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Chapter 1,684 Desperate Situation!

 In the sky above the attic, the sound was like thunder!

A powerful aura fell from the sky, suppressing the heads of everyone in the attic, like a huge mountain, making everyone breathless.

"It's Canglong!"

Liang Yan was shocked.

"Lian Xin, what's going on? Didn't you say that every time Canglong leaves the cave, it will take at least half an hour to come back? But now it's not time at all!"

Faced with Liang Yan's questioning, Lian Xin also looked confused.

"I don't know...the information was obtained by exchanging information with others, but it is impossible for the other party to make a mistake. It is possible that Canglong came back early."


Liang Yan snorted coldly. He didn't trust Lian Xin, but he also understood that the situation was critical now and it was not the time to get to the bottom of it.

The most urgent task is how to escape from Canglong!

At this moment, in the sky above the attic, an old Taoist in green robe came riding on the clouds.

This man is tall and thin, with prominent cheekbones. He is wearing a green Taoist uniform and holding a whisk in his hand. He looks angry.

He was condescending, looking down at his cave, and shouted:

"How dare the thief break into my cave? Come and surrender immediately, otherwise he will die without a burial place!"

The sound was like thunder, rolling away.

However, the attic was always quiet and there was no response.

Seeing this, Canglong sneered and said: "If there is a way to heaven, you don't take it. If there is no way to the earth, you break in! Anyway, since you are so stubborn, don't blame the old Taoist for being cruel!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he waved the whisk in his hand.

The green light fell and turned into a layer of barrier, covering the entire cave inside.

At the same time, countless groups of spiritual lights floated down from high in the sky, falling in every corner of the barrier, and countless tall trees immediately grew.

These large branches have lush leaves, intertwined roots, and grow extremely fast. In just the blink of an eye, the entire barrier has turned into a dark forest!

Inside the attic, Liang Yan and others looked solemn.

The rich spiritual power of Yimu was pouring in continuously from outside the door, like a huge tangled web, trying to catch the four of them in one catch.

"What should we do? Canglong has sealed our space with a barrier, so we can't escape at all!" Yu Xiaolong said anxiously.

Liang Yan looked around and sighed.

In this situation, it is inevitable that the identity will be exposed. The current plan is to escape from the barrier set by Canglong first, and then have a chance to consider the affairs of Tianji Pavilion...

"Everyone, although Canglong is a sub-sage, the four of us working together may not be able to break out of his barrier. As long as we leave the barrier, we will run away separately. Whether we can leave then depends on our own lives!" Liang Yan

Said in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, Nan Youyue was the first to nod: "I am willing to fight side by side with fellow Taoists."

Lian Xin's eyes flashed, looking noncommittal.

Liang Yan frowned slightly, but before he could continue to speak, the floor of the attic suddenly cracked, and tree roots as thick as arms spread out from the cracks, reaching out to the four people in the attic.


Nan Youyue shouted low, pinched the magic formula in her hand, and countless green leaves appeared out of thin air, surrounding her and Yu Xiaolong, turning into a layer of cyan halo, blocking out the rushing roots.

Those roots were unable to break through the aperture and turned around, like a giant python, entangling Nan Youyue's body-protecting blue light.

The roots gradually gathered together, and powerful Yimu spiritual power surged from all directions, constantly dissolving Nan Youyue's body-protecting blue light.

Although both parties have practiced Yimu's magical power, Canglong's magic power is obviously much higher. Under the entanglement of the roots, the green light of Nan Youyue's body is flickering, and it seems to be in danger.

At this moment, a flute sounded.

But it was Nan Youyue and Yu Xiaolong who each took out their bamboo flutes and played together in the blue light.

The melodious sound of the flute flowed slowly in the attic, and the green leaves surrounding it seemed to be infused with power, suddenly bursting out with bright rays of light, actually assimilating the roots that entangled themselves, and plundered the spiritual energy of Yimu within.

The two girls from Yuzhushan worked together and barely resisted Canglong's first wave of attack!

On the other side, Liang Yan's face was serious and he was clenching the sword in his hand.

He used the Mayfly Sword Pill and the Dingguang Sword Pill, and the green and silver sword light galloped across the attic. Every time he thought about it, it would cut off a nearby root.

However, these roots are cut off and regenerated. They are endless and cannot be cut off at all.

More and more roots sprouted out of the ground, gradually compressing Liang Yan's space for movement and forcing him into a corner of the attic. He could only barely protect himself, and it was impossible to free his hands to help others.

Among the four, only Lian Xin was in a slightly better situation.

His whole body was covered in golden light, and he was darting left and right amidst the entanglement of roots. His punches and kicks were extremely powerful.

All the roots that came close were beaten into powder by his Vajra Divine Power, and those broken roots seemed to be suppressed by the huge force and were difficult to recover in a short time. In this way, a gap was opened by the lotus heart!

However, although Lian Xin was extremely brave, her face was not relaxed at all, but was extremely serious.

Obviously, Ya Sheng's spell put a lot of pressure on him!

Although he had looked down on Canglong before, when he faced this sub-sage, he still walked on thin ice and looked very cautious...

In the attic, the four of them each showed their magical powers and fought against Canglong's spells, but were not defeated in a short period of time.

Outside the attic, Cang Long frowned slightly.

"I didn't expect...the rats in the attic still have some tricks up their sleeves! Anyway! I want to see how long you can continue to struggle?"

Cang Long sneered, and suddenly waved his big sleeve with his left hand.

A ray of emerald green light flew out of his sleeve, spread rapidly in mid-air, and turned into a sea of ​​blue waves!

This ocean was vast and boundless, falling from the sky, and the huge waves rolled away, rushing into the attic in just an instant.

Liang Yan, Lian Xin and others were still fighting with the roots in the barrier when they suddenly felt a surge of Yimu spiritual power coming from outside.

Looking back, I saw that the sea was surging, the waves were roaring, and the huge Yimu spiritual power washed inward from outside the attic, as if it was going to swallow them all!

"No, this is "Blue Sea Tide" written by Mr. Canglong!"

Lian Xin exclaimed.

Sensing the huge power in the blue ocean, even he was a little panicked!

At this moment, Lian Xin's expression changed again and again, and she quickly made a decision.

"When disaster strikes, we all fly away! Junior brother, don't blame me for not caring about the friendship between my brothers. I took the first step for my brother. Take care of yourself!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lian Xin clasped his hands together and silently recited the Dharma formula.

All the golden light was absorbed into his body, and his whole person gradually became void and transparent.

In just a few breaths, Lian Xin's body had dissipated and turned into a vague dust that disappeared to nowhere.

"No self, no Buddha image!"

Liang Yan's childlike expression shrank slightly.

After practicing "Eight Parts of Yanyuan" to the highest level, you can turn your body into dust and do whatever you want without restraint!

It was obvious that Lian Xin wanted to run away from the battlefield and abandon everyone!

When Liang Yan saw this scene, although his face was a little gloomy, he was not too disappointed.

To be precise, he had never counted on Lian Xin!

This person's position can change at any time. If the cooperation between the two is beneficial to him, he will be more cordial than anyone else, and once danger comes, he will not hesitate to abandon his teammates.

Maybe in his heart, he has never had a true ally except himself!

As soon as Lian Xin left, the pressure on everyone in the attic increased.

The roots that originally besieged Lian Xin were now divided into two, with one half attacking Liang Yan and the other half attacking Nan Youyue and Yu Xiaolong.

At the same time, the roaring blue waves swept over and drowned everyone in them in just an instant!


In the ocean of Yimu's spiritual power, Yu Xiaolong was the first to be unable to hold on any longer. He groaned and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Little dragon!"

Nan Youyue's tone was anxious, and she hurriedly cast spells to help Yu Xiaolong heal her injuries.

However, under the erosion of "The Tide of the Blue Sea", Nan Youyue could not protect itself.

The body-protecting green light that she tried her best to condense soon appeared cracks, and the surrounding leaves shattered, turned into dust, and finally disappeared into the ocean.

At the critical moment, a sword light slashed across the sea and split the blue waves, relieving some of the pressure on them.

"Fellow Daoist Liang!"

Surprised, Nan Youyue turned around and saw that Liang Yan was also engulfed by the waves. Tentacles swarmed around him and surrounded him!

Seeing Liang Yan trapped in a tight siege, Nan Youyue's eyes showed anxiety.

Her eyes flashed slightly, and after a moment she seemed to have made up her mind, calling to Yu Xiaolong: "Xiaolong, bring Master's 'Yuxu Glazed Umbrella'!"

"Sister, what are you going to do?"

Yu Xiaolong's expression suddenly turned frightened.

"No need to ask anymore, give me the magic weapon!" Nan Youyue's tone was unusually harsh.

"No, I know what you are going to do, and you will die!" Yu Xiaolong took a step back, looking very resistant.

"Junior sister, I'm offended."

Nan Youyue sighed, and suddenly pointed out her right index finger, right on the center of Yu Xiaolong's eyebrows.

Yu Xiaolong never thought that the senior sister he admired would take action against him, so he had no precautions.

At this moment, her body stood frozen in place, unable to move, but her mouth could still speak, and she shouted: "Senior sister, you must not do this! Then you will fall into a place of no return!"

"I know, I can bear it, it's better than everyone dying here."

Nan Youyue's tone was calm but firm.

She scratched Yu Xiaolong's finger, used the other person's essence and blood to open the storage ring, and took out a green oil-paper umbrella.


The oil-paper umbrella was opened by her, emitting a dull glow.

Nan Youyue's eyes were solemn, her left hand was holding the handle of the umbrella, and her right hand was constantly making secrets. Spiritual power swarmed out of her body and was poured into the umbrella.

At the same time, her fair wrists turned red, and there was blood flowing under the skin that was visible to the naked eye. The blood seeped out of her palms, and was eventually sucked away by the oil-paper umbrella.

"Stop! If you continue like this, your essence and blood will be sucked dry, and the road to the great road will be cut off!" Yu Xiaolong said urgently.

After hearing this, Nan Youyue's eyes did not change at all, and she still concentrated on casting spells, letting the "Jade Void Glazed Umbrella" extract the essence and blood from her body.

With the nourishment of her spiritual power and essence and blood, the green light of "Jade Void Glazed Umbrella" suddenly increased greatly!

The surrounding roots seemed to have noticed something, and they rushed towards the south Youyue. However, they were scattered by the magic weapon's glow, turned into dust and disappeared in the air, and the broken roots could never be restored!

The blue waves swept over and were blocked by the "Jade Void Glazed Umbrella". A vortex appeared around it, and Yimu's spiritual power flowed into it uncontrollably, and was finally absorbed by the magic weapon and turned invisible.

Nan Youyue stabilized her position and immediately shouted: "Fellow Daoist Liang, come to my side, I have a way to get everyone out of trouble!"

Liang Yan was currently engaged in a life-and-death struggle with the roots around him.

Facing Ya Sheng's spell, he did not dare to hold anything back and sacrificed both the Purple Thunder Tianyin Sword and the Black Lotus Sword.

The power of two different laws was integrated into different sword techniques by him. The dark sword light and the thunder sword light galloped across the blue ocean, creating a space for him.

However, this space is also shrinking.

After all, Canglong's magic power is far superior to ordinary calamities. Even with Liang Yan's magical powers, it is impossible to confront Yasheng head-on.

Although he had just helped Nan Youyue once despite his busy schedule, with the continuous influx of Yimu's spiritual power, the pressure around him gradually increased, and now he was too busy to take care of himself.

Suddenly, he heard Nan Youyue's voice and couldn't help but look back.

I saw this woman holding an oil-paper umbrella, and a green glow emanated from the umbrella, melting all the surrounding roots. Even Cang Long's "Blue Sea Tide" was broken open.

"I have a way to get out of here!" Nan Youyue said urgently.

Liang Yan frowned slightly after hearing this.

This woman's voice was very weak, as if she had exhausted all her strength, and her breath was getting weaker and weaker, like a candle in the wind that might be extinguished at any time.

Anyone who is not a fool can see that the cost of activating that magic weapon is to sacrifice Nan Youyue's own original power...

Liang Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, and without any hesitation, he raised his sword light to clear the way and galloped in the direction of Nan Youyue.

However, with every step he takes, the surrounding Yimu spiritual power will increase exponentially, eventually turning into a huge wave, blocking his progress.

Even if Liang Yan sacrificed all four sword pills and used the "Lightless Sword Sutra" and "Tianzi Sword Technique" at the same time, he could only open a narrow passage in this vast ocean.

He stepped forward and ran the "Eight Steps of Evolution". The golden light of Buddhism poured into his feet, and he walked step by step towards Nan Youyue under great pressure.

Nan Youyue was also staring at him at this time.

Since activating the "Yuxu Glazed Umbrella" had exhausted all her strength, she could not move at all at this time. She could only pray silently in her heart, hoping that Liang Yan could reach her as soon as possible.

The distance of just tens of feet seemed extremely long in the eyes of the two people.

Liang Yan took one step at a time, slowly approaching Nan Youyue, fifty feet, thirty feet, ten feet...

Just as he was about to enter the area covered by the "Yuxu Glazed Umbrella", a huge wave suddenly came from outside the attic. The powerful Yimu spiritual power was devastating and swallowed up Liang Yan's figure in just an instant.

He had reached his limit and was unable to withstand this round of attacks. After being swallowed by the huge waves, his breath also disappeared.


Nan Youyue exclaimed in surprise.

Her consciousness spread out, but she saw the vast blue sea, and Liang Yan could no longer be found...

This chapter has been completed!
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