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Chapter 758 Yinglong Sword Formation

 Liang Yan's feeling at this moment was just like what Taoism said: floating like a man relying on the wind to control the wind, and he was confused and didn't know where he was going.

He could no longer feel the existence of his body at all. He seemed to be a wisp of smoke or a mist, plummeting downwards in the vast darkness.

Fortunately, there is another person beside him. The witch is also a mist like him at this moment.

The two masses of mist were entangled together and fell downward together.

Countless cold storm turbulences cut through them, but Liang Yan and Wu Xin no longer had a physical body. Even if they were approached by these turbulences, they only dispersed the fog a little, and after a while they returned to their original state.

"What kind of magical power is this?"

Liang Yan secretly thought in his heart: "This witch may seem flamboyant and dissolute, but in fact she has an unfathomable mind. She used to hide her strength in various ways, but now she uses such methods. I'm afraid there are still many unknown secrets!"

Normally, he would probably stay away from this kind of person, but at this moment, he just hoped that the witch could hide as many tricks as possible and that her magical powers would be as strong as possible.

Because they are all grasshoppers on a rope now, the outer barrier has sealed everyone, and there is no way to escape. As long as the ghosts enter, they will be the first batch of people to die!

This underground abyss is dangerous and unpredictable. If Wuxin has more strength, they will have more hope of success.

"You brat, what are you thinking about?"

Wu Xin's voice came slowly, and Liang Yan was startled when he heard it. He suddenly felt that in this state, the witch could also know something about his inner thoughts.

"What exaggeration and dissoluteness? Do you think my sister is just a frivolous person?" There was a hint of anger in the witch's voice.

"As expected!"

After knowing that Wuxin could read what he was thinking, Liang Yan immediately kept his mind and replied calmly: "Senior, don't worry about these details. The most important thing is to find the Yinglong Sword Formation as soon as possible!"


The witch snorted softly and seemed slightly annoyed, but she did not struggle with Liang Yan anymore. The two of them spread their consciousness out at the same time and began to search for the legendary Yinglong Sword Formation.

The surrounding area is filled with chaotic darkness, with countless storms and turbulent currents cutting wantonly in the middle, and bursts of gray death energy continuously pouring out from the depths of the abyss.

If Liang Yan hadn't used his immortal body to resist all the death energy, the two of them would have turned into mummies in an instant and sunk forever in this chaos.

"There is no trace of sword intent here. I'm afraid the Yinglong Sword Formation is still very deep below." Liang Yan's voice came slowly, which seemed a bit unreal in this dark and chaotic space.

"Then go deeper!"

Wu Xin let out a soft drink, and the two groups of purple mist suddenly twisted into one, turning into a ray of light and moving rapidly downwards.

The two of them were speeding along in this state, and they didn't know how long it took. They were surrounded by the same scenery, until a dim light suddenly appeared in front of them.

Liang Yan raised his eyes and looked up, only to see a spiraling and sinking passage in the distance. There were dots of white light in the passage, like stars in the night sky, but appearing in this underground abyss, it was really weird and inexplicable.

There are no longer those violent turbulences here, but only deathly silence. Liang Yan and Wu Xin have returned to their original appearance from the form of purple mist, and they stand side by side in the void.

"That should be the entrance to the passage between Yin and Yang. The one above it is." Wuxin suddenly said.

"Yinglong Sword Formation!" Liang Yan nodded and admitted.

Above the entrance of the passage, there were twelve black streams of light flying back and forth, which seemed to vaguely follow the laws of the great road, giving both Liang Yan and Wu Xin a feeling of palpitations.

"Every stream of light is a flying sword. The sword energy contained in it comes from the same source as the one in my right arm, but it is more powerful." Liang Yan secretly thought in his heart while observing.

At this moment, Wu Xin suddenly stretched out his hand and shouted, "Look over there!"

Liang Yan looked in the direction she pointed and saw faces flying out from the edge of the passage. Each face was twisting and roaring, but no sound came out, which looked weird.


There are more and more of these ghost faces, and they have gradually surrounded the entire Yinglong Sword Formation. They are densely packed, like evil spirits besieging a city.

The black light in the sword formation was unparalleled in its sharpness, and it chopped up the surrounding ghost faces one by one. But after the ghost faces were chopped into pieces, they turned into a cloud of gray mist, which was firmly attached to the flying sword.

The speed of the entire sword array is also slowing down little by little.

Wu Xin looked at the scene in front of him and said solemnly: "This is Gui Si's method. It seems that he has already begun to break the sword formation. Once this last line of defense is broken, we will have no hope."

Liang Yan did not speak after hearing this, but quietly looked at the sword formation in front of him, with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Are you looking for the center of this sword formation?" Wu Xin asked again when he saw that he was silent.

This time Liang Yan nodded and said slowly: "According to my calculations, this formation coincides with the position of the Big Dipper, and the eye of the formation should be at the Yuheng position."

Hearing Liang Yan say that he had found the formation eye, Wuxin looked happy, but then he said with some distress: "It's useless to know the formation eye. The sword energy of this sword formation is too strong, and it doesn't distinguish between friend and foe. Anyone who gets close will be killed by it."

Kill, even if we have the talisman in hand, we don’t know how to put it into the formation."

"Maybe I can give it a try." Liang Yan said calmly with a calm face.


Wuxin turned around and said with a surprised expression: "You are only at the Juyuan Realm. Not to mention entering the sword formation, even if you get within a hundred feet, you will be chopped to pieces!"

"Everything has to be tried. Since seniors are helpless against this sword formation, we can't sit still and wait for death." Liang Yan said while silently sensing the Black Lotus Sword Qi in his right arm.

Ever since I got close, I had a strange feeling in my body, as if the twelve black streams of light in the sword formation were echoing the sword energy in my right arm.

In his eyes, he could not detect any danger in the originally murderous sword formation.

Although he was not sure in his heart whether he would be killed by these sword energies, they had no way out at this moment. Even if they were as cautious as Liang Yan, they could only take the risk.

"Have you made your decision? This may be a road of no return."

At this moment, Wu Xin also lost his usual teasing look, and instead looked at Liang Yan seriously.

"I have made up my mind. If this trip goes well, everyone will naturally be happy. If I die unfortunately, please ask senior to think about countermeasures." Liang Yan turned his head and looked at Wuxin and said.

The witch was slightly stunned. She stared into Liang Yan's eyes, thinking she could find madness in them, but she didn't expect that there was only peace in them.

Thanks to: Chizuru Ichinose for another reward!

This chapter has been completed!
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