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Chapter 273: Drunk in the Drama World

 Facing this sudden yellow stream of light, the figure in the wine mist hesitated for a moment, and the next moment he raised his hand to offer a bronze mirror, while his right hand still used its five fingers to become claws, grabbing at Hu Shi's chest.

However, the yellow stream of light was unstoppable. When it met the bronze mirror, it only paused for a moment. The next moment, it was smashed into pieces, and then its true body was revealed. It was an earth-yellow projectile the size of a thumb!

"Eh? Kenmaru!"

The figure in the wine mist let out a light sigh, suddenly retracted his palm, turned over and jumped back. At this time, the wine mist in the sky had gradually dissipated, revealing the figure of the person inside, but he was still the pockmarked young man Xiao San from before, he had clearly changed.

Became a thin old man!

This person was wearing a dirty gray robe, and his sparse hair was tied back with a bun. His facial features were even more ordinary, and he was the type that would not be found in a crowd. But it happened that

A pair of old eyes are deep and bright, as if they have already understood all the cause and effect in this world.

"You are. Zuideng Sanxiao!"

Although hidden behind the mask, Long Wu's frightened expression at this moment can be imagined through his slightly trembling voice.

"What? He is the 'Drunken Lantern', one of the 'Tai Xuan Nine Lanterns'?!"

At this moment, even Hu Shi, who seemed to be fearless, was frightened and hurriedly jumped back to distance himself from the old man.

"You can't go wrong with the 'Playful Light' and 'Tunjiu Power'! I really can't think of another person in the world who has these two magical powers!" Long Wu said with certainty.

"It's just that Taixuan Nine Lanterns are far away in Zhongzhou. Why did you come to such a remote place in Nanchui?"

"Hehe, you're a scheming boy, you do have some knowledge!" The old Taoist known as Zuideng Sanxiao nodded and said: "Yes, I am Sanxiaozi. As for why I am here, of course I am here to help this Nanxiao."

Weed the ground to prevent demons like you from causing trouble!"

"Sanxiaozi!" Liang Yan, who was hiding in the painting, was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said: "Xiao San, Sanxiao, that's it! But this person deliberately concealed his strength before, and I don't know what the purpose was!"

Just as he was smiling bitterly in his heart, the Sanxiaozi turned to look at Uncle Gou on the side, only to hear him smile and say: "I didn't expect that in addition to your sensitive nose, you also have such magical powers for practicing swordsmanship!"

"Senior, thank you!"

Uncle Gou behind the mask still replied emotionlessly. He stretched out his hand and the earth-yellow sword pill immediately flew back and was re-entered into a small yellow wooden box on his waist.

"No, you are not the me of Sanxiao. If it had been me, Tiger Ten would have been dead just now. You are one of his clones!"

At this moment, Long Wu's eyes were shining with a strange purple light, as if he wanted to see the old man in front of him from top to bottom.

"Oh? Dongzhen Purple Eyes?" Sanxiaozi glanced at Long Wu, with a helpless expression on his face and said: "You are too boring, you see everything so clearly, doesn't it take away any fun?


As soon as he said these words, it was tantamount to admitting in disguise that he was not the real person, but the clone of Sanxiao. Hu Shi, Long Wu and Uncle Gou who were not very talkative all secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"No wonder! I said this person's cultivation level is only in the same realm as ours, so how could he be one of the 'Tai Xuan Nine Lanterns'? It turned out to be just a clone!" Hu Shi said first.

"Since there is only one clone here, then the three juniors will have to fight over this 'Shangjing Yuan Tu'!"

As soon as Long Wu finished speaking, the hands behind his back suddenly shook forward. He rolled up two Tai Chi Pisces, one Yin and one Yang, from his sleeves. After slowly spinning in the air, they actually merged into one.

, turned into a huge Tai Chi Yin and Yang diagram.

And this Tai Chi Yin and Yang diagram spans across the air, stretching thousands of miles in an instant, like a heavenly millstone, covering the entire hall and even the entire Yunxiao Wonderland.

"Senior, I'm offended!" Long Wu shouted, and suddenly pointed towards the air. He saw the millstone spinning rapidly, the two forces of yin and yang rotating back and forth, and an indescribable tearing force swept towards Sanxiaozi, as if to kill him.

Crushed ruthlessly under this avenue.

At the same time, Gou Qi's sword pill and Hu Shi's domination fist also attacked Sanxiaozi at the same time. Facing the combined attack of these three masters, Sanxiaozi's face no longer showed the contempt it had before.

, but with a solemn expression on his face.

I could see that while he was clasping his hands, he was still mumbling words. Suddenly, a breeze blew in the hall, and Sanxiaozi's whole body was swaying left and right in the breeze, suddenly like a leaf swaying.

Continuously, as if it had no bones or flesh at all, it was swaying in the wind in mid-air.


There was a sound of breaking through the air, but it was the dog Taoist's sword ball shooting past. However, when the sword ball passed by Sanxiaozi, it seemed that it had not touched anything at all, and it actually just passed by his body.


"What!" Even though Uncle Gou had always been taciturn, he couldn't help but scream at this moment.

At this moment, Sanxiaozi's figure became more and more erratic in the breeze, as if he had no entity at all. The next moment, the wind direction suddenly changed, and Sanxiaozi disappeared into the air.

"What happened, it's 'Zui Qingfeng'!"

Long Wu seemed to have woken up and hurriedly raised his hands to seal the secrets, as if he wanted to do something. However, at this time, a burst of laughter came from the Tai Chi diagram in mid-air:

"Hey, it's too late!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the millstone that was originally pressing on everyone's heads suddenly collapsed, and the entire Tai Chi pattern was shattered inch by inch. A thin figure jumped out from it, and it was the missing Sanxiaozi!

He broke through the magical powers of both of them. At this moment, Hu Shi rushed in front of him. Faced with Hu Shi's violent punch, Sanxiaozi was unmoved at all. All he saw was a flash of white light from his waist, and a sudden burst of fire.

A small beast with a dragon head, a horse body, and a beard on its forehead. It was the "Three Treasures" that Liang Yan saw that day!

As soon as the "Three Treasures" appeared, they also raised a hoof and struck at Tiger Ten. The man and the beast intersected their fists in mid-air, and a loud roar broke out. The two flew back at the same time, and they were actually fighting.

It was evenly matched!

"What!" Hu Shi screamed. He really couldn't believe that such an inconspicuous spiritual beast could actually fight him head-on in the flesh without losing!

"Hahaha! Interesting and interesting!"

Sanxiaozi in mid-air twirled his beard and said with a smile: "Among the three of you, there are people from our Taoist sect, there are also sword cultivators, and even the remnants of the 'Wutian Dao' who have not been born for a long time are also mixed in! I am curious,

What kind of organization can include three people with completely different identities like you?"

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