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Chapter 2058 Intersection

The fifteenth floor of the ghost prison.

Because the teleportation circle was destroyed, King Qin Guang and King Chu Jiang had to lead the ghost prison army across Daoshan Prison and arrived at Black Rope Prison from the border.

Although there is a restriction between the two prisons and it is difficult for ordinary people to cross, Yan Jun is not affected.

King Chu Jiang took out a token and shot a spell in the air. The defensive restrictions in the distance immediately dissipated, revealing a broad road.

Everyone crossed the border one after another and reached the sixteenth level, the Black Rope Prison.

As soon as he entered the country, King Chu Jiang frowned and his face instantly became gloomy.

"What's wrong?" King Qin Guang asked doubtfully.

"The Black Rope Prison was robbed, and all the prisoners on my floor ran away." King Chu Jiang said solemnly.

"This boy's movements are so fast!" King Qin Guang also looked ugly.

"It doesn't matter, these people haven't left the sixteenth floor yet. They should be rushing to the teleportation circle, waiting for me to activate the 'Big Black Rope Purgatory'!"

As soon as he finished speaking, King Chu Jiang took out a simple seal from his sleeve, threw it high into the sky, and kept making seals with his hands.

As he cast the spell, a black light emerged from the seal, hovered in mid-air, and instantly sank into the ground.

Not long after, the earth began to shake, and a loud "rumbling!" sound came from deep underground.

At first, the scope of the vibration was only a few hundred miles in radius, but as the black light in the seal continued to appear, the scope of the vibration continued to expand, hundreds of miles, thousands of miles, thousands of miles, so that the entire Black Rope Prison began to shake.

King Chu Jiang was suspended in mid-air, his eyes slightly narrowed, and his right hand kept making calculations.

Suddenly, a light flashed in his eyes and he said with a smile: "We found them. They are no more than three thousand miles away from the teleportation circle on this level."

King Qin Guang knew very well what his second brother was capable of. After hearing this, he smiled slightly and said, "In that case, please use your magical powers to trap these prisoners. We will arrive soon with our army!"

"Easy to say!"

King Chu Jiang's eyes were sinister, and he said leisurely: "No one has been able to escape from my black rope prison, and he will not be an exception!"

While speaking, he pointed with his hand, and the seal above his head immediately sank, drilled into the depths of the earth, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


There was another dull loud noise, and the entire Black Rope Prison began to tremble. The earth cracked, the hills collapsed, and black ropes stretched out from the ground, like wild snakes dancing wildly. It was very weird!

At the same time, hundreds of thousands of miles away, Liang Yan was leading more than 700 True Lord Tongxuan to escape through the air.

"What's going on?" Fang Liren looked around in surprise. He saw the ground shaking continuously and cracks spreading like spider webs.


The layman Buwen suddenly exclaimed, and at the same time stretched out his hand to push Fang Liren away.

The moment Fang Liren was pushed away, a black rope poked out from the ground and jerked upwards, almost trapping him!

Fang Liren reacted, looked back, and couldn't help but break into a cold sweat.

I saw countless black ropes coming out of the ground, with a loop of noose at the end. They were very fast, and they could hit anyone they saw!

In just a moment, more than 30 Tongxuan Zhenjun in the crowd were trapped by black ropes. No matter how they used their magic power, they could not resist and were dragged deep underground.

Seeing that these people were about to be swallowed by the darkness, a star sword light suddenly burst out, rolled downwards, and instantly cut the black rope into several pieces!

The trapped monks immediately used their magic to break free from the ropes and returned to the team. However, each of them looked pale and looked frightened.

"What on earth are these?" Everyone's eyes showed solemnity.

"It's Ya Sheng's method."

Liang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice: "It seems that this Black Rope Prison hid a giant magic circle when it was first created. King Chu Jiang activated it with the magic power of Yasheng. I'm afraid it won't be easy for us to get out."

Just as he was talking, countless black ropes flew out from the ground, like poisonous snakes, twisting and circling in mid-air, trying to choose someone to bite!

"Everyone be careful, don't leave me too far, otherwise it will be difficult to rescue me."

Liang Yan shouted loudly, took out the Purple Thunder Sword Pill, and charged forward to cut off the oncoming black rope for everyone.

However, this "Big Black Rope Purgatory" is extraordinary. Once the magic circle is activated, it will absorb the evil spirits of the entire Fengdu City. From the first floor to the sixteenth floor, all the evil spirits of the wronged souls are condensed here and turned into roots.

As long as the black rope is entangled, it will not take long for the intestines to pierce and die, and eventually be buried underground, becoming the new nourishment of the black rope prison.

Although Liang Yan's sword light was invincible, these black ropes were also endless.

Under the obstruction of the magic circle, the speed of everyone's movement became extremely slow. At this moment, they were less than three thousand miles away from the teleportation magic circle on the next level, but this three thousand miles distance was already too long in their eyes.

It became extremely long.

Just like this, I walked through the thorns and thorns all the way in the magic circle. I don't know how long I walked, but a ghost mountain appeared in front of me.

Although this ghost mountain looks ordinary, the ground around it has cracked and all the mountains and rivers have collapsed. Only this mountain remains standing. There is obviously something wrong with it.

Liang Yan saw it from a distance, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he said loudly: "Everyone, the teleportation circle leading to the next level is in the belly of the ghost mountain. Let's work harder. As long as we enter the seventeenth level, we can take those who were

If all the imprisoned Ancestors of Huajie are rescued, everyone in the Ghost Prison will be unable to do anything to us!"

After everyone heard this, they were all in high spirits!

You know, they have been imprisoned in ghost prisons for hundreds or thousands of years, enduring severe punishments at all times. Now that they finally have hope of escape, who would not work hard?


Everyone was trying their best at this moment, using various magical powers and secret techniques to help Liang Yan resist this "big black rope inferno"!

Although they had been imprisoned for many years and their magic weapons had been swept away, they were cultivators after all. After taking the healing elixir given by Liang Yan, they had recovered at least half of their magic power.

More than 700 Tongxuan Zhenjun united and worked together, united as one, which also relieved Liang Yan's pressure a lot.

But just when they were about to arrive at Ghost Mountain, a black wind swept not far away.

In the dark wind, someone said calmly: "Why did you, fellow Taoist, fight all the way here? Such a thing has never happened in Fengdu City since its establishment. Fellow Taoist is really the first person in history!"

After hearing this, Liang Yan frowned slightly, temporarily held down the escape light, and looked attentively.

The black wind dissipated, revealing an ordinary-looking woman, dressed in cloth and dressed as a village girl, holding a bamboo basket in her hand, with clear water constantly flowing out of the basket.

"Are there any masters?"

Liang Yan never expected that a ghost prison master would be lurking near the teleportation circle.

"Fellow Taoist laughed at me. The little girl Meng Po was responsible for guarding Wangchuan Valley before. Only because Taoist friend broke into the ghost prison, Lord Yan ordered me to guard here. Unexpectedly, it came in handy."

The woman said this, smiled slightly, and said: "You are a true hero, I admire you! Unfortunately, Fengdu City's heritage is deeper than you think, and your trip to the ghost prison can only end here."

After hearing this, Liang Yan narrowed his eyes and carefully looked at the woman in front of him.

Judging from the aura emanating from her body, her strength is probably slightly better than that of King Bian Cheng. Apart from King Qin Guang and King Chu Jiang, she is the strongest in the entire Ghost Prison.

Compared to her own strength, Liang Yan was more afraid of the bamboo basket in her hand. The water in the bamboo basket had a strange power that she couldn't see through!

"As an old member of Fengdu City, you are in charge of reincarnation, so you should be neutral. Why did you become a lackey of Tiangong City?" Liang Yan asked tentatively.

After hearing this, Po Meng's eyes dimmed slightly, as if she was touched by these words.

But she quickly shook her head and sighed: "This is also helpless. The city lord is missing. Our mission is to protect Fengdu City. If we don't take refuge with Emperor Buried Heaven, everything here will be destroyed."

"Hmph, I see that many of you enjoy it very much. It doesn't look like you are being forced at all."

Liang Yan snorted coldly, his thoughts moved slightly, and the Purple Thunder Tianyin Sword immediately hung above his head, with the sword pointed directly at Po Meng.

"If we have different paths, we can't conspire against each other! Since I can't explain it to you, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Seeing this, Po Meng sighed and said: "Reincarnation is the foundation of all spirits. The way of reincarnation that Fengdu City governs the Antarctic Immortal Continent must not be destroyed. Since you are determined to break through, the little girl has no choice but to accompany you to the end."

After saying that, he raised his sleeves and the bamboo basket flew out of his hands and hung high in the sky.

She pinched her bare hands again and made a magic spell, muttering something in her mouth. She saw the bamboo basket shaking continuously, and the water in the basket spilled out, turning into various spiritual fish.

These spirit fish come in different sizes and shapes. The smallest ones are only about the size of a thumb, while the larger ones are like giant whales, swimming erratically in mid-air. Their targets are all fixed on Liang Yan!

A powerful and strange aura hit his face, causing Liang Yan to frown slightly and look wary.

"Is this the 'Wangchuan Water'? Although it is not as good as the 'Luoshui', it is also very mysterious!"

Liang Yan thought for a moment and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, form the 'Three Talents and Nine Ultimate Formation' to guard the rear for me, and give me a quarter of an hour to kill this person!"

After hearing this, everyone responded in unison: "Don't worry, benefactor, you can kill the enemy with all your strength, we are here to help you block the power of the formation!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the seven hundred Tongxuan Zhenjun had already returned to their respective positions and set up the "Three Talents and Nine Ultimate Formations" to fight against the "Big Black Rope Purgatory".

Seeing that there was no worries behind him, Liang Yan calmed down and looked at Po Meng opposite.

The aura exuded by this woman is slightly stronger than King Bian Cheng, but it has not yet reached the level of a sub-sage. It can only be said to be infinitely close.

However, the Forgotten River water is indeed somewhat mysterious, and the magical powers evolved from it should not be underestimated!

"My little lady, come and see your grace!"

Meng Po took the lead and waved her sleeves, and the spiritual fish all over the sky moved at the same time, each emitting rich water spiritual energy and approaching the opponent from different directions.

Liang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly.

He has a keen sense of consciousness and can see that these spiritual fish are extraordinary. Once he fights with them, they can immediately produce infinite changes, and even if they are killed, it will be useless. New spiritual fish will be born in the bamboo basket.

In this short moment, although Liang Yan stood still, he had already simulated hundreds of fighting techniques in his consciousness.

Each one will get you into a quagmire and make you unable to defeat your opponent in a short time.

Obviously, the purpose of this Meng Po is not to defeat herself, but to hold herself back!

"We can't let her delay us. There is only one way to go straight to Huanglong!"

Liang Yan's mind raced and he quickly decided on the plan. He flashed and disappeared instantly.

Po Meng didn't panic when she saw this. She changed the magic formula in her hand, and all the spiritual fish in the sky opened their mouths, spit out bubbles, and exploded in the air, blooming with colorful rays of light.

Suddenly, a figure was illuminated by the rays of light. He flew away very fast and was now less than a hundred miles away from Po Meng.


Po Meng is also a person who has experienced hundreds of battles. Of course she saw through Liang Yan's thoughts and immediately flew up to the sky and shook the bamboo basket.

A giant whale roared in and opened its mouth like an unfathomable black hole, trying to swallow Liang Yan in one gulp!

Liang Yan was already prepared. At this moment, he activated the sword technique, and heard a thunderous explosion. The Purple Thunder Tianyin Sword shot out of the air and stabbed the giant whale behind him.


The giant whale was pierced by the sword of thunder, and its body was torn apart, but its breath did not disappear. Instead, it turned into clear water and adhered to the sword light.

Liang Yan frowned slightly and activated the sword light, but found that the water flow could not be thrown away at all, and the sword energy could not break it!

He was feeling startled and suspicious in his heart, but the spiritual fish in the sky took this opportunity to surround them one by one. Liang Yan had no time to think too much and could only use his sword light to crack them one by one.

But the more spiritual fish he killed, the more water flowed on the sword light.

Gradually, the sword pill became heavier and heavier, its speed became slower and slower, and it was no longer as easy to move as before.

"This Wangchuan water is more difficult to deal with than I thought."

Liang Yan frowned slightly, pondered for a moment, then suddenly raised his hand and put away the Purple Thunder Tianyin Sword.

The next moment, the magic formula in his hand changed and he sacrificed the Mayfly Sword.

I saw a ray of green light flying up and down, light and elegant, shuttling among the spiritual fish in the sky. It seemed like a fierce fight, but from the beginning to the end, not a single spiritual fish was killed, nor was it contaminated by a drop of Wangchuan water.

"What kind of swordsmanship is this?"

Po Meng's eyebrows were furrowed, and her eyes showed a solemn look.

Because from her perspective, although the cyan sword light did not kill a spiritual fish, her magical moves were disrupted by the opponent, and even her breath was muddied!

Although the bamboo basket is still in his hand, it seems to be out of control. The spiritual fish and the drops of Forget River water are all out of control at this time!

At the same time, Liang Yan's escaping light flashed again and again. While fighting against the sky full of spiritual fish, the distance between him and Po Meng was also rapidly shortened.

"not good!"

Po Meng's expression finally changed. She knew she couldn't stop this person, so she hurriedly made a spell, the light suddenly rose, and she retreated backwards.

Liang Yan kept staring at the target. Seeing the distance shortening, he pinched the sword in his hand again.

The fixed light sword shot out of the sky, and the starlight sword energy was overwhelming and dreamlike. In an instant, it surrounded Po Meng from all sides, leaving her with no way to retreat!

Just as he was about to kill him, he suddenly heard a loud shout:

"Thieves should stop being so arrogant!"

Before he finished speaking, a black light came from far to near, as fast as thunder!

But instead of saving Po Meng, he locked the space around Liang Yan and hit him on the head.

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