn't matter life or death. Fellow Taoist must think clearly before taking action."


Murderous intent flashed through the eyes of the female cultivator in white, but she also knew that now was not the time to fall out, so she temporarily suppressed the anger in her heart, silently closed her eyes, and never paid attention to Liang Yan again.

Of course, Liang Yan would not take the initiative to cause trouble. He also sat cross-legged on the futon and meditated, minding his own business.

As a result, plus Liang Yan who just arrived, seven people have been seated on the ten futons, leaving only the last three seats vacant.

Time flew by, and ten days passed in the blink of an eye.

The time set by the ghost-hand scholar to discuss Taoism is getting closer and closer, but no one has come to the remaining three positions.

"It seems that not everyone has passed the test of the ghost-hand scholar. The 'Flying Fish Continent' is dangerous and unpredictable. I'm afraid some people will stay there forever."

Many people have this idea in their minds, and almost everyone is not very optimistic about the three geniuses who have been waiting to come for a long time.

At this moment, a ray of light suddenly appeared on the horizon.

The escape light was white, the aura was restrained, and the speed was extremely fast. In a few flashes, it had already reached the edge of the cliff.

When the light dissipated, the person who emerged was a tall, thin man wearing a Confucian robe.

Although this person is a man, he has delicate features and fair skin, and looks quite feminine.

After he landed, he did not look at everyone like Liang Yan, but silently walked to a futon and sat down next to the young man in green robe.

Sitting side by side, these two people are clearly two extremes.

The aura of the young man in green robes is gentle, like the spring breeze in March, which makes people drunk without drinking. But the aura of the feminine man has a strong evil spirit, which makes people shudder and make people feel disgusted involuntarily.

“Quite interesting”

Liang Yan squinted his eyes and looked at the two of them, and found that they both used special techniques to hide their cultivation. Although they could not tell the depth, they gave people an extremely dangerous feeling.

In fact, this is completely normal. The geniuses who come here are not ordinary people. Although Liang Yan can hide his own strength, he can't see through other people's details.

"There are two more."

Yang Jianying opened her eyes, looked around, and landed on the last two futons.

Yu Dongyang was next to him, and he chuckled at this time: "Yu is also a little curious, who will the last two people be? The trip to discuss the Tao is coming soon. Could it be that they encountered big trouble on the way?"

The two people met in Wanshou City and had been together all the way here, so they were familiar with each other, and they started talking quietly.

"Everyone has his or her own ambitions. Maybe someone else has found a way to solve the problem of 'Heavenly Jealousy' and doesn't want to participate in this discussion. Or maybe they feel that the risk of this trip is too great, so they might give up the spot."

"That's not necessarily true. If 'Tianjealousy' was so easy to crack, we wouldn't have rushed here eagerly." Yu Dongyang shook his head, obviously not agreeing with Yang Jianying's guess.

Just as the two of them were talking quietly, another ray of light came speeding towards them in mid-air.

This time the light escape was loud and powerful, completely opposite to the man in Confucian robes not long ago. It had no intention of being low-key. There was thunder roaring wherever it passed, which was deafening.


As a loud noise came, the escape light fell on the cliff. The huge impact shattered half of the cliff, the surrounding rocks collapsed, and countless gravels scattered like meteors.

Of course, these rubbles could not hurt Liang Yan and others, but this barbaric way of appearing made the other eight people frown.

Especially the female cultivator in white, whose expression was extremely disgusted. She moved her right hand in her sleeve, as if she wanted to punish this person for his disrespect, but in the end she suppressed the anger in her heart and did not choose to take action here.

When the light dissipated, the person who emerged was a middle-aged man with a strong build and a leopard-like head.

This man was naked from the waist up, and both arms were engraved with dense runes. The left arm was Taoist mantras, and the right arm was Buddhist Sanskrit. There was also a white tiger on the chest, which looked fierce and evil, as if it wanted to choose people to devour.

"Haha, Xuan is late, everyone has been waiting for a long time!"

The middle-aged man laughed loudly, and without waiting for the other eight people to react, he walked to the edge of the cliff and sat down on one of the two remaining futons.

He had just sat down when a voice next to him said coldly:

"Humph, the appointment to discuss Taoism is so important, but Your Excellency arrived at the last moment. Could it be that you don't take us comrades in your eyes?"

The middle-aged man was slightly startled, then turned around and saw that the person speaking was a young man, wearing coarse linen clothes and a simple black ring on his hand.

"Who is your Excellency?" The middle-aged man squinted his eyes, and the fierce light in his eyes flashed away.

"Haha, before asking others about their origins, you should first tell me your own details." Lin Fan laughed.

"Hey! I can't change my name in business, and I can't change my surname in sitting, Xuan Hui is the same! Who are you, dare to make irresponsible remarks against me?" the middle-aged man shouted.

"What do you mean?"

Faced with Xuan Hui's almost rude provocation, even a calm person like Lin Fan was aroused to anger at this time.

"What do you mean? Haha, a certain family thinks that you are one of the top ten geniuses, so why can you only use your words? If you have any dissatisfaction with me, just come and fight!"

"Okay! It seems that you are very confident in yourself. I want to see what your methods are!"

Xuan Hui's fighting spirit was at its peak, and Lin Fan was not to be outdone. At this moment, he narrowed his eyes and clasped his left hand on the black ring without leaving any trace. Murderous aura also emerged from his body.

Just when the two of them were at war with each other, a Buddhist chant suddenly sounded from the crowd.


Everyone turned around and saw that it was the monk in yellow who had been silent before. At this time, they slowly opened their eyes.

"Two benefactors, please be patient. We all came here to get rid of the 'Heavenly Jealousy'. No one is allowed to do anything here before seeing the ghost-hand scholar. Otherwise, don't blame Fang for being ruthless."

These words were spoken extremely calmly, but the content behind them was very domineering.

According to what he means, whoever dares to cause trouble here will be the first to be killed by him!

Unexpectedly, Xuan Hui, who looked arrogant and domineering, actually stopped making trouble after hearing the yellow-clothed monk speak. He just glared at Lin Fan and ignored him.

Lin Fan seemed to know this monk, and smiled and said: "Forget it, for the sake of fellow Taoist Fang, I won't argue with this reckless man."

"Thank you two donors." The monk in yellow clasped his hands together and saluted the two of them.

"Nine of the ten geniuses have arrived, and the last one is left." Yu Dongyang looked around at this time, and suddenly smiled: "Is it such a coincidence that the last one also arrived today?"

As soon as he finished speaking, not far away, a man in a green robe laughed:

"Fellow Taoist guessed it right, the last person is here too!"

Thanks to: Sitting on the Railing Ai Fenglinwan for the 2000 point reward!

Thanks to: book friend 20220519060348860 for the 2000 point reward!

Thanks to: Yanxin Xiaoshuai for the 1500 point reward!

Thanks to: Eyes looking for light in the dark night for the 300-point reward!

This chapter has been completed!
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