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Chapter 535 Xiong Yuer’s persistence

"If they launch a large formation, then we won't be in danger?" Yu Ruxin asked with a frown.

Liang Yan nodded and said: "That's true, so we have to enter the 'Blood Demon Platform' before they launch the big formation to stop the operation of this magic formation!"

After hearing this, Yu Ruxin said with some uncertainty: "Both of us are only in the foundation-building stage, but among our opponents, there are Juyuan Realm monks. I'm afraid we can't accomplish anything by ourselves, right?

I suggest you report the news to the sect first and invite more senior brothers and sisters to come over for support."

"It's too late." Liang Yan said calmly: "I have already used the secret communication room in the capital once, and the next time it will be used will be half a year later. If we return to the sect now to ask for help, in the time it takes to come back,

The formation has already been activated!"

"Furthermore, I previously issued a summons with the badge of the patrol envoy. Although several supervisory brothers from my jurisdiction are also coming, it will take five days at the earliest to reach the capital."

In fact, there is one thing that Liang Yan has not said, and that is that he just learned through the soul search of Xu Xiang that Ah-Dai has been captured by these people, and has also been escorted to the "Blood Demon Platform" of the "All Souls Transformation Blood Array".

"As a sacrifice.

If we abandon him now, then Ah-Dai will definitely die!

After hearing this, Yu Ruxin looked a little ugly and murmured: "Is there really no other way?"

"There is a way." Liang Yan smiled softly and said: "According to what I learned from the soul search just now, in two days, these monks will recall all the guardians scattered in various formations in the capital to the 'Blood Demon Platform'

, assist their envoys to complete the blood sacrifice, and then launch the grand formation."

"And we can take this opportunity to sneak into the 'Blood Demon Platform', and we don't need to fight them head-on. As long as we find the right opportunity to destroy the hub of the formation, the mission will be completed!"

Yu Ruxin was slightly stunned when she heard this. She thought about it for a moment, and then said with a determined look on her face: "These monks are so disrespectful of human life and harming the world. It is really unacceptable! Since Brother Liang is willing to ignore his own safety, just to break this

With the big formation, that junior sister will naturally not back down, and Yu Ruxin is willing to follow senior brother and break into this 'Blood Demon Stage'!"

Seeing her righteous words, Liang Yan couldn't help but think of Li Xiran back then. However, the reason why he insisted on sneaking into the "Blood Demon Stage" was not for the common people in the capital, but for the agreement with Dumb.


He may not have grand ambitions or have the world in his heart, but he has his own arrogance and his bottom line as a human being, and that may be it.

Yu Ruxin thought for a moment and asked: "But how are we two going to sneak into the 'Blood Demon Platform'?"

Liang Yan smiled slightly, suddenly made a hand gesture with one hand, and turned slightly on the spot.

I saw green smoke lingering, and a moment later, a man of medium height and slightly dark skin in a white robe appeared in front of Yu Ruxin.

This person is none other than the deceased monk named Xie!

"Senior Brother Liang, you..." Yu Ruxin was not stupid, and immediately thought of Liang Yan's intention.

The man in the white shirt chuckled and said: "From now on, my name is Xie An, and you have to call me Senior Brother Xie. Both of us are descendants of the Gu family."

Yu Ruxin blinked her eyes and followed Liang Yan's example, activating the "Yuanmu Dao" spell and turning her body around, transforming into a thin young man wearing Tsing Yi.

The man in green bowed his hands towards Liang Yan and said, "Xu Xiang has met Senior Brother Xie!"

The two people in the cave looked at each other and smiled, raised their hands at the same time, and saw Xu Xiang and Xie An's storage bags flying out and falling into their hands respectively.

While Liang Yan and Yu Ruxin were discussing a plan, deep sounds came from a remote alley in Xuanwu District.

At the end of the alley, there was a deep pit three feet square, and at the end of the pit, there were the figures of two women, one tall and one short.

The tall woman wears gray linen clothes, has a somewhat honest face, and has two round ears on her head. The strangest thing is that her hands are twice as big as ordinary people at the moment, and they are covered with gray hair, and they are constantly

Plow down the soil.

But standing behind her was a young girl with haircuts, wearing a blue robe. She was staring blankly at the tall woman in front of her, murmuring:

"In the past, I only knew that mice could dig holes, but didn't you expect that bears could do it too?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she consciously made a mistake and glanced at the woman in front of her secretly. Seeing that her expression was not strange, she said again: "Sister Xiong, if you keep digging like this, when can we get there?"

Xiong Yue'er stopped when he heard this, scratched his head with a big bear paw and said: "I don't know either, but judging from the distance I perceive, at least it won't be possible to dig until dark."

The woman in green was naturally Miao Su. After hearing Xiong Yue'er's words, she felt frustrated. She sat down on the stone next to her and sighed:

"With our stupid method, we don't know if we can get there before your friend dies."

Xiong Yue'er scratched her head again and asked, "Does Sister Suwen have any good ideas?"

Miao Suwen was suffocated by the question. Although she thought she was smart and resourceful, the cultivation level of the two of them was too low, and any guard on the other side could easily crush them to death.

Faced with such a disparity in strength, Miao Suwen couldn't come up with any clever plan even if he tried hard.

Xiong Yue'er looked at Miao Suwen for a while, and seeing that she was silent, she stopped asking questions. She just turned her head, waved a pair of bear paws, and dug downwards.

The two women in this cave are almost two extremes.

Miao Suwen is smart and lively, but when faced with a difficult problem that cannot be taken shortcuts, he will become discouraged and stop moving forward.

Xiong Yue'er is just the opposite. Although she has practiced for more than a hundred years, her mind is really average, and her stupidity almost makes Liang Yan a little bored. However, this woman is stubborn. Once she has set her sights on a direction, she will never go anywhere.

Will give up easily.

"Is the person imprisoned below really so important? Do you need to risk almost certain death to rescue him?" Miao Suwen suddenly asked at this time.

Xiong Yue'er's movements didn't pause at all, and she kept waving her bear paws to dig down the soil. At the same time, she nodded and said: "If it weren't for her guidance back then, I'm afraid I would still be a lazy bear who only knows how to dig holes to sleep.

And these hundred years of cultivation?"

When Xiong Yue'er said this, she seemed to think of something wrong, and slapped her forehead again and shouted: "Oh, no! Without her, I would be like other bears and would have died of old age long ago."

After Miao Suwen heard this, he rolled his eyes and said: "I know, I know! This man is your great benefactor, and we must save him! Unfortunately, my wall penetration technique can only penetrate a few inches of earth wall.

Otherwise, I will take you all the way down."

As soon as she finished speaking, she stood up, poured her spiritual power into her hands, followed Xiong Yuer's example, and began to dig the soil downwards.

Xiong Yue'er felt something in her heart, and turned around, just in time to meet Miao Suwen's clear and bright eyes. The two looked at each other for a moment, and both smiled knowingly.

Thank you Han Zun for the reward!

This chapter has been completed!
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