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Chapter 948 Gray Flag Envoy

"Hahaha! Mr. Liang is indeed stranger to us, but he is acquainted with my young master. We are here under the orders of the young master to bring Mr. Liang safely out of the territory of Qixing City." Outside the middle-aged member.

Hahaha laughed.

"Little Lord?"

Liang Yan frowned and asked tentatively: "But I don't know who the 'young master' my friend mentioned is? Why don't I have any impression?"

The middle-aged officer touched his chin at this time and said slightly mysteriously: "Master Liang, please forgive me for not revealing the identity of the young master for the time being, but sooner or later you will see each other again, and then all doubts will be solved naturally.


After listening to his words, Liang Yan became more doubtful, but it was obvious that the other party would not disclose the details of this person, so it would be useless for him to ask again.

But one thing is certain, this group of people is really here to help him, otherwise he would just sit back and watch, and there would be no need to cause trouble at all.

I just don’t know what their purpose is in helping me, and who is the young master behind this?

After standing there and pondering for a moment, Liang Yan finally spoke slowly: "Since this Taoist friend doesn't want to say it, Liang won't force it. It's just that I want to use the teleportation circle of Tianyuan Mountain to leave this place. I don't know if you can

There is a way?"

"This is natural!"

The middle-aged member nodded and said: "Young Master has given instructions before, if you encounter Mr. Liang landing, he must help you and take you to escape from the capture of Seven Star City, but..."

Liang Yan's eyes narrowed slightly when he heard it, and he said calmly: "It's just what? If you have something to say, you might as well say it directly."

The middle-aged member smiled and continued: "It's just that our Qingyun Chamber of Commerce is always a place to do business. There is no principle of giving in vain without getting anything. Master Liang wants to use our protection to leave here, and he must also come up with corresponding funds."

It’s the reward.”


Liang Yan's face showed a look of interest, and he said slowly: "I'm afraid this so-called 'reward' does not refer to spiritual stones, right?"

"Of course!"

At this time, the white-faced scholar had already taken over the topic and said: "If Mr. Liang wants to take refuge in our Qingyun Chamber of Commerce, he must join the Chamber of Commerce and contribute to the Chamber of Commerce!"

When Liang Yan heard this, he couldn't help but frown slightly. He never liked being tied down by other forces. Especially at this time, he had just landed in a new continent and rashly joined an organization whose details he didn't know. It really violated his will.


Just when he was hesitating, the middle-aged member next to him slowly spoke:

"It seems that Mr. Liang has some concerns. We don't force others to do anything. We only need you to join our Qingyun Chamber of Commerce for three years. After three years, you can leave or stay. It's up to you. What do you think?"

"Three years?"

Liang Yan felt something move in his heart. Although he didn't like to join other forces, if it was only for three years, it wouldn't be too much.

The most important thing is that he seems to have no choice now. If he does not get the protection of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce, he may not even be able to leave this small Tianyuan Town.

He couldn't really sacrifice his sword pills and start a killing spree here, right? Not only would his path to sword cultivation be cut off, but he would also be endlessly hunted by Seven Star City. This kind of consequence was not what he wanted to see.

However, Liang Yan has always been cautious. Even though he had made up his mind at this moment, he still looked embarrassed and said on the surface: "Liang is used to being a loner, but he doesn't know what I need to do in the three years since I joined the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce?"

The middle-aged member smiled and said: "I will explain this matter slowly. Master, do you know that the business of our Qingyun Chamber of Commerce is mainly distributed in the four territories of Tianhe City, Wushuang City, Seven Star City and Baiyu City, and each area

There are six flag envoys, gold, white, yellow, red, blue, and gray, who are responsible for monitoring the presidents of the major branches in their respective areas, which is equivalent to the highest-status supervisory agency."

"The Chamber of Commerce stipulates that the six flag envoys must have at least the cultivation level of the Golden Core Realm, and they rotate every ten years. This year happens to be the time when the flag envoys in our Seven Star City area rotate to Tianhe City, but the six flag envoys who were supposed to gather here are

The flag envoy is missing one person."

When Liang Yan heard this, he still didn't understand what he meant. He immediately smiled and said, "It seems that Liang's mission is to temporarily take over this person's position?"


The middle-aged member nodded and said: "The Gray Flag Envoy is stranded due to a special mission. Mr. Liang only needs to replace him for three years. After three years, regardless of whether this person returns or not, the Chamber of Commerce will choose another person. Of course, if

If Mr. Liang is willing to stay in our Chamber of Commerce, he can continue to hold this position."

After hearing this, Liang Yan had a noncommittal look on his face, and then asked: "What are the specific tasks of the six flag envoys?"

"As I said just now, the six flag envoys are equivalent to the supervisory agencies stationed in various places by the chamber of commerce's senior officials. Because the business of our Qingyun Chamber of Commerce is so huge, there are eighteen branches in Tianhe City alone. The presidents of these branches

The power in his hands is quite large, and if no one restricts it, there is no guarantee that he will not line his own pockets."

When the middle-aged member said this, he paused for a moment and then said: "Of course, as a flag envoy, sometimes you will receive secret tasks within the Chamber of Commerce. Most of these tasks are paid. Mr. Liang can choose to do or

If you don’t do it, it all depends on your own will.”

After hearing this, Liang Yan wondered: "Although I have just arrived at Antarctic Fairy Continent not long ago, I also know that the territory of each city is very vast. Why do these Six Flags envoys rotate every ten years? What is the reason for this?"

"Haha, Mr. Liang doesn't know something. Our Qingyun Chamber of Commerce trades countless spirit stones and treasures every year. The six major banner envoys are responsible for supervision. If you stay in one place for a long time, you will inevitably collude with the presidents of the major branches and collude with each other.


"In order to prevent this problem, I, the young master of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce, adopt a rotation system. For example, if our flag envoy from Seven Star City is rotated to Tianhe City this time, he must check the past accounts of the previous flag envoy and supervise each other. Every ten

It is rotated once a year. Each flag envoy will not stay in one place for too long. Each rotation must not only check other people's accounts, but also accept inspections by other people. Only in this cycle can the possibility of complicity be reduced."

Liang Yan couldn't help but nodded after hearing the middle-aged member's explanation. He became a little more curious about this mysterious "young master" who had never been masked before.

"This person is very thoughtful. He is able to run the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce on such a large scale. He is certainly not an ordinary person! I just don't know who he is and why he came to help me?"

After standing there and pondering for a moment, Liang Yan finally nodded and said:

"Since Fellow Taoist has made it so clear, it's hard for Liang to refuse anymore. But I've said it before. If the task issued by your Chamber of Commerce is too dangerous, Liang still has the right to refuse."

This chapter has been completed!
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