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Chapter 1,606 Entering the game

 In the Reaching for the Stars and Moon Tower, two figures are facing each other tit for tat.

The strange thing is that among these two people, one is the ancestor of the Transformation Tribulation Realm, but the other only has the cultivation level of the Golden Core Realm.

"So, you don't care about your life?" Master Xuanzhen asked.

Luo Tianxiang's expression did not change, and he said calmly: "From the moment I left the sect, I no longer care about life and death. As long as I can get rid of the Tiandao Alliance, Luo will do it at any cost."

"Haha, it seems there is some misunderstanding between my friend and me. I wonder which sect my friend is a monk from?"

"You don't have to deal with me. Luo is just a messenger and won't say much about anything else!"

"My little friend, you are worrying too much, I just want to..."

In the middle of speaking, Master Xuanzhen suddenly made a spell, and powerful spiritual power surged out. In just one thousandth of a breath, a Taoist talisman was condensed behind Luo Tianxiang.

This talisman appeared silently, and it was Master Xuanzhen's sealing technique.

He didn't want Luo Tianxiang to die, because once this person died, Prince Feng, Situ Yun and others would be buried with him, so he didn't plan to kill him yet.

However, Master Xuanzhen, as the ancestor of the Transformation Tribulation, has many magical powers. Although he cannot kill Luo Tianxiang, he can seal his physical body and soul. As long as Luo Tianxiang does not die, the people behind him will not know what is going on here.

This way you can buy yourself some time to deal with it.

Master Xuanzhen acted cautiously. In order to prevent accidents, he even talked to Luo Tianxiang for a few words to distract him, but he had already done something secretly.

At this moment, the sealing talisman appeared behind Luo Tianxiang and stuck it directly on his back without giving the other party time to react.


Just when the talisman was about to touch Luo Tianxiang, a golden light appeared on his back without warning, and powerful power surged out, actually resisting Master Xuanzhen's talisman.


Master Xuanzhen was surprised.

He saw that this was a Buddhist restriction on magical powers, which was extremely powerful and difficult to break in a short period of time.

Luo Tianxiang also reacted at this time, taking advantage of the opportunity of the battle between the divine power of the Vajra and the sealing talisman, to retreat tens of feet and distance himself from Master Xuanzhen.


Luo Tianxiang got out of the sealing range of the talisman, his eyes widened, and he shouted loudly: "You don't have to play these tricks! That person has already figured out all your thoughts, you want to seal my body? Humph! He left it in my body

Even if he is not here, it will take some time for you to break his restriction. This time is enough for Luo to break his heart and destroy his soul!"

"You want to destroy your own soul?"

Master Xuanzhen frowned even more tightly, obviously he didn't expect him to say such words.

"Haha, Luo has put life and death at risk for a long time! Old thief Xuanzhen, please listen carefully. If you don't want the crown prince and others to be buried with me, don't play these tricks. Follow me and I will take you to see that person."

Luo Tianxiang's words made Master Xuanzhen's expression change again and again.

He weighed the pros and cons in his mind.

Situ Yun and Leng Shuang were two disciples he carefully cultivated. Both of them had great potential and were very efficient in doing things, and they were favored by the old Taoist priest.

When he learned that the two disciples had been captured, Master Xuanzhen, although cautious in character, could not just sit back and watch. As long as there was a glimmer of hope, he would try to rescue the two of them.

As for the crown prince... this person's identity is much more special. Although he is only in the early stage of the Golden Core, he is the son of the Lord of Seven Star City.

Feng Bohou, the lord of Seven Star City, has very few heirs due to his own martial arts, and he only has three descendants now.

Feng Wuyue is his youngest son. Although his qualifications are not high, Feng Bohou still loves him very much.

Now that Feng Wuyue is in trouble, if he refuses to save him, although the city lord will not punish him for such a thing, he will definitely have a grudge in his heart, which may affect his status in Seven Star City in the future.

After thinking about it, whether it was Situ Yun, Leng Shuang, or Prince Feng, they were all the people he had to rescue.

Master Xuanzhen and Luo Tianxiang were in a stalemate for a moment, and finally sighed and said slowly: "The man behind you is really good at planning. He actually starts with the people around Lao Dao! Anyway, since Lao Tao has entered the game, I have to follow you today.

Let’s go on a journey, please lead the way.”

After hearing this, Luo Tianxiang didn't say anything anymore. He pinched a magic formula in his hand and turned it into a ray of light, flying in the direction he came from...

Monks in the Golden Core Realm cannot fly on the Sea of ​​Lost Souls.

Luo Tianxiang came to the shore of Pengdao, stopped his escaping light, and landed on a sea ship.

This sea-going ship was a magic weapon given to him by Liang Yan. It could break through the demonic fog in the Sea of ​​Fallen Souls, and it was extremely fast, ten times faster than ordinary sea-going ships.

Although Master Xuanzhen was the Patriarch of Transformation, he had no choice but to follow Luo Tianxiang at this time, stop his escape light, and land on the ship.

The two of them took a boat out to sea and were silent all the way.

Master Xuanzhen sat cross-legged at the bow of the boat, occasionally closing his eyes to meditate, looking leisurely and at ease, while Luo Tianxiang had a serious face and stared at Master Xuanzhen, never moving away from him since he got on the boat.

In such a strange atmosphere, the ship rides the wind and waves and rushes south.

By noon on the fourth day, the ship had sailed into the southern part of the Luohun Sea. There were very few sixty-four islands here. The sea area was very vast, and not even an island could be seen for millions of miles.

Master Xuanzhen suddenly opened his eyes, looked at Luo Tianxiang opposite, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said with a smile: "My little friend, the person being threatened is obviously me, why are you so nervous?"

Luo Tianxiang didn't seem to hear the sarcasm in his words, but said with a serious face: "Your realm and I are thousands of miles apart, how can Luo dare to relax for a moment? My mission is to keep an eye on you. When I arrive,

I will not take my eyes away from you for even an inch until we reach the agreed place."

After listening to Master Xuanzhen, the sarcastic look on his face gradually disappeared.

"My little friend is a real person! It's a pity that you are not my disciple. To practice in a place like Luohun Sea is like a pearl covered in dust..."

These words seemed to come from the sincerity, but Luo Tianxiang's expression did not waver at all, and he did not answer his words again.

Although Master Xuanzhen was careless on the surface, he was thinking rapidly in his mind.

I wonder what the cultivation level of this person hiding behind the scenes is? But since he knows his name and dares to come to provoke him, his strength is definitely not weak, and he should at least be an opponent on par with him.

The current situation is that the other party has three hostages in their hands, and these three hostages are closely related to themselves, so they must not leave them alone.

In this way, you will fall into the inferior position.

When masters compete, life and death are often a matter of thought. Once you have concerns in your heart, you will be restrained when taking action. As long as the opponent seizes the opportunity, any flaw will be infinitely magnified.

Master Xuanzhen has been able to cultivate to the current level and has experienced countless battles, several of which were even on the verge of despair. This has also created his cautious character.

"It's not good..."

Master Xuanzhen sighed in his heart and thought to himself: "We have lost three times before we fight. First, the hostage is in the opponent's hands. He can have no scruples during the fight, but I can't. Second, until now

I don’t know the origin of the other person yet, but he seems to know everything about me. Thirdly, the meeting place was chosen by this person, so there must have been an ambush, but I had to go... In this way, the right time and the right place

, people and people have all been taken advantage of by this person, which is really unfavorable for me, a seasoned person."

"No! I have to think of a way to reverse the current situation."

When Master Xuanzhen thought of this, his thoughts were spinning rapidly, and suddenly, an idea came to him.

"Our Tiandao Alliance has been suppressing the Sea of ​​Fallen Souls for decades, and this has never happened before. However, Prince Feng went to the two unknown islands in the south and met such a master... Could it be that this person came from

Those two monks from the nameless islands?"

The more Master Xuanzhen thought about it, the more likely it became. He secretly thought in his heart: "No matter who he is, he is inseparable from these two nameless islands. Why don't I arrest all the people on the two islands? There must be him inside."

I will also have a bargaining chip in my hands when the time comes, so it is only fair!"

As this idea gradually became clearer, Master Xuanzhen's eyes narrowed slightly.

His physical body was still sitting upright at the bow of the ship, but his soul used a trick to blind him and flew out from the spiritual platform, trying to hide it from Luo Tianxiang and go to the two unnamed islands.

But at this moment, a ray of rays of light suddenly appeared at the bow of the ship, heading straight for Master Xuanzhen's soul.

Master Xuanzhen did not expect that the other party had a back-up plan in this sea ship. At this moment, the soul had already left his body. Seeing the rays of light flying in, he could only pinch a secret and use the power of the soul to condense into a big transparent hand.

He pressed that ray of light into the air.

Such a strange phenomenon could not be concealed at all, so Luo Tianxiang reacted immediately.

"Master Xuanzhen, do you want to play tricks?"

Luo Tianxiang stood up and said with a vigilant expression: "Xuanzhen! I know you are very powerful, but you can deceive me, but you can't deceive that person. If you want to separate your soul from the body, do something

It's an ulterior act, but that person has already placed restrictions on the ship in advance. Although he can't stop you, he can let me know!"

Master Xuanzhen saw that he had realized that he had no choice but to turn his soul back into his physical body. He laughed and said, "Don't get excited, little friend. It was just a joke. Since I agreed to go see him with you,

, how can you break your promise?"

"Huh, that's best!"

Luo Tianxiang said coldly: "If the ban on sea ships is triggered again, Luo will definitely commit suicide. Then you will be waiting to be crowned the prince, and Situ Yun and the others can collect his body!"

"Easy to say, easy to say..."

Master Xuanzhen laughed dryly, sat down again on the bow of the boat, and said no more words.

It didn't take long for Luo Tianxiang to calm down, but his eyes were still fixed on Master Xuanzhen without relaxing at all.

The ship set sail again, riding the wind and waves along the established direction.

Sunset and sunrise, another day passes in the blink of an eye.

This day is already the fifth day that the two of them have gone to sea.

The weather was surprisingly clear, cloudless, the sun was shining, and there were no waves on the sea, only a gentle breeze and sparkling waves.

At this point, Master Xuanzhen is no longer as calm as before.

Along the way, he felt that all his ideas had been predicted in advance by the other party. Although he wanted to win back a victory, he could not succeed and could only move forward according to the route designed by the other party.

This is unacceptable to Master Xuanzhen.

A monk who has cultivated to his level puts his own life first, followed by everything else.

Although Prince Feng, Situ Yun, and Leng Shuang are all important to him, they cannot be abandoned when his life is in danger.

Master Xuanzhen had already prepared for the worst.

Regarding his two apprentices and Prince Feng, he would save them if he could, but if he really couldn't save them... he could only leave the place temporarily, report the situation to the city lord, and then make a decision.

Thinking of this, Master Xuanzhen secretly performed a magic trick, and two rays of light, one black and one white, appeared from the soles of his feet, intertwined with each other, and then slowly sank, passing through the deck of the ship.

I don’t know what kind of magical power these two rays of rays have, but they actually hid the restrictions on the ship. They did not trigger any restrictions until they left the bottom of the ship and sank into the sea of ​​lost souls.

The ban on sea ships was not triggered, and with Luo Tianxiang's level of cultivation, he was naturally kept in the dark.

On the bottom of the sea that he could not see, the two rays of light began to merge rapidly, and soon formed a Yin-Yang Tai Chi. There was faint fluctuation of the power of space in the Tai Chi...

"It's done!"

Master Xuanzhen screamed secretly in his heart, and a smile flashed at the corner of his mouth.

The back-up plan he deployed is a magical power of space teleportation. If he is ambushed by the opponent, he can instantly teleport himself to the location of Tai Chi Tu.

Although the distance of this kind of teleportation cannot exceed three thousand miles, it can still get rid of some difficulties in a short period of time, which is equivalent to leaving a way out for itself.

Seeing that his own methods had been able to deceive the other party, Master Xuanzhen couldn't help but feel a little proud.

"It seems that this person is not really a perfect person. I thought of him too much before... Anyway, I will first see what abilities this person has before taking the next step.


Thinking of this, Master Xuanzhen felt a little calmer.

His eyes swept to the other side of the bow, only to find Luo Tianxiang standing up again.

"Huh? What is he going to do again?"

Master Xuanzhen frowned slightly and was about to ask a question when he saw Luo Tianxiang turned around and jumped into the water from the bow of the boat!

"not good!"

Master Xuanzhen was experienced and reacted quickly.

Without any hesitation, he squeezed the magic formula in his hand, and a big hand transformed by spiritual power appeared out of thin air, directly reaching into the water, trying to catch the escaping Luo Tianxiang.

However, as soon as this spiritually powerful hand reached into the water, it felt a powerful force coming from under the water.


After a loud noise, the entire ship was blown to pieces.

At the same time, nine water dragons broke out of the sea under the water. They were extremely fast and arrived in front of Master Xuanzhen almost at the same time.

Master Xuanzhen had already risen into the sky at the moment when the ship exploded.

Seeing the nine water dragons coming, he didn't lose any panic. He just waved his sleeves, and a burst of Taoist spiritual power came out of his sleeves. He rolled it towards the nine water dragons and scattered them all in an instant!


There was a muffled sound in midair.

After the water dragon was scattered, it turned into countless thin streams. Instead of falling from the air, it entangled itself with Master Xuanzhen...

This chapter has been completed!
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