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Chapter 1541 Twelve-Element Magnetic Array

 "I didn't expect that there is a hidden world down here. It seems like he guessed it!"

Ding Feng glanced at Liang Yan and his expression changed slightly.

Among the four major disciples of Shennong Mountain, although his cultivation level is not the highest, his spirit is the highest.

Previously in the council hall, Ai Zhong entrusted an outsider like Liang Yan with important tasks, but instead asked their four major disciples to obey orders, which made Ding Feng very dissatisfied.

Therefore, his original plan was that if Liang Yan was an exaggerated person, he would not need to be bound by his orders in subsequent actions. He could make his own decisions and act expediently.

But now, this idea has changed a little bit.

At the same time, Liang Yan stared at the whirlpool in front of him. After observing for a long time, he slowly said:

"Although this barrier is not difficult to break, its function is not only to block intruders, but also to serve as an early warning. Once the barrier is broken, the people inside will know immediately, which may affect our rescue operations.


"Fellow Daoist Liang is right in saying that there is a secret in this barrier!" Jia Yi and others also saw the tricks hidden in the barrier.

"I'll try!"

Ding Feng walked out of the crowd.

He turned over his right hand and found an extra magic weapon. It had a weird shape, somewhat similar to a farmhouse's iron plow hook. The tip of the plow was shining with golden light, and there were several talismans attached to it.


Ding Feng swung the magic weapon, and the iron plow hook flew into the black hole. The plow tip penetrated the barrier. The golden light became more brilliant, branching out into countless thin streams, like thousands of golden needles, wandering in the barrier of the black hole.

During the whole process, Ding Feng's face was serious, he made hand gestures and muttered something in his mouth.

Suddenly, he flicked his sleeves and pointed his hand forward, and all the talismans on the iron plow hook exploded, turning into layers of halo and spreading outward, soon covering the entire black hole barrier.

"It's done!"

Ding Feng's face was excited, and he lowered his voice and said: "I used secret techniques to add another layer of barrier on top of the barrier. The original barrier has been temporarily sealed by me. If we break in now, within half a stick of incense,

, it won’t alarm anyone!”


Liang Yan's face showed a trace of satisfaction.

Although this Ding Feng is not necessarily very strong, he is still quite accomplished in the secret technique of banning a group. Although he can break the barrier if he takes action by himself, it is difficult to do it silently like him.

"Since Junior Brother Ding has sealed their barrier, let's go in now without further ado?" Jia Yi asked.


Liang Yan didn't hesitate, and with just one word, he took the lead and rushed into the black hole. Seeing this, the others followed closely behind.

The black hole barrier is not complicated. Perhaps for monks below the realm of calamity, this barrier is extremely difficult to break, but for Liang Yan and other calamity monks, it is not difficult to pass through the barrier.

In just a few breaths, everyone had already broken through the barrier. Because of Ding Feng's actions in advance, even if the barrier was broken, no breath was leaked out.


Liang Yan flashed his light and was the first to pass through the black hole.

The surrounding darkness receded like a tide, replaced by a misty space.

Liang Yan pressed down the escape light and landed with his feet on the ground. He found that he was on a huge rock. There was white mist around him and the sound was lonely. It looked very strange.

Before he could take a closer look, there was a sound of breaking through the air behind him, and the four major disciples from Shennong Mountain arrived one after another.

"where is this place."

After Jia Yi landed, he looked around, his expression alert, and he had no intention of acting rashly.

In contrast, Ding Feng's character was a little impatient. As soon as he landed, he waved his hand and summoned the magic weapon that looked like an iron plow hook again, as if he wanted to use this magic weapon to explore the way in the fog.

But just as his magic weapon appeared, a huge suction force came from the mist, and the iron plow hook flew out of Ding Feng's hand out of control.

A "whoosh" sound!

The iron plow hook was like a golden rainbow, moving incredibly fast. In the blink of an eye, it slipped into the mist and disappeared completely.

"My 'Spirit Wolf'!"

Ding Feng roared, his face anxious, and he subconsciously wanted to urge Dunguang to chase him, but Liang Yan held him down from behind.

"What are you doing? That's a strange magic weapon that I spent hundreds of years refining!" Ding Feng turned around and roared, looking like he wanted to break free from Liang Yan's hand.

"Brother Ding, calm down."

Liang Yan only had five words. At the same time, the golden light in his right hand was flowing and he would not let go. No matter how hard Ding Feng struggled, he could not escape the suppression of the "Vajra Divine Power".

Just when the two were in a stalemate, a whirlwind suddenly blew out of the fog. In the vast fog, this whirlwind was like an undercurrent under the river. Although it was not very powerful, the hidden power contained in it was very powerful.

The whirlwind hadn't even approached yet, but dark energy was already surging in. Everyone felt as if they were facing a towering mountain, with so much force rushing towards them that their bodies were turned upside down, and their internal organs seemed to have moved.

"What a strong force!"

Everyone was forced back hundreds of feet by the dark force, their hearts trembled, and they all used their magical powers to resist this overwhelming force.

With Ding Feng's lesson learned, no one dared to sacrifice magic weapons. They just mobilized the spiritual power in their bodies and used magical powers to defend themselves.

Liang Yan didn't use sword pills either. He let go of Ding Feng, pinched the magic formula in his hand, and used "Empty Phase of All Dharmas" to cast a golden halo of light that enveloped himself and Ding Feng at the same time.


A huge force hit everyone's magical powers. Everywhere they looked, they saw flying sand and rocks, howling winds, chaotic spiritual energy, and even the space was squeezed and deformed.

Such a fierce collision lasted for three breaths.

After three breaths, the strong wind gradually subsided, and the dark energy hidden in the mist slowly disappeared.

"so close."

Jia Yi and others breathed a sigh of relief.

Although they only had three short breaths just now, the dark energy in the mist has already caused great pressure on them, especially Ding Feng. His magic weapon was destroyed just now and he was restless. He almost got attacked. Fortunately

Liang Yan used his "Vajra Divine Power" to protect this person in time, otherwise he would definitely be injured.

At this time, Ding Feng also realized his recklessness just now and looked very ashamed.

"Junior Brother Ding, this place is strange and dangerous. We'd better obey the orders of fellow Taoist Liang." Jia Yi adjusted his breath for a moment before speaking.

"What the senior sister said is absolutely true"

Ding Feng looked ashamed. He turned to Liang Yan, bowed deeply and said, "Just now Ding was very eager to protect the treasure, but his words and deeds were a little impulsive. Please don't blame me, Brother Liang."

"It doesn't matter. If I argue with you, I won't save you." Liang Yan waved his hand and didn't seem to care.

After Ding Feng heard this, his face became even more ashamed, and he silently retreated behind Jia Yi without saying a word.

Jia Yi frowned at this time and said: "This foggy space is very strange. Although Junior Brother Ding's 'Spirit Wolf' magic weapon is not a top-quality magic weapon, it was made by him after a hundred years of hard work. How could it be gone?"

?And the whirlwind at the back, the dark energy contained in it is even weirder. Even with my level of cultivation, it is a bit difficult to resist it. Fellow Daoist Liang, I wonder if you have any advice?"

After hearing this, Liang Yan pondered for a moment and said slowly: "If I read it correctly, this should be the Confucian sect's 'Twelve Element Magnetic Formation'."

"Twelve-element magnetic array?"

Jia Yi and others looked at each other. Although their cultivation levels were not low, they had never left Juntian City in their lives. How could they know the methods of various sects in the human continent?

In fact, this formation belongs to the essence of Confucianism, and Liang Yan had no access to it originally. However, the lord of Wushuang City, Ling Hubai, was a Confucian monk, so there were many Confucian classics in the city. After Liang Yan became the lord of Bihai Palace, by chance,

I came across this formation in the Sutra Collection Pavilion in the palace. I was very interested in it and studied it for a while.

"The Twelve Yuan Magnetic Formation uses the divine power of Yuan Magnetic to mix the two auras of Yi Wood and Hou Earth, which move in the positions of the Nine Palaces and the Three Talents to make the debate between Yin and Yang."

Liang Yan spoke slowly and explained the mystery of the "Twelve-Element Magnetic Array" for everyone:

"The weird thing about this formation is that the divine power of Yuan Magnetic attracts everything. As long as the magic weapon is used, it will be sucked away by the divine power of Yuan Magnetic. Not only can it not break the formation, but it will become the nourishment of this formation."

Hearing this, everyone looked gloomy.

Among the human monks, apart from physical cultivators and martial arts monks, who does not rely on magic weapons? Thinking back to the ancient war and the rise of the human race, the demon and demon clans were defeated steadily by various magic weapons. Now even the demon and demon clans have begun to follow suit.

The human race's refining of treasures is enough to illustrate the importance of magic weapons.

But at this moment, in this twelve-element magnetic formation, it is impossible to use the magic weapon. This is tantamount to cutting off an arm!

"Brother Liang, since you know the mystery of this 'Twelve Element Magnetic Array', do you know how to crack it?" Jia Yi asked.

"It's not difficult to crack it." Liang Yan smiled slightly and said: "The 'Twelve Element Magnetic Array' is based on the Nine Palaces and Three Talents, and is divided into the 'Outer Nine Palaces' and the 'Inner Three Talents'. The most powerful one is the 'Inner Three Talents'.

', If what I predict is correct, your mountain master is trapped in the 'Inner Three Talents'."

When Jia Yi heard this, he exclaimed: "With the mountain master's level as a 'sub-sage', he is actually trapped in this formation. How can we break it?"

"Fellow Taoist, don't be excited. Just listen to me and explain slowly."

Liang Yan said lightly: "Although the 'Inner Three Talents' are extremely powerful, they are based on the 'Outer Nine Palaces'. When we sneak in here, the people of the Yeming Sect must not have noticed it yet. We only need to follow the nine palaces and destroy them at the same time."

The three grids of "Rook", "Horse" and "Dragon", and the "Outer Nine Palaces" will not be able to complete the closed loop. When the breath leaks out, it will affect the foundation of the "Inner Three Talents". We will join forces with the Mountain Lord and exert our efforts at the same time.

, this formation can be broken!"

The words were concise and clear, but they explained the method of breaking the formation. After listening to it, everyone was in high spirits.

By this moment, the four major disciples of Shennong Mountain had all sincerely convinced Liang Yan.

"Brother Liang is indeed knowledgeable. You can take command. All four of us brothers will listen to you!" Ding Feng blurted out.

Liang Yan smiled slightly after hearing this. Among the four, Ding Feng was the most rebellious. Now that he even said this, it showed that the four of them were sincerely obeying.

"Okay, now that everyone works together, things will be much easier to handle."

Liang Yan glanced at the crowd and continued: "The key to breaking the formation is that the three grids of 'car', 'horse' and 'dragon' must be destroyed at the same time, because if any one of them is damaged, the people in the main formation will immediately

If you are alert, it will be difficult to destroy the other two formations when the time comes."

"Young Daoist Liang, what you mean is that we have to divide our troops into three groups and destroy the three formations at the same time?" Jia Yi said with some surprise.


Liang Yan took out four flags from his sleeves and handed them to the four people respectively: "At that time, we will use the command flag as a signal. When the red light in the flag lights up, we can break the formation. Once we succeed, we will rush to the center of the formation. When the time comes,

We reunited at 'Nei San Cai'."


After hearing this, Jia Yi, Ding Feng, Xu Da and Xu Er did not have the slightest objection. They each stepped forward and took a flag from Liang Yan's hand.

Liang Yan counted with his fingers on the spot, then glanced at everyone, and said slowly, "According to my calculations, the 'car array' in Waijiugong is not far from here, and should be about thirty miles southeast.

Let Jia Yi and Ding Feng destroy it!"

"Yes!" Jia Yi and Ding Feng both took orders at the same time.

"The 'Horse Formation' is in the opposite direction. Go west fifty miles from here. There should be no formation obstacles on the way. This formation is relatively simple. Let's leave it to brothers Xu Da and Xu Er."

"Yes!" The remaining two people also accepted the order.

"As for the final 'Dragon Formation', there are some ingenious changes, so I can crack it by myself."

When Liang Yan said this, his eyes turned to Ding Feng and said in a deep voice: "Ding Feng, when you are traveling with Jia Yi, you must listen to her advice and never act rashly!"

"Yes" Ding Feng lowered his head and responded.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Liang Yan had his own intentions in arranging this.

Because Ding Feng is reckless, has a hot temper, and is prone to bad things, someone needs to persuade him. Jia Yi has a stable personality and is the eldest sister among the four. She can control Ding Feng and prevent him from giving birth.


As for brothers Xu Da and Xu Er, although they are at the lowest level of cultivation and have only survived one difficulty, they are twin brothers and have a tacit understanding of combined attack techniques, and the "horse" formation is the simplest formation. Leave it to them

There shouldn't be any surprises if you remove it.

After Liang Yan allocated the manpower, no one had any objections.

"Everyone, this trip has an arduous task, which is related to the rise and fall of Shennong Mountain. I hope everyone will act with caution. We will meet again at the 'Nei Sancai'!" Liang Yan clasped his hands in his fists with a solemn expression.

"Brother Liang, goodbye!"

The four major disciples of Shennong Mountain clasped their fists at the same time. Without further ado, Jia Yi and Ding Feng formed a group, and Xu Da and Xu Er formed a group. They turned into pairs of escaping lights and flew to the southeast and west respectively.

Seeing the four people disappearing from the light, Liang Yan also withdrew his gaze, pinched the magic formula in his hand, and flew towards the northwest.

The Twelve Element Magnetic Array is based on the Nine Palaces Yishu and takes the changes of the Three Talents as its essence. It can be said to be a mysterious and unpredictable array.

Considering the strength of the four major disciples of Shennong Mountain, Liang Yan chose the most difficult path for himself. Fortunately, he had studied this formation before, and although he only mastered 30% of the changes, it was enough to cope with the killing moves along the way.

A quarter of an hour later, Liang Yan finally arrived at the target location.

I saw hundreds of stone pillars appearing in the fog ahead, each stone pillar was engraved with strange runes, and deep in the fog, there was a faint sound of dragon roars.

Happy Lantern Festival everyone!

This chapter has been completed!
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