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Chapter 251 Yunxiao Palace

 The black devilish aura of the bird is surging and coming towards Liang Yan like a dark cloud. The yellow flame of Li Xiaosong is like the morning glow breaking through the sky, full of vitality. One is bright and the other is dark, in this hall

A fierce confrontation broke out.

"Tsk, tsk, I didn't expect you to have such a spiritual beast. Brother Liang is really capable of many tricks!" Sun Buer sneered, and the blue flying sword went straight to Liang Yan's face with great force.

Ping ping! A few times.

Liang Yan's three fixed-light swords clashed with Sun Buer at the same time. The blue rainbow intertwined with the moon-white starlight, bursting out into dazzling dazzling lights.

"Your aunt, I am not his spiritual beast!"

Li Xiaosong was in mid-air, breathing fire from his mouth, and at the same time he did not forget to retort to Sun Buer.


Sun Buer's expression changed slightly. Ordinary spiritual beasts couldn't speak at all, at least the spiritual beasts they could control at their level couldn't do it. Only the demon race could do that by transforming.

"You are a demon!"

"What's wrong with being a demon? Not only am I a demon, I'm also your demon grandma!" Li Xiaosong has a hot temper. Now that his secret has been exposed, he simply doesn't hide it anymore.

"Brother Sun, instead of looking around, why not take care of yourself first!" Suddenly hearing Liang Yan's cold voice, Sun Buer was startled and immediately turned around, only to see the three light-fixing swords in front of Liang Yan, which were as powerful as a rainbow.

, at this moment, he had actually reversed the situation and sent his blue sword flying backwards.

"What a 'Three Talents Swordsman'! Assessing the situation and taking advantage of the situation before taking action is really what you scholars are good at!"

Sun Buer sneered, and the sword technique in his hand suddenly changed. The originally straight blue sword in mid-air twisted and changed like a winding river.

Although the long sword is curved, the sharpness of the sword has not diminished at all. Instead, there are infinite changes between advancement and retreat. Liang Yan's fixed-light sword always goes straight. During the ups and downs, it is inevitable that the slightest flaw will be exposed, and this blue soft sword will catch it.

Opportunity to break through the blockade in one fell swoop and attack him.

"What a soft finger!" Liang Yan praised sincerely in his heart.

He waved his long sleeve with his left hand, and a small black shield was immediately blocked in front of him. At the same time, he pinched the spell with his right hand and quickly drew back the fixed light sword in mid-air.


The small black shield that had helped him resist countless dangers was instantly shattered by a light stroke of the blue sword. But in just this moment, Liang Yan used the "Heaven's Secret Transformation" to create three fixed-light swords.

It had suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking the oncoming blue sword.

Dang Dang Dang!

Three crisp sounds were heard, and the fixed light sword and the blue long sword exchanged blows in mid-air for several times, both of which were equally matched. Sun Bu'er and Liang Yan looked solemn at this moment. It was obvious that the strength of their opponents was rare in their respective lives.


"You ink monster, believe it or not, grandma, I roasted your hair!"

While Liang Yan and Sun Buer were fighting, Li Xiaosong and the egret were also fighting fiercely. The cat, the bird, and the two "spiritual beasts" were flashing around in mid-air, each trying their best to win.

Want to put the other party to death.


The egret screamed strangely, and suddenly stretched out a claw from the dark fog. The claw extended infinitely and clawed at Li Xiaosong's back.

"Ah! It hurts!"

Li Xiaosong couldn't help but cry out as the sharp claws penetrated her flesh. However, her eyes were fierce and her wild nature seemed to be aroused. Instead of retreating, she turned around and jumped towards the ostrich in mid-air.

Li Xiaosong's whole body was blazing with flames. Suddenly, there was a sound on the two furry front paws, and five silver claws emerged from each. She was in mid-air, turned around, and hugged the huge egret's neck. At the same time, both claws

Use force to lock it firmly on its spine.


The bird screamed, its wings suddenly vibrated, and waves of black evil energy followed its sharp claws into Li Xiaosong's back. Li Xiaosong looked ugly, but he gritted his teeth and held on, holding on to the neck of the bird.

Don't let go of your neck.

"If you dare to catch your aunt, I will bite you to death!"

Perhaps the pain was too much. Unbearable, Li Xiaosong suddenly opened his small mouth, revealing his white teeth, and then bit directly on the egret's neck. At the same time, boundless yellow flames surged out from his throat, and in an instant

It covers both of their bodies.

"Quack quack quack!"

The egret was in mid-air, its wings fanning wildly, and waves of demonic energy surged towards Li Xiaosong without showing any signs of weakness.

The cat and the bird were hugging each other in mid-air like wild beasts fighting each other. They both wanted to eat each other's flesh and blood raw. The billowing demonic energy and yellow divine fire covered their bodies. Sometimes the black energy was strong, and sometimes the sky was filled with flames.

Liang Yan frowned slightly when he saw this. Although Li Xiaosong was extremely talented, his cultivation level was too low. Although he had the "Fire Lacquer Vine" given by Yu Xuanji himself for self-defense, there might not be any accidents.

It's just that his opponent is too strong at the moment and is proficient in the art of summoning, so he has to ask Xiaosong to help. But as time goes by, he may not be able to hold on first.

Sun Buer seemed to see the concerns in his heart, and suddenly laughed loudly: "Haha! It seems that Brother Liang has reached the end of his skills. Although your black sword energy is terrifying, you can't send it out of the body after all. As long as you don't get close to you,

Even if you fight in person, Sun will not be afraid!"

"Really? Then Brother Sun, try taking my sword again!"

Liang Yan suddenly made a sound, and pinched the sword in his hand quickly, and the three fixed-light swords merged into one in front of him. Then his left hand pointed together as a sword, and the three right hands pointed to the sky. A vast aura burst out from the fixed-light sword,

It turned into a huge sword shadow in mid-air, like a human swordsman who had experienced hundreds of years of glory. He pointed at Sun Buer from a distance. It was his "human way"!

"Hey! It seems that Brother Liang is going to decide the outcome with one sword strike!"

Sensing the extraordinary power of Liang Yan's sword, Sun Buer didn't dare to be too confident. He jumped into the air, pushed the aura in his body to its peak, and at the same time made a series of seals with both hands, and a chilling aura swept over him.

Even Li Xiaosong, who was quite far away, felt his heart tightening.

"The name of the sword?" Sun Buer suddenly asked while he was in mid-air.

Liang Yan was stunned for a moment, and the next moment he answered: "Dingguang!"

Sun Buer nodded slightly.

"Wu Xin!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately played forward.


The long blue sword was like the Milky Way flowing backwards, rushing towards Liang Yan.

"It is unintentional, and the passing water is even more ruthless! This move is called 'Turn your head back to the sky'! Brother Liang, you are the first one to try the sword since I perfected it!"

“What a great trick to ‘turn around empty’!”

Liang Yan narrowed his eyes, slowly pushed forward with one hand, and the fixed light sword slashed towards Sun Buer like a fleeting light.

The two of them each launched their ultimate moves, and the Fixed Light Sword and the Wuxin Sword simultaneously brought out an afterimage, one of which was vast and distant, and the other of which was ruthless and meaningless.


A sound like a dragon's sword sounded, and two colors of blue and white intersected in the air, bursting into a circle of brilliant glow. Then an endless wave of energy surged in, and Liang Yan was the first to bear the brunt. A mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, and his whole body couldn't help but move backwards.

Fly away.

In the critical moment, he raised his hands and fired a spell at Li Xiaosong and the Dingguang Sword in mid-air, and took them back one by one.

Li Xiaosong rolled in mid-air and fell straight into Liang Yan's arms. At this moment, the aftermath of the collision of the two sword moves was still spreading in circles. Li Xiaosong was already injured and could only curl up in the arms at this moment.

Only in Liang Yan's arms could he barely escape the endless aftermath.

Sun Bu'er on the opposite side was not having a good time either. At this moment, he also flew backwards involuntarily. Suddenly, he heard two bang bang! It turned out that the two of them hit the hall wall at the same time, and actually made a hole in each of them.

A bright light suddenly struck, almost making Liang Yan unable to open his eyes. Then a feeling of weightlessness came, and his whole body actually fell downwards.


Liang Yan turned his head in shock, but was surprised to find that he was thousands of miles high in the sky, and the hall he was in was actually the top floor of an immortal palace built above the clouds!

Looking around blankly, he saw in the air:

Thousands of golden lights are rolling in red neon, and thousands of auspicious auras are spraying purple mist. There are many palaces around, all floating in the clouds, with glazed tiles and jade railings. They are no longer in the ordinary world. Let alone mortals in the mortal world, they are those who practice Taoism and live forever.

You may not have seen such a beautiful scenery in the Immortal Family.

However, Liang Yan had no intention of watching it now, because no matter how much spiritual power he mobilized at the moment, he couldn't fly in the air at all.

"There is a restricted airspace here"

Liang Yan's heart suddenly suddenly fell, and his whole body began to plummet downwards uncontrollably. With his last glance, he seemed to see a plaque hanging on the top of the largest palace, with four gilded characters written on it:

"Yunxiao Palace!"

This chapter has been completed!
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