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Chapter 867 Liu Qing

 The girl in brocade clothes shouted several times in succession, but there was no movement outside the attic.

"Strange! There are obviously patrol guards from the Feng Wu Army nearby. Logically speaking, they should have rushed over immediately when they heard my cry for help. Why is there still no figure there yet?"

The girl was filled with surprise and uncertainty. When she looked at the figure sitting motionless in front of her, she felt something strange inside and out.

Just half a day ago, she had met this man once in the Kuzen Temple in the barren hills outside the city.

Lin Yue, who always liked to show off his martial arts in front of him, broke his right arm when this man stood still. This shows the depth of the "internal strength" of this man in gray.

And at that time, he already knew that she was a descendant of the royal family, which made her have to suspect that this person came specifically for her.

Now, after not seeing him for half a day, this man in gray clothes has appeared in the palace again!

"You, who are you? What's the purpose of sneaking into the palace?" The girl barely managed to calm down and asked.

However, her slightly stuttering tone still revealed her nervousness at the moment.

At this moment, the man in gray who had been sitting still suddenly sighed, then turned around and asked:

"May I have your name?"


The girl wanted to say, "Why should I tell you?", but when she met the man's eyes and saw his deep gaze, she had a feeling for no reason. She just felt that she should not deceive her in any case.

This person.

"My name is Liu Qing."

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she felt strange, how could she reveal her real name to a stranger?

After hearing this, the man in gray clothes nodded and said: "What a good name. Liu Zihan will have a granddaughter like you, and he will definitely have no regrets in the world."

"Do you know my grandfather?"

Liu Qing's eyes were wide open, with a look of disbelief on his face.

Of course she didn't think that this person could be the same person as her grandfather, but she just thought that he should have heard some secrets about the palace.

After all, Liu Zihan in history was just a flash in the pan. Now more than fifty years later, he is rarely mentioned anymore. The only one that everyone remembers is Liu Wanrou, the "Emperor Wu'an".

Facing her question, the man in gray just smiled and did not answer.

Liu Qing was not stupid either. He was a little scared at first, but now he has gradually calmed down. Although he still didn't know why Feng Wujun didn't come, the man in front of him obviously had no ill intentions towards him.

Otherwise, given his high martial arts skills, he would have been a dead body long ago.

Now that he knew that the other party would not harm him, Liu Qing's mind gradually became more active. This person did not look like an assassin, nor did he come for the Liu royal family. Instead, he sneaked into the Xianhuang Palace alone and silently. Then...

There is only one possibility.

Liu Qing tilted her head and thought for a while, then asked tentatively:

"Do you know the late emperor?"

This time, the man in gray finally responded, and he nodded slightly.

"Do you really know the late emperor?!"

Liu Qing said excitedly: "Although the late emperor was a woman, her literary skills and martial arts were as good as those of men. She has always been the person she admired most in Qing'er's heart! And she never married. Huh? Wait, are you?"

She looked Liang Yan up and down, with a strange look on her face, and then said: "Impossible, it is said that the late emperor had a crush on him for a long time, and the age difference between you and her is too big. Although it is said that the late emperor was ninety-five

It is understandable that she would like to find a young man to include in her harem, but I have never heard that she has ever taken a serious look at any man."

After hearing this, the man in gray clothes calmly shook his head and said: "She and I have only met each other a few times, and they are all in the past."

This was the second time he spoke after entering the palace. His voice was low and slightly hoarse. It was very different from the high-spirited voice he had in Kuchen Temple. Liu Qing couldn't help but be slightly startled.

Although this person's tone was neither happy nor sad, Liu Qing still noticed a hint of sadness in it.

"It seems that Qing'er guessed it wrong." Liu Qing sighed and said: "The late emperor was a man of literary and military skills, but unfortunately he was trapped in love all his life. It is said that she once fell in love with someone in her early years, and this person immediately stayed in her heart.

It’s a lifetime.”

She then pointed to the statue in front of her and said: "The late emperor was already over sixty years old when he cast this statue. Although she has a good appearance, she cannot withstand the erosion of time even at this age. But she will definitely

Do you know why the craftsmen were asked to cast this statue according to her appearance when she was young?"

"Why?" the man in gray asked.

"Because this is how she looked when she reunited with her sweetheart for the first time after becoming an adult. At that time, she was still 'Princess Qinwan', and she was also wearing this goose-yellow dress. The late emperor firmly believed that his sweetheart would come back to see her.

The reason for casting this statue is that I don’t want my loved one to see my aging state, and I want his memory to stay as the most beautiful version of myself forever.”

As Liu Qing was talking, he suddenly found that there were tears in the corners of the eyes of the man in gray in front of him.

"Why does this person cry like a child?"

Liu Qing muttered, and suddenly a strange feeling arose in her heart, and secretly thought: "I have regarded the late emperor as the person I admired the most since I was a child. Sometimes I can't help crying when I hear about her past, but this man in front of me

I have never appeared beside the late emperor, why are you so sentimental?"

This strange feeling made her a little more curious about the man in gray in front of her, and she couldn't help but ask: "Where did you and the late emperor meet? Since you are willing to sneak into the palace alone, just to see her

Just one look at the portrait, it’s impossible to be just a casual acquaintance, right?”

At this moment, the man in gray clothes had regained his composure. Hearing this, he shook his head. Instead of answering her question, he asked:

"Why did you sneak into the palace of the late emperor secretly when you are a majestic princess of a country?"

Liu Qing's face froze when he asked, and then he sighed and said: "After the emperor's brother ascended the throne, he listed the former emperor's palace as a forbidden area of ​​the palace. No one is allowed to enter unless he orders it."

"Since this is a forbidden area of ​​the palace, why do you still come?" the man in gray asked again.

Liu Qing's face suddenly looked a little weird, and he said hesitantly: "Well, don't I miss the late emperor too much? I haven't seen her for a long time, so I ran in secretly."

After she finished speaking, she looked at the man in gray with a guilty conscience, but saw a hint of a smile on his face, and said, "I'm afraid it's not for this reason, right?"

When Liu Qing came into contact with the other person's gaze, he felt that there was no secret left in his heart. It seemed that nothing could be hidden from the eyes of the person in front of him.

"Okay. Actually, I'm here to find martial arts secrets." Liu Qing confessed.

"Practice martial arts?" The man in gray asked curiously: "Don't you want to learn literature from Wang Mohan, one of the seven great talents? Why do you want to practice martial arts again?"

"You don't know something." Liu Qing sighed and said, "I am interested in learning literature, but I have no choice but to learn martial arts."

As soon as she said this, the man in gray frowned and said calmly: "As a princess, who dares to force you?"

"You're not yet a royal advisor!"

Liu Qing said angrily: "Ever since the great monk became the national preceptor three years ago, the emperor has become obsessed with him. He will listen to his opinions on all matters big and small. Recently, he has become even more obsessed with seeking immortality.

Tao, he built an altar of heaven and earth outside the city, and would go out of the city to pray for blessings every few months."

"The most irritating thing is that this bald donkey suggested to the emperor that he choose my consort through a competition, and the time was set in two days, and my emperor actually agreed!"

"Winning the first prize in a martial arts competition? It's a joke. How can marriage be such a trivial matter?" the man in gray said coldly.

"Right, right? You think this is a joke too, but my royal brother didn't know what kind of ecstasy was poured into his mouth, and he actually agreed!"

Liu Qing seemed to have found a confidant, and continued: "The most important thing is that this bald donkey also sent his great disciple Shen Xiuwen to compete. This man is a sanctimonious man, a beast in clothes, but he has great martial arts skills. He won the first prize in this competition with almost no one

People are his opponents."

After hearing this, the man in gray clothes nodded and said: "As the saying goes, it is better to ask for help from others than to ask for yourself. There are martial arts secrets left by her in the palace of the late emperor, so you took the risk to sneak in here, hoping to find quick martial arts. After you have learned it, go there by yourself.

Do you want to compete in that arena so that no one who competes can marry you?"

Liu Qing was convinced by what he had said to her, and she didn't hold back any more. She nodded and admitted: "Although the late Emperor was a female, her martial arts skills were unparalleled in ancient and modern times. It is said that she received elixirs, magic weapons and secret books as gifts from others in her early years.

These things are all kept in the Former Emperor's Palace, so I came here to try my luck."

After hearing this, the man in gray suddenly burst out laughing:

"You girl, is there any martial arts in the world that can be mastered in a few days? Not even her martial arts secrets can do it."

He smiled for a while and then waved to Liu Qing, gesturing for her to come closer.

Liu Qing was stunned for a moment, hesitated on the spot for a moment, and finally walked over obediently and sat down in front of him.

The man in gray clothes stretched out his hand and put it on her wrist. After a long time, he said leisurely: "Sure enough, Tianyan Forty-Nine, there is still one escape. I didn't expect that after a thousand years, the Liu family would have a false spiritual root!"

"Pseudo spiritual roots? What are pseudo spiritual roots?" Liu Qing opened his eyes wide and asked curiously.

However, the man in gray shook his head and asked, "Do you want to defeat that Shen Xiuwen?"

"Of course I do, I don't want to marry him!"

Liu Qing pouted, and as soon as the words came out, he shook his head and said: "But that man is really powerful. His 'three skills of attacking ghosts and falling' have been practiced to the point of proficiency. Even the martial arts masters of the Yue Kingdom

Even if several great masters come here, I'm afraid they won't be able to defeat him within a hundred moves, let alone my three-legged cat's kung fu."

"Hmph, it's just three magic tricks, what's the point!" The man in gray snorted coldly: "I will teach you a method. You only need to practice according to the method, and you will be able to defeat this person in two days."

Liu Qing's face lit up when he heard this, but then he asked suspiciously: "Is there really such a quick method? My kung fu skills are not top-notch in the world. Is there any martial arts that can make me achieve success in two days?"

Against a master like Shen Xiuwen?"

The man in gray laughed loudly and said: "What I taught you is not some martial arts!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his hand and pressed it directly on the top of Liu Qing's head.

Liu Qing was shocked. Before she could react, she felt a warm current pouring from the palm of the other person's hand into the Baihui point on the top of her head, and then dispersed along the meridians in her body towards her limbs. In just a moment,

All of a sudden, there was a burning pain in my body!


Liu Qing snorted miserably. Just when she couldn't bear it anymore and was about to faint, another stream of clear water came from the palm of the opponent's palm, making her forehead feel cold and the pain in her body was like burning.

It also gradually dissipated.

At the same time, a vague aura began to gather in her Dantian. Liu Qing was shocked, because this aura was so unfamiliar, and it was very different from the internal power she had accumulated from practicing internal skills before.

Although she was just a beginner in martial arts, she could still tell that the aura in her Dantian at this moment was not the internal power of any sect at all.

By this time, Liu Qing had already vaguely felt that the man in gray clothes in front of him was probably not an ordinary person.

"Could this be the legendary Yijin Marrow Cleansing? Could it be that he wants to teach me the technique?"

Liu Qing felt excited for a while. Although she was a princess, she often sneaked out of the city. She had read those street stories. For example, when a martial arts master of a generation passed away, he would pass on his lifelong skills to the destined person.

The person who has been taught the skills can take off like a dragon and reach the sky in one step!

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt sad again. She looked at the face of the man in front of her and thought to herself: "What a pity. Did he get some incurable disease at such a young age? According to the plot in the storybook, he taught me the skills.

He is going to die from now on. Seeing that he is so young and pretty handsome, it is such a pity."

Before Liu Qing could finish the messy thoughts in her mind, she suddenly felt relaxed all over. The steady stream of clear water stopped, and the palms above her head were withdrawn.

"Huh? Is this the end?"

Liu Qing was a little puzzled, because the aura in her dantian at the moment was just like a small insect, which was far from the vast internal power she expected.

"Master, is this all over?" Liu Jing couldn't help but ask: "With this little insect-like inner strength, can I beat Shen Xiuwen in two days?"

The man in gray clothes ignored her, but like a magic trick, he took out a bamboo slip from somewhere and threw it directly in front of her.

"There are three secret techniques and a mental formula in the bamboo slips. After returning home, practice the secret technique during the day and meditate according to the mental technique at night. After two days, you will see the results."

Liu Jing was slightly startled when she heard this. She reached out and picked up the bamboo slips. Then she opened her mouth again, as if she wanted to ask a question.

However, the man in gray clothes in front of him seemed to have lost interest and waved his hand directly and said:

"Just leave."

Thanks to: Ying Yuefeng for the reward!

This chapter has been completed!
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