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Chapter 771 Chess Game Life

Liang Yan didn't know what happened. He just felt that he was floating in the sky like mist, and everything around him became illusory, giving people an unreal feeling.

When he woke up again, he found that he had turned into an ordinary soldier and was on the battlefield, surrounded by enemies on all sides.

His side has been defeated and is now surrounded by enemies, with no way out.


I don't know who shouted first, and then the drums were beating loudly. The surrounding soldiers all looked sad and angry, and they all raised their spears and rushed towards the enemy's formation.

Liang Yan was somehow infected by this atmosphere. He looked at the countless enemy troops around him, as if he was seeing the hardships in his life.

The past that I didn’t want to think of came to mind again.

From Huaiyuan Town being wiped out overnight, to Yixing Pavilion being exploited by Zhuo Bufan, to the bleak life in the capital, more than ten years of events flashed by like a revolving lantern.

But what finally came to mind was a sweet and smart face.

Tang Diexian, dressed in white, was intimate with him, and they were telling each other about their ignorance and longing. This scene seemed familiar, as if it had appeared thousands of times in his dreams.

However, the good times did not last long. The next moment, the woman in white turned around slightly and left her alone.

Liang Yan stretched out his hand, trying to pull her back, but found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't reach half of her clothes.

He opened his mouth again, trying to call her back, but found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't make a sound.

In the end, I could only watch her leave.

"Senior Sister Tang"

Liang Yan murmured, and when he came to his senses, he found that he was surrounded by many people. All his comrades around him were dead and wounded, and only the enemy's sharp blades were glowing coldly in front of him.

He tried his best to kill the enemy, but he was still outnumbered. Even though he was bleeding like a river, he could not find a way out.

"Manpower is sometimes poor."

This is a sentence that came to Liang Yan's mind.

Mortals are eager to cultivate immortality, thinking that once they enter the immortal gate, they will be free and happy from now on. However, they do not know that after cultivating immortality, they are still not immortals, and they still have to rise and fall in the rolling world of mortals.

The way of heaven is vast and cold and ruthless. How much joy can there be in this world?

In a daze, Liang Yan seemed to have left his body and turned into a cloud of gray mist, escaping from the embattled battlefield.

He became lighter and lighter, flying higher and higher. There were no mountains, rivers, or drums around him, and there was only a monotonous and desolate chaos.

In this chaos, Liang Yan vaguely saw another mist.

It was a purple mist, floating here just like him, not knowing where it came from or where it was going.

Gradually, the two masses of mist got closer and closer, and began to slowly rotate around each other.

A little gray mist blended into the purple mist, and similarly, a wisp of purple mist also blended into the gray mist.

As time goes by, the two fogs begin to gradually merge, until there is purple in the gray, and gray in the purple, and water and milk blend together, indistinguishable from each other.

Liang Yan didn't know what was going on. His actions were all based on instinct. There was a moment of confusion in his mind, but then he saw another life.

That's what a demon woman has experienced.

She experienced the rise and decline of a dynasty for hundreds of years, from the carefree life of a child, to the warmth and coldness of the world when she grew up, until finally the country was destroyed and the family was destroyed.

Friends in the past, people who were trustworthy, turned into traitors overnight, picked up the butcher's knife and turned into butchers.

She also changed from a high-ranking princess to a desperado who left her hometown to avoid being hunted. She has been wandering for hundreds of years, just to one day be able to return to her homeland with her subordinates.

If I had to explain all of this in detail, I'm afraid it wouldn't take seven days and seven nights to finish it, but Liang Yan saw it clearly from beginning to end, just like watching a revolving lantern.

The two mists of different colors slowly flowed and now completely merged together. Liang Yan had a strange feeling in his heart, as if while watching her life, everything about himself was also exposed to her eyes.

At this moment, the two of them were naked and honest with each other, and there was no longer any secret.

He didn't know how long this state lasted. Liang Yan only felt warm and comfortable, and didn't want anything to change. Until a wisp of breeze blew by, making him shiver.

The next moment, Liang Yan's eyes suddenly opened, his consciousness returned to his physical body, and his originally stiff body also regained consciousness.

But his forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and his whole body was exhausted. He heard a "bang!" and fell to the ground.

"Oh my god, you finally woke up! I thought you would never come back, Xiaosong and I were really scared to death!"

A childish voice came from behind, and a girl with double braids and a green coat was so excited that she almost jumped up and clapped her hands in celebration.

Liang Yan ignored the girl. He shook his head, which was still dizzy, and breathed a long sigh of relief. Then he turned to look at the other end of the stone pavilion.

Wu Xin was leaning on a stone pillar and sitting on the ground like him. His face was pale and his clothes were soaked with sweat. He was biting his lips and looking towards him.

The two people looked at each other, speechless, and seemed to be in silence.

The witch's face turned slightly red, and she suddenly lowered her head and whispered, "Have you seen everything?"


Liang Yan did not deny it and nodded simply.

I don't know if it was his misunderstanding, but the feeling Wuxin gave him now was very different from before.

Although the witch in the past would flirt with herself from time to time, she practiced the devil's charm skill and was originally a person with thousands of faces. Her seemingly affectionate words of flirtation may hide extremely powerful killing moves.

So he never took those idle talk seriously.

But now Wuxin seems to have lost her gorgeous disguise and removed the thousands of faces of the devilish charm, leaving only the original and most real her.

At this time, the witch became quiet.

The two of them looked at each other in silence, and the whole stone pavilion fell into an inexplicable atmosphere.

After a long time, Wu Xin was the first to speak. She seemed to think about it before she said softly: "I, too. I have also seen that your past is actually like a dream, such as day and night, how much joy there is, how much pain there is? Those things in the past.

It’s better to just let them pass.”

Liang Yan was slightly startled when he heard this. He turned around and saw Wu Xin's eyes as bright as the stars in the sky. An impulse suddenly arose in his heart, but when he said a thousand words, they only turned into a knowing smile:

"Of course!"

Thanks: A reward for a dilemma!

This chapter has been completed!
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