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Chapter 2078 Fragrance

Inside the fairy city, there is a dense atmosphere and a pleasant fragrance.

This aroma was unusual. When Liang Yan was in it, he felt a pleasant feeling deep in his soul, as if a fish had entered the sea and saw the vast and unknown mysterious cave.

"What makes this scent so special?"

Liang Yan's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

He slowly relaxed his body and mind and smelled the aroma in the air. He felt the fragrance of vegetation lingering around him, as if he had entered the depths of a dense forest, surrounded by pure Yimu spiritual energy.

What a feeling of vitality!

At this moment, Liang Yan actually had the urge to deviate from the White Jade Avenue in front of him and go to the Immortal Palace on the left through the fork in the road.

Because that’s where the aroma comes from!

"No, that's not right!"

Liang Yan shook his head, the obsession in his eyes gradually disappeared, and he soon regained his composure.

"The magic circle at the door is not randomly arranged. It seems to be to warn me that after entering the fairy city, I must be calm and not be disturbed by external objects."

Thinking of this, Liang Yan raised his eyes and looked into the distance.

I saw the white jade avenue under my feet extending all the way forward, leading to the depths of the fairy city. The end was covered with mist, and the end could not be seen at a glance.

"This avenue is so special. Could it be that what I'm looking for is at the end of the road?"

Liang Yan pondered on the spot for a moment, and finally suppressed the urge to explore the surrounding fairy palace and did not deviate from his main path.

He walked slowly along the white jade avenue at his feet, wanting to see what was at the end of the road.

After walking forward for hundreds of miles like this, the road still has no end in sight, but the fragrance surrounding it has changed.

The fragrant and pleasant herbal aroma turned into a strong and pungent aroma!

Smelling this aroma, Liang Yan felt a rush of heat in his body and mind, the blood flow in his body accelerated, and a strong will to fight emerged in his consciousness!

"This is."

He narrowed his eyes.

For some reason, a sea of ​​fire seemed to appear in front of me. The raging flames burned through the sky, and the whole world was destroyed in the flames.

"This is the origin of fire!"

Liang Yan finally reacted.

He looked intently in the direction of the source of the aroma, and sure enough he found a huge palace on the left side of the road. The rich aroma overflowed from the palace, which actually contained the original power of the avenue!

This is strange to say. It was clear that Liang Yan had not entered the palace and his spiritual consciousness could not get close to it, but he was convinced that the source power of the Flame Avenue existed in the palace!

How shocking is this?

You must know that the key step to becoming a saint is to compete with Heaven for the origin of the law. If you succeed, you will become a saint, if you fail, you will be wiped out.

But at this moment, a trace of the original power is inside the palace in front of them. How many people dream of this? Is it actually stored here in such a grand manner?

Confusion appeared in Liang Yan's eyes again, and his steps involuntarily deviated from the track.

"The opportunity to become a saint is right in front of you! Who wouldn't be tempted?"

"Even if my current level is not enough, as long as I can gather a little bit of my original power, I will always be able to achieve the holy status in the future. When the time comes, I will be free in the world, wouldn't I be happy?"

"What, the way of fire is not in line with what I cultivate? What does it matter? How many people are stuck at the last step and die and the way disappears? As long as you have the power of the source in hand, there will always be a chance to use it in the future."

At this moment, Liang Yan felt as if he was divided and heard countless voices from himself.

These voices are encouraging him to leave the avenue, enter the palace, and seize that trace of original power, which will surely be of endless use in the future!


Suddenly, a voice exploded in the sea of ​​consciousness.

This voice was so decisive that Liang Yan himself was surprised.

When he came back to his senses, he found that the voice actually came from his own mouth.

At the same time, Jianying, who had been silent for a long time, slowly opened his eyes inside his body, and a sharp light shot out from his eyes, making him startled.

"Yes. This is me."

Liang Yan seemed to understand something. He staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Suddenly coming back to consciousness, he found that he felt as if he had collapsed, his clothes were soaked with sweat, and his face was as pale as paper.

"I don't practice the three thousand avenues, thunder, ice, and music. The power of various laws is just a means for me to build the sword heart universe. What I explore is myself, what I cultivate is myself, I am my own master, this is sword cultivation!


Liang Yan did not recite these words silently in his heart, but said them directly with his mouth.

After he finished speaking, his eyes gradually became clear, and the previous confused look disappeared!

"It was so dangerous. I almost got caught!"

Liang Yan let out a long breath, with an expression of lingering fear on his face.

He looked at the Immortal Palace in the distance again, only to feel that there were shadows in the darkness, as if something weird was waiting for him.

How could it be so easy to become a saint in the world? If I had deviated from the great path and entered that fairy palace just now, there is no telling what would have happened. Looking back now, I am really scared.

After standing there and thinking carefully for a moment, Liang Yan was very sure that the culprit was the aroma around him.

It's not that the aroma itself is poisonous, or that it triggers some illusion, but that these aromas do have various characteristics of the law of fire, as if they are a carrier that presents the original power of the great avenue in front of them.

To be precise, this aroma is not a "smell" in the secular world, but a "smell"!

It can directly arouse the monk's true spirit and soul, causing the two to resonate, as if seeing the original power of the avenue of flames with one's own eyes. This is not an illusion, but the magical power of the avenue!

"It's unbelievable that there is such a fragrance in the world. Who were the people who lived in the 'Nine Layers of Immortal Palace' back then?"

Thinking of this, Liang Yan took a deep breath and slowly calmed down his mood.

"No matter who the master of this place is, after the Queen Mother of the West destroyed the 'Nine Layers of Immortal Palace', everything in the past has passed away. My goal now is Phoenix Blood, and I can no longer let other things disturb my mood, otherwise I will let down the Lord of Linghu City."

Hard work."

Thinking of this, Liang Yan took another step forward.

As he moved forward, the Qionghua and Jade trees on both sides of the road were swaying in the wind, and inexplicable forces surged from all directions, seeming to want to block his progress.

Gradually, the fragrance gradually changes, from the fragrance of fire to the fragrance of thunder, from the fragrance of thunder to the fragrance of illusion, and from the fragrance of illusion to the fragrance of stars. Various fragrances represent various

The origins of various avenues continue to tempt Liang Yan.

Unfortunately, these are all useless.

Liang Yan is a staunch sword cultivator, and no source of law can really seduce him. Although his pace is slow, he is extremely steady.

Just walking along the White Jade Avenue, he didn't know how long it took, and all the fragrances were left behind him.

Finally, the strange smell stopped and he reached the end of the road.

"It seems that this is the place I'm really looking for."

Liang Yan looked up and saw a huge palace standing at the end of the road.

The palace is magnificent, with a golden and red color overall. Some places are dazzling with golden light, and some places are as red as fire. It looks domineering and completely different from the architectural style of the entire fairy city.

Before he even got close, he heard a burst of fairy music coming from inside. It was ethereal and melodious, ethereal and sacred, as if to welcome him.

"The third prophecy of the music of the Immortal in the Nine Layers of Clouds should be here."

Liang Yan was so excited that he couldn't help but quicken his pace, walked up the long stairs, and soon entered the palace.

The road was smooth, and when we got inside, we found an empty hall.

This hall is a thousand feet square. The floor tiles, roof, and walls are all made of gold and red. There are two statues standing in the middle.

The statue on the left is a woman with a beautiful face and heroic spirit. There is a stone tablet next to her, which reads: "A phoenix in brocade clothes and white robes flies up to the sky, walking majestically on the snow to bind the blue dragon, the jade bottle gives birth to mysterious seeds, Kunwu shoots down the nine-fold cloud


Liang Yan had seen this person and this poem before. She was the Queen Mother of the West who was so powerful in the world back then.

As for the statue on the right, it is a scholar in Tsing Yi. His face is like a crown jade, his pupils are like water, and his eyebrows are like ink paintings.

Yang is dizzying.

These two statues, the female is heroic and the male is gentle and elegant, they are a perfect match!

"Is this what it is?"

Liang Yan looked at the man's statue and suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Although the appearance was very different, he really felt Fu Chen's aura from this statue!

It is almost certain that this is Fu Chen back then!

"Senior, senior, I didn't expect you to be boasting."

Liang Yan's eyes widened and he looked at the statue in front of him with disbelief.

It was really difficult for him to connect the handsome man in front of him with the wretched and slovenly old man outside the fairy city. Apart from their breath, there was no similarity between the two.

If this is the Fu Chen of the past, then why does he look like this now?

Liang Yan's thoughts were spinning, and the only explanation he could think of was that after Fu Chen taught the skills to the Queen Mother of the West, he suffered great damage, which is why his appearance changed.

Of course, Fu Chen himself doesn't stick to these things and always shows his true colors to others.

"From this point of view, the senior was a good match for the Queen Mother of the West back then. However, if compared with the Lord of Linghu City, I personally feel that she is still a bit inferior." Liang Yan gave his own evaluation.

"Hey, what do you want to do with this?"

Liang Yan shook his head and smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly.

The purpose of his coming here was to find Phoenix Blood, but now he looked around and didn't find what he wanted.

"Where's the phoenix blood?"

While I was thinking about it, I suddenly heard a crisp neighing sound.

Liang Yan immediately became alert and released all his consciousness, but could not find the source of the sound.

Not long after, there was another crisp cry.

This time, Liang Yan felt something vaguely. His eyes flickered and he looked at the statue in front of him.

"Inside the statue!"

As soon as the thought passed through his mind, the statue of Queen Mother of the West exploded.

A red shadow flew out from the debris and turned into a fire phoenix in mid-air. Its wings spread out, and each feather shone with scorching brilliance, just like the blazing sun rising into the sky, unruly!

"The Prison Fire Phoenix!"

Liang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and took a step back involuntarily.

He could feel the domineering aura on the other side, which was a kind of aloofness and a kind of self-confidence that looked down upon the world!

However, this coercion was weak because the "Prison Suppressing Fire Phoenix" in front of him was not a real one, but a phantom created by blood essence.

Through the illusory figure, Liang Yan could see a drop of blood flowing on Huofeng's chest.

That's the purpose of his trip!

At the same time, the essence and blood of the "Immortal Dragon" in Liang Yan's body began to stir, as if he had found his old enemy, and he felt eager to try.

"hold head high!"

Zhen Yu Huo Feng's eyes were fixed on Liang Yan, as if through his body, he could see the essence and blood of the Heavenly Dragon in his body.

Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet!

The next moment, the prison-suppressing fire phoenix spread its wings and flapped violently, then galloped towards Liang Yan's location.

At this moment, the time and space of the entire palace seemed to have stopped. Liang Yan was imprisoned in place by an inexplicable force. He could do nothing but watch as the fire phoenix, like the scorching sun, rushed towards his chest.

Soon, he felt heartbreaking pain.


Liang Yan groaned, looked down, and found that the Prison Suppressing Fire Phoenix had penetrated his chest!

There was a huge blood hole in his chest, and there were dense cracks all over his body. He was like a statue that had been hit hard with a hammer, and everything began to break!


There was a crisp sound, and Liang Yan's body was torn apart, like porcelain being smashed into tens of thousands of fragments.

These fragments dissipate with the wind, eventually turn into dust, and completely disappear from this world.

The palace returned to its former silence.

But the Prison Suppressing Fire Phoenix did not disappear. Instead, it stopped in place, staring at the place where Liang Yan died, seeming a little confused.

This strange scene lasted for about a quarter of an hour.

A quarter of an hour later, a sound of "Plop, Plop" suddenly sounded inside the palace, as if the heart was beating.

The Prison Suppressing Fire Phoenix's eyes immediately became alert, it spread its wings and roared, staring fixedly at a certain void.

After a moment, a drop of essence and blood appeared in the void. The essence and blood rolled around, and hair, facial features, hands, and feet grew from it.

In the blink of an eye, Liang Yan reappeared in the hall.

"Is this the Hell-Suppressing Fire Phoenix? The power of attack is indeed powerful, even a drop of blood essence is so powerful!"

Liang Yan took a deep breath and expressed his heartfelt admiration.

At the same time, he also understood a truth. The immortal dragon and the prison-suppressing fire phoenix are mortal enemies. As long as the two meet, a fierce battle will definitely break out, and the kind will never end!

This is instinctive hostility!

"It seems that fusing the blood of dragon and phoenix is ​​not an easy thing to do."

Liang Yan sighed secretly, but there was no intention of shrinking in his eyes.

He stood up straight, facing the menacing Prison Fire Phoenix, with a smile on his lips.

"Come on, you can kill me ten times or a hundred times, but as long as I find the opportunity, I will definitely take you into my body!"

"hold head high!"

The Prison Suppressing Fire Phoenix seemed to understand what he meant. It roared, spread its wings, and galloped towards Liang Yan again.

This chapter has been completed!
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