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Chapter 81 Ten Deaths and No Life

 Liang Yan looked around, and suddenly took out an octagonal compass from his storage bag, raised his hand and punched in a spell. He saw the compass pointer spinning slowly, and then stopped after three breaths. The direction pointed by the pointer turned out to be the entrance to the village.


"What?" Liang Yan held the compass tightly and looked around in shock:

"No way out!"

He had a look of disbelief on his face and stared at the village in front of him.

I saw that this place was antique, no different from a secular village. If I hadn't felt the murderous intention at this moment, it would have been a rural beauty with the same scenery as "withered vines, old trees, dim crows, small bridges and flowing water, and people living there."

However, in the midst of a crisis, Liang Yan also knew that he should not lose control of his position. He took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

Although the octagonal compass shows that "the gate of life is closed, there is death and no life", there may not be any misunderstandings in it. Since it is a formation, there must be a way to break it.

He followed the village path and walked a few steps further inside, while secretly paying attention to the surrounding scenery.

I saw that the thatched houses in the village were scattered in an orderly manner, including large courtyards and small houses. An old locust tree stood alone in the center of the village, like an old man silently watching the road around.

A clear stream winds down the surrounding mountains and passes by the village. The smooth pebbles under the stream are clearly visible, and even the mountain clouds are reflected in it.

This scene is clearly an ordinary pastoral village in the secular world, and there is no trace of the details of the formation.

"Wait a minute! The roads, houses, dry wells, and every plant and tree here seem to coincide with the hexagram. Could it be that?" Liang Yan suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and vaguely thought of a possibility.

As soon as he thought of this, Liang Yan suddenly accelerated his speed and ran towards the old locust tree in the center of the village. When he got to the tree, he saw him jumping up, tapping his feet lightly on the trunk, and leaping to the top of the tree.

He was in a high position at the moment, and the arrangement and distribution of the houses, streets and various objects in the village all fell into his eyes exactly.

Liang Yan observed for a long time, then suddenly lost his voice and exclaimed:

"It originates from the sky and connects the earth. It is the head of the group of scriptures. It knows the Yi but does not predict it. It is good to know the Yi without predicting it! Could this array be born from the Yi hexagram?"

He was shocked. He had been reading through the Zhenmai collection in the Library Pavilion for nearly six years, but he didn't even know the name of this formation. Just looking at its layout, it clearly coincided with the hexagrams of Yi Gua, and it should be a large formation derived from Yi Gua.


The art of Yi Gua originated from Taoism and flourished in the Confucian Classics. It later became its own school, but strictly speaking, it is still a branch of Taoism and Confucianism.

The Zangshu Pavilion's formation book has some descriptions of examples of combining Yi Gua techniques with formations, but most of them are unclear or mysterious. Thanks to Liang Yan's extraordinary talent, he was able to comprehend all the fragments or mysterious sentences and comprehend them.

Several variations of the Yi Gua formation.

"It would be terrible if this is really the case!" Liang Yan thought to himself: "The Yi Gua is originally a secret technique, and the formations derived from it will inevitably change endlessly, which is really difficult to deduce."

"However, most of the formations of Yi Gua imitate the secrets of heaven and pay attention to the natural way of heaven. The murderous intention was initially triggered by something inconspicuous. It is the so-called 'wind rises from the end of Qingping'. Now that the murderous intention of the formation has not arisen, I

If we can find the source of the thing, we might be able to use some tricks to get through."

Thinking of this, Liang Yan immediately looked around, watching this quiet village closely, trying to find any slight abnormalities.

Sure enough, he didn't have to wait too long. Suddenly, a breeze blew by. From the corner of his eye, Liang Yan caught a glimpse of something in a house at the west end of the village. It seemed that something had been blown and was shaking precariously on the stove.

With a sound of "Whoosh!", Liang Yan immediately started running towards the house.

With his current level of cultivation, although he could not reach the level of flying objects above the eighth level of Qi training, the speed would not be much slower. Almost within three breaths after the thing was blown, Liang Yan had already caught up with it.

Arriving at the door of the house, he kicked open the door and rushed into the house. Suddenly he heard a "pop!"

He saw that the object blown by the wind was actually an oil lamp. When he pushed the door open and entered, it had fallen from the stove and accidentally landed in the thatch pile on the ground.


A burst of fire shot into the sky, churning out thick black smoke and spreading towards Liang Yan.

"The earth is lower than the earth, the earth is above the earth, and the earth is the fire!" Liang Yan said in surprise.

However, although he was frightened, he escaped outside the house and said secretly:

"The Jin hexagram is the earth fire, and its power is endless for thousands of miles. After all, I came one step late. The earth fire has already become powerful and I cannot resist it. I have to find the ground water level in the formation and use the power of the Shi hexagram to counter it.

, only then can we have a chance of winning.”

While he was thinking, the fire had already burned out of the house and spread towards his direction. Liang Yan held the compass in his left hand, pinched his fingers with his right hand, and muttered calculations.

After two breaths, he suddenly put away the compass and turned around and ran towards the compound on the other street.

He turned over and jumped into the courtyard. He saw a water tank in the middle of the courtyard. Although it was empty, Liang Yan said with a happy face, "This is it."

"Earth and Water Master, Kan below and Kun above, are the hexagrams of the Master. When the earth fire comes over and the water and fire conflict, that's when I can escape!"

Liang Yan showed an excited look and stopped and waited. He saw that the fire was so powerful that it spread along the street. However, the strange thing was that wherever the flames passed, they were not wiped out. And the places covered by the flames,

It still remains the same, like a rootless fire.


Liang Yan could tell something was wrong, but for a while he couldn't think of a reason.

While he was dazed, a breeze suddenly blew up from the ground in the courtyard. This wind blew towards Liang Yan and chilled his heart.

"No! This isn't the Earth Water Master, it's Tian Fengjie!"

As if in response to his words, the wind in the courtyard started to rise. It was no longer a breeze, but a strong wind. The fallen leaves in the courtyard were blown up into the sky, and a ramshorn whirlwind actually blew out of the ground.

The ground fire across the street was in the spotlight. At this moment, the fire took advantage of the wind and gained even more power, rushing towards Liang Yan's place in a mighty manner.

"How could this happen? How could this happen?" Liang Yan was so confused that he quickly jumped out of the compound, "I can't make a mistake. This place is obviously the Earth Water Master, why did it become Tianfengjie again?"

However, there was no time for him to think at this moment. The ground fire behind him had changed from a small oil lamp at the beginning to a huge fire. The power contained in it was simply not something that a qi training disciple like Liang Yan could withstand.

What's more, the ram's horn whirlwind is becoming more and more fierce, and the wind and fire are rushing towards him.

Liang Yan gritted his teeth and took out his compass to calculate quickly.

"Fire borrows the force of the wind, and this Earth Fire is no longer something that the Master's Hexagram can contend with. There are four out of sixty in the Yi Hexagram, starting with Qian and Kun, and ending with Water and Fire. If I can find the peace of Earth and Heaven, or whether it is the ultimate peace, I may not be able to save my life."

He exhausted what he had learned in the past six years, and with the help of the Dragon-Seeking Technique and the Octagonal Compass, he kept calculating the direction while running away.

All this is a long story, but it actually only took a few breaths. Just when his forehead was sweating profusely, his direction suddenly changed and he ran towards the old locust tree from before.

Between leaps and bounds, he stood on the top of the old locust tree again, watching the compass in his hand spinning continuously, and murmured to himself:

"The lower stems and the higher kuns, change according to the times, whether it's the best time to survive, or survive from a desperate situation! This is what I'm talking about."

As soon as he stood still on the old locust tree, the spreading fire and tornado suddenly stopped in place, as if they were stopped by something.

When Liang Yan saw this, he wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with lingering fear.

"Fortunately, I have this Tai Gu as my disciple, otherwise I would have died in an unknown way this time."

"Speaking of which, shouldn't this gate-keeping formation be a trapping formation or a phantom formation? How could it be a killing formation? In order to test the disciples of the formation, the sect would use such a formation. Isn't it afraid that the disciples would die tragically in the formation?"


However, before he could finish his thoughts, there was another loud noise in the distance, and the ground fire that had been stagnant suddenly started to burn violently, and spread towards him even more violently than before.

Not only that, even the tornado that had been stagnant roared and started to blow again.


Liang Yan was so shocked that he couldn't be more shocked. This place was clearly a peaceful place, so why did the murderous intent in the formation not only stop but become even more violent?

He looked closely at the raging fire and saw that although the fire was powerful, everything it passed was intact.

"Rootless fire, rootless fire. Could it be that this is not earth fire?"

When he thought of this, Liang Yan felt as if he had been given a slap in the face, and his mind suddenly became clear.

"Heaven and earth are reversed repeatedly, and the hexagrams are also contradictory. If the whole village is turned upside down, then the earth is the sky, and the sky is the earth. Therefore, the sky should be above the fire, and the lower part is separated from the upper stem. This is the hexagram of the same person! This is the sky fire. Fellow!"

Fire is in the sky, so it naturally does not need to borrow anything. Fire without roots cannot burn anything, nor can it burn anything.

After thinking about this, all the previous weirdness can be explained. The heaven and earth were upside down, and the hexagram images were shifted. He used the ordinary hexagram-changing method to find the water master, but naturally he couldn't find it. Not only did he not find it, It also attracts the wind and the evil spirits from the sky, causing the wind and fire to combine, and the murderous intention becomes more powerful.

"In this way, the position I am in here is not about the peace of earth and heaven, but the relationship between heaven and earth! If there is no communication, it is the door to death!"

As if to confirm what he said, the fire had already surrounded it with the hurricane, trapping it in the middle and slowly moving closer. The sky was filled with fire in all directions, leaving not even a single gap.

As the hurricane roared, the fire burned stronger and stronger that day, and the heart of the fire gradually turned a light golden color. In just a few breaths, it left the ground and burned into the air, becoming a veritable "rootless fire."

Seeing this, Liang Yan gave a self-deprecating smile and said: "Fire borrows the power of the wind to help people transform into great beings. Now the fire is in the sky because of the great being of the Fire Heaven. Even if Jin Dan Zhenren comes, I'm afraid there is nothing he can do."

He didn't expect that this formation could actually reverse the secrets of heaven. Everything here seemed to be part of the plan of the person who set up the formation.

As the saying goes, if one step is wrong, every step is wrong. At this time, he is trapped in Fu Gua, with no way to go to the earth, no way to go to heaven, surrounded by enemies, and no life at all!

This chapter has been completed!
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