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Chapter 2066 The Eighteenth Floor

"Road to Road, very Avenue!"

The old man stroked his long beard with his hand and said seriously: "Things in this world are changing and turbulent! I am just a lonely boat on the Yangtze River thousands of miles away. I have to borrow the help of all my friends to continue moving forward."

Liang Yan pondered for a moment and then said with a smile: "I went in to rescue the Four Saints. I don't know what senior is doing?"

"It's easy to say, I will go with you, and I will only lend you the breath of the living dead."


Liang Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, showing a vigilant look.

"Who is the senior?"

"Why bother asking? I won't tell you anyway."

There was a hint of cynicism in the old man's smile, then he turned around and walked towards the tall bronze door.

"There are restrictions inside the door left by the Buried Emperor. You can't get by without my guidance. If you want to save the Four Saints, just follow me."

After hearing this, everyone froze on the spot, looking at the old man's retreating back, feeling shocked and confused.

"Liang Engong, this old man is so talkative that he doesn't know what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd?"

"I think he is just making things up, and his words cannot be trusted."

"Then why does he appear here? Is he a ghost prison monk or has another origin?"

Everyone was talking behind Liang Yan because they couldn't see how special the old man was.

There was no sense of oppression from a saint in the old man, which gave them the illusion that he was a monk at the same level as themselves, but he just had the means to hide his aura.

Only Liang Yan and Ah-Dai looked solemn.

While the two were hesitating in place, the old man had already walked far away on crutches, and was now almost at the bronze door.

In a few moments, the other party will disappear through the crack of the door.

"Let's go, follow!"

Liang Yan suddenly spoke.

Everyone was stunned after hearing this, thinking that they heard wrongly. One of them, Jisheng Demon Lord, frowned and said: "Brother Liang, it's not clear whether this person is a friend or an enemy. It's best not to believe his lies."

"If he had murderous intentions, we would have died long ago."

Liang Yan sighed and said nothing more. He took the lead and took a long step forward along the bluestone road.

Of course Dumb followed closely behind.

When the others saw this, they looked at each other. Although they still had doubts in their hearts, they had great trust in Liang Yan, and they only hesitated for a moment before following him one after another.

The group of people remained silent and followed the mysterious old man to the bronze door.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but the biting cold wind blowing from the crack in the door actually became a lot gentler after passing by the old man. What seemed to be blowing in front of everyone was just an ordinary strong wind, and the frightening breath had disappeared.



The bronze door was slowly opening, making loud and dull noises.

"go in."

The old man lifted his crutches, and his figure was like a leaf, passing through the crack of the bronze door and floating inside.

When everyone saw this, they all looked at Liang Yan, but saw that Liang Yan did not hesitate at all, made a gesture and fled, following the old man behind the door.

"Liang Engong has gone in, let's go in quickly."

Xue Mei and others did not hesitate at all, they also made the same gesture and fled, entering the bronze door one after another.

After passing through the door, everything changes in an instant, and the space changes rapidly!

All I saw was a gray sky, dull and without a trace of aura.

At the foot is a small island, about a hundred feet in diameter. Outside the island is the turbulent sea, and the water is black.

Waves of strong winds blew from all directions, and many Tongxuan Zhenjun who had insufficient cultivation were blown around. Fortunately, the Jisheng Demon Lord and other ancestors of the calamity took action and used magic to resolve the surrounding strong winds, so these people were not embarrassed.

Fall to the ground.

"This is the eighteenth floor of the Ghost Prison?"

Xue Mei, Old Man Yunhai, Li Yile and other monks all showed curiosity and looked around with their spiritual consciousness.

"Isn't it said that there is an entrance to the 'Reincarnation Realm' on the 18th floor? But I see that there is only an endless ocean here. Where is the entrance?" Old Yunhai frowned.

In fact, it's not just him, everyone has this doubt.

Because the spiritual consciousness spreads out, only the boundless black sea can be seen, and there is nothing else.

"This sea water is extraordinary!"

Dugu Xin seemed to have discovered something. He frowned and walked slowly to the shore.

He was silent for a moment, then suddenly took out a spiritual beast from his spiritual beast bag, which was a "three-eyed monkey", and placed it over the Black Sea.

The spirit beast's senses were extremely keen. As soon as Duguxin let go, he screamed and wanted to turn around and run away, but he couldn't move.

The next moment, its true spirit was separated from the body. The body still rushed forward, but the true spirit fell into the ocean uncontrollably. After a wave of waves rolled, the three-eyed monkey's aura completely disappeared, as if it had never existed before.

There has never been anything like that.

There was an empty shell on the shore. It was the body of a three-eyed monkey, which had become a walking corpse.

When everyone present saw this scene, they couldn't help but take a breath!

Ziyun layman said in a deep voice: "Although the three-eyed monkey is not a powerful spiritual beast, fellow Taoist Dugu already has the strength of the Tongxuan realm. It doesn't even have the slightest resistance, and the true spirit is just like this.

Suck it away, this Black Sea is too terrifying!"

"That's right." Old Man Yunhai nodded: "Ask yourselves, who among us can easily draw away the true spirit of a True Lord Tongxuan? If it were us flying over the Black Sea, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to hold on for long.


"But if we can't go to sea, how can we find out the location of the Four Saints?" Li Yile frowned.


Everyone was in trouble and all looked at Liang Yan, but Liang Yan looked at the old man.

"Senior, I wonder where this black sea comes from?"

"Here." The old man glanced at the distance and said with a smile: "This is the water of the Samsara Pond. Back then, there was a bridge for people to cross. I remember it was called the 'Naihe Bridge', but unfortunately it is no longer there."

"Reincarnation Pond?"

Liang Yan glanced at the distance and saw howling wind and clouds of gray mist suspended above the sea, like hungry beasts that wanted to devour anyone.


He was just about to ask something more, but he saw the old man taking a step forward with a cane.

This foot stepped directly on the sea!

Liang Yan's pupils shrank and he didn't make a sound. Instead, he carefully observed the old man to see what strange things would happen around him.

As the old man took this step, bubbles suddenly appeared in the surrounding seawater, and it seemed that he was getting ready to set off a storm.

But the strange thing is that when the old man took the second step, all the bubbles disappeared, and the originally restless sea gradually returned to calm, and everything seemed to have not changed.

In this way, the old man walked alone on the sea, always unhurried and calm.

"He just walked over like this?" Dumb frowned.

Liang Yan did not speak, but looked down at the sea, narrowed his eyes and said:


Dui and others followed the sound and saw a series of footprints on the sea where the old man walked. These footprints rose and fell with the fluctuation of the sea water and never disappeared.


Jisheng Demon Lord, Li Yile, Dugu Xin and others looked at each other and finally understood that this old man was no ordinary person!

Liang Yan pondered for a moment on the shore, then suddenly took out his right foot and landed on the old man's first footprints.

Sure enough, the surroundings were calm and the sea water did not move at all.

Liang Yan took a deep breath, then stepped out with his left foot and stepped on the old man's other footprints. The surroundings were still calm.

Seeing this scene, everyone showed surprise.

"Step in his footsteps and follow him."

Liang Yan didn't say any more nonsense, took a step forward, and followed the old man's footsteps on the sea.

Seeing this, the rest of the people looked at each other, and with Ah-Dai taking the lead, they also stepped on their footprints one after another, forming a long team on the sea.

Above the Black Sea, the wind was blowing fiercely, and clouds of gray fog surrounded the surroundings.

Every time the crowd took a step, the depressing feeling became stronger, as if there were thousands of sharp knives hanging above their heads. If they took a wrong step, these sharp knives would fall and pierce their hearts with thousands of arrows!

"Liang Yan, I always feel like something is wrong here." Ah-Dai frowned and secretly said to Liang Yan.

Liang Yan did not speak, but stared at the back of the old man in front of him.

Suddenly, there was a warning sign in his heart, and there was a feeling in the dark, as if there was a huge danger waiting for him ahead!

"Celestial induction?" Liang Yan's face changed slightly.

But at this moment, the old man in front suddenly stopped.

He stood still and waited for about ten breaths, then turned around and walked in the other direction.

Everyone was a little confused when they saw this, but Liang Yan suddenly realized.

"There is a powerful killing array hidden in this black sea! It is powerful enough to trigger my telepathy. With our cultivation level, if we make a wrong step, we will die immediately." Liang Yan said slowly.

After hearing this, Ah-Dai, Jisheng Demon Lord and others could not help but change their expressions slightly.

"A killing formation of this level must be the work of a saint!"

"Could it be that Emperor Burying Heaven arranged it himself?"

"It should be." Liang Yan nodded.

Dumb said again: "The killing formation has not been triggered until now. Is it because we followed the footsteps of this old man?"

Regarding this question, there is actually no need for Liang Yan to answer it. Everyone already has the answer in their minds.

"I guessed that the Buried Emperor would have some back-ups on the 18th floor. I didn't expect such a terrifying killing array. It seems that he is not completely at ease with the souls and the two demon saints." The Demon Lord Ji Sheng said in a deep voice.

Liang Yan smiled: "The only person the Emperor Burial Heaven trusts is himself. Not to mention this, let's quickly follow the old man. He is now our only hope to find the Four Saints!"


Everyone no longer doubted, imitating the old man, everyone stopped where he stayed for ten breaths, and then turned right.

Next, the old man stopped and walked, sometimes to the left, sometimes to the right. In some places he paused for a quarter of an hour, but in other places he accelerated his pace.

Everyone tried their best to imitate it exactly, and followed closely behind the old man.

As they moved forward, they gradually discovered that there was more than one small island in the black sea. Following the old man's footsteps, they passed at least more than two hundred islands on the way.

Although these islands are not big, they are hundreds of miles in diameter. The islands are carved with dense patterns and exude a heart-stopping aura.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, the old man never landed on any island except the first island. Sometimes he would even change direction and take a detour just to avoid these islands.

After walking in the sea for about two hours, the old man led everyone around another island. Suddenly, he quickened his pace without warning, changed his calm demeanor, and almost ran forward.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene and looked at Liang Yan in unison.

Liang Yan had already diffused his spiritual consciousness. At this moment, he was concentrating on sensing, and suddenly he frowned slightly and shouted loudly:


As soon as he finished speaking, he took the lead and ran forward.

When the others saw this, although they were puzzled, they knew that Liang Yan's power of consciousness was much stronger than ordinary people. Looking at his anxious look, where did he have time to ask more questions? Almost everyone stepped forward and ran forward.



Not long after, the Black Sea broke out into violent waves, and a million-foot tidal wave rushed into the sky!

The surrounding wind was raging, gray clouds were roaring, and powerful evil spirits swept in from all directions, making everyone running almost unsteady.


A Tongxuan Zhenjun stepped on the air and landed on the sea beyond his footprints.

The surrounding seawater immediately rolled and roared, and a big hand stretched out from below the sea surface and grabbed the man.

Even though all kinds of magic and magical powers were hitting the surroundings, the big hand was not damaged at all. It quickly dragged the monk into the bottom of the sea, and there was no longer any breath.


Liang Yan shouted while running: "We are about to leave the battle, we can't hide our breath anymore, speed up the pace, the exit is ahead!"

Just as he was talking, a huge whirlpool suddenly appeared on the sea ahead!

The old man went straight to the whirlpool. When he got in front of it, he jumped without hesitation and jumped in!

Seeing that the opponent's breath disappeared, Liang Yan did not hesitate at all, followed the gourd's example, and jumped in like the old man.


Ah-Dai and others did not hesitate. They just listened to the sound of "plop" and "plop" falling into the water, and jumped into the whirlpool one after another.


With a dull loud noise, the surrounding scenery was spinning.

Liang Yan felt as if he had fallen into an endless abyss. His body was out of control and he could only fall downwards. The whole process was very long and the surroundings were filled with eternal darkness.

I don't know how long it took, but Liang Yan finally landed.

Sensing that the power of confinement was lifted, he hurriedly activated his magic power and displayed the body-protecting aura, but even so, a deep pit was still made in the earth!

"This is where?"

Liang Yan didn't waste a moment and jumped out of the pit. At the same time, he released his consciousness and looked around.

All I saw was a barren black earth continent, with no mountains, no sea, and no aura. There were only a few faint lights floating in the air.

Looking further into the distance, there seems to be a huge black shadow standing, reaching up to the sky and black soil below, which makes people feel a sense of fear for no reason.

The strange thing is that the oil lamps floating around cannot illuminate the black shadow, and when Liang Yan releases his spiritual consciousness to check, he can't see clearly what is in the black shadow.

This chapter has been completed!
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