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Chapter 180: It's not interesting

As the saying goes, people are afraid of fame and pigs are afraid of being strong. Tang Ji was sure that he was not in the wrong place. However, the officials from the Ministry of Industry suddenly became so enthusiastic, which made it difficult for him to adapt for a while. However, he did not pay much attention and left after briefly saying hello to everyone.

Enter the government office.

Throughout the afternoon, Tang Jidu sat in the government office and conceived the design of Quyuanli, but he drew several versions of the drawings and none satisfied him. He had never been exposed to such a thing in his previous life, so he thought about finding one another day.

Farmers should learn something. After all, the Quyuan plow itself was invented by the working people through long-term practice.

Soon after, the office bell rang. Tang Ji stretched out, sorted the drawings on the table and stuffed them into his sleeves. He stood up and looked at the other two principals in the office: "My lords, aren't you leaving yet?"


I have to admit that working for the imperial court is quite comfortable. I can get off work at half time, that is, at four o'clock. I don't know how much easier it is than the 996 in later generations!

One of the principals put down the work at hand and replied with a smile: "Master Tang, there is an unwritten rule in each department's yamen. If the minister does not leave, we subordinates cannot leave either."

What the hell?

Do you still have to look at your boss’s face after get off work?

Tang Ji complained in his heart, raised his eyebrows slightly, touched his chin and asked, "Then if I leave directly, nothing will happen, right?"

The dark-skinned chief raised his eyes and looked at him. He was only a ninth-grade official. He usually had to wait until the officials above him left before leaving, so he hesitated and replied: Yes, I should."

"That's alright. I'll leave first. I'll see you two adults tomorrow." Tang Ji bowed politely and walked straight out of the door.

"Ming, see you tomorrow." The black-faced principal was a little stunned. He looked at the figure who had walked out of the room and murmured: "If I am valued by your majesty, I will naturally not take this unwritten rule seriously.


Among the houses on the side of the courtyard, a middle-aged man with an honest appearance in purple official uniform turned his head and took a look. He saw that Tang Ji came out of the government office and walked directly to the gate. He couldn't help but said to Chen Jue: "This

Is that Mr. Tang who is not afraid of tigers even when he is a newborn? It seems that even you, the Minister of Industry, do not take him seriously!"

"Hahaha, isn't it already time to leave the Yamen? When he left the Yamen, why didn't he pay attention to me?" Chen Jue smiled and touched his beard, dropped the white piece in his hand on the chessboard, and then glanced at it.

Looking out the window, he replied: "Actually, I like this guy very much, but he is destined to be from your household department. After all, you, the minister of the household department, are not staying in the household department, so you came to the Ministry of Works to play chess with me.

Don’t you take His Majesty seriously either?”

"The household department has been almost taken over by the Star Guards in the past two days. It makes no difference whether I am here or not." Song Kui replied, then looked at the chessboard twice and dropped a black stone among a group of white stones.

Chen Jue was not polite, and then Luo Baizi "surrounded and killed" Song Kui, and then said: "Oh? His Majesty plans to deal with your household department? That's right, the agricultural reform is coming, and your household department should also be rectified, but

As the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, shouldn't you also be convicted of lax control?"

Song Kui didn't answer. In the past few years, King Xun and King Jin were frantically trying to attract influence in various ministries. They both invited him, but he rejected them both. Unexpectedly, the two men were unwilling to let go of the Ministry of Household Affairs, which made the Ministry of Households a mess.

, even the two ministers were involved, and His Majesty had not expressed his attitude for a long time. As a minister, he could not do anything to control it. He shook his head and focused his attention on the chessboard again. Suddenly he found a good position and quickly placed a piece.

: "Master Chen, you are going to lose!"

"You still don't have a long memory, and you fell into my trap again!" Then, he dropped the last chess piece between several white pieces to complete the kill, then clapped his hands and stood up: "No more playing, Mr. Xiao Tang

I won dozens of taels of silver for me today, so I need to have a good meal today."

Song Kui looked at the chessboard, patted his head regretfully, and complained: "Oh, it's all you who distracted me, let's try again..."


Relying on his photographic memory, Tang Ji easily bypassed the complicated roads in the imperial city, and after passing the inspection by the imperial army, he walked out of the south gate.

At this time, Cheng Tie and Song Xiao were already standing in the open space in front of the city tower waiting.

Seeing Tang Ji coming over but not seeing Li Yu, Song Xiao stepped forward and asked, "Master Tang, where is my prince?"

"I don't know, I didn't see him." Tang Ji glanced at the carriage and replied. He also looked back at the palace gate, but didn't see anyone. He turned around again and found Cheng Tie's right eye and Song Xiao's.

His cheeks were slightly swollen, and he couldn't help but ask: "Did you two fight?"

Hearing this, neither Cheng Tie nor Song Xiao was convinced, so they raised their heads and snorted coldly.

Seeing this, Tang Ji felt a little helpless, touched his chin and thought for a while, then said: "Since Li Yu hasn't come out yet, I'll go for a walk on the street first."

Anyway, they are all in the Beicheng area, and Prince You's Mansion is not far away. Plus it's still early, so he can just pick out two birthday gifts for Jiang Ran.

Song Xiao naturally had no objection to this, after all, his master was King You.

Cheng Tie giggled and quickly followed Tang Ji's pace.

The two of them quickly walked to the street. Although they were not in the market, there were still vendors setting up stalls on some streets. Tang Ji strolled around casually, walked to a stall, and selected exquisite jewelry.

The hawker wanted to praise his goods, but when he saw clearly that the young man in front of him was wearing an official uniform, he quickly knelt down and said, "Sir, I have always done business according to my conscience, and I have not committed any crime!


The corner of Tang Ji's mouth twitched. No wonder some of the vendors' expressions changed when they saw him. It seems that he will no longer be able to go out wearing official uniforms. He waved his hand and said, "I'm just strolling around, don't be nervous."

Hearing this, the vendor breathed a sigh of relief and stood up slowly, still staring at the other person with some doubt.

Cheng Tie touched his head and asked, "Mr. Tang, is the palace fun? What does the emperor look like?"

"That's it, it's not interesting." From Tang Ji's point of view, working in the palace is indeed quite pleasant, but the rules and hierarchy are too troublesome. As for the emperor's appearance, he has never seen it, so how could it be possible?


But having said that, he felt that Li Yu was somewhat similar to the old eunuch he met in the backyard of the palace that day.

Is it possible...impossible? The eunuch was mutilated as soon as he entered the palace. How could he have sex with the emperor's concubine?

Cheng Tie curled his lips. He didn't believe Tang Ji's lies. He had heard people say since he was a child that the most prosperous place in the world is Kyoto, and the most magnificent one in Kyoto is the imperial palace. If he has the chance, he must go in and see it. He was planning to continue

When they asked, they found someone secretly observing them in the side alley, and their expression suddenly became serious: "Get out!"


This chapter has been completed!
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