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Chapter 283: One Year Only One Year

Because Jiu'er said something wrong, he was beaten up by Tang Ji Pang and fined three days of pocket money. He looked dissatisfied until he was sent out the next morning.

Tang Ji didn't care that much, and told Ye Zheng when he left the house that no matter who came to visit in the future, as long as he was not at home, he would turn them away to avoid what happened yesterday.

Nowadays, he is officially a fifth-grade doctor and has much greater power. However, he is deprived of the right to sleep in in the morning. After standing in the golden palace for more than an hour, he finally retired. He lightly beat his numb legs and followed Hu.

All the officials withdrew from the court together.

As soon as he walked down the long steps, Chen Zehan came over and said with a smile: "Master Tang, have you received the congratulatory gift I sent you?"

"Of course, thank you Mr. Chen." Tang Ji smiled and returned the gift. Yesterday, because he was trying to appease Jiang Ran, he didn't learn about the gift from Bai Han until very late. The entire concierge of Ji Ran's residence was packed, not only

Not only Chen Zehan, but also many officials sent gifts, including some people he didn't know. He lowered his eyebrows and glanced at the other person's waist and asked: "Master Chen, your injury is healed? This peace charm is good

Ah, where can I buy it?”

Seeing that Tang Ji was about to reach out and touch the peace charm that he had worked so hard for, Chen Zehan shuddered and quickly took a small step back. Then he found that the atmosphere was a bit awkward and continued: "If Mr. Tang likes it, I will give you one another day.


Everyone has something important to them. Of course Tang Ji would not do that kind of thing to win love with a sword. He just thought that the red peace charm was pretty and wanted to give one to Jiang Ran, but he didn't expect that the other party would be like this.

In response, he shrugged his shoulders.

Chen Zehan breathed a sigh of relief, gently stroked the peace charm, and continued: "Master Tang, can you tell me the method of auditing the accounts you mentioned yesterday?"

Tang Ji was about to answer, but was interrupted by a young eunuch running from behind.

"Master Tang, Your Majesty summons you to Qingshui Garden!" the little eunuch said breathlessly.

Hearing this, Tang Ji stopped. He shouldn't have made any mistakes these days. Why did Emperor Ning invite him to tea again?

"Your Majesty's business is urgent. Mr. Tang, please go first." Chen Zehan blinked and replied quickly.

Tang Ji nodded slightly, touched his chin and thought for a while: "Let's do this. I'll pass a poem to Mr. Chen. You go back and study it first. I'll tell you the rest later. The accruals are all overdue, and the rights and liabilities are incurred.

To amortize. The money is spent first to be amortized, and then the money is withdrawn from the pocket. The debit is recorded to pay the amortized, and the credit funds are given up. The amortization needs to be transferred from the credit, and the debit fee is entered into the profit and loss. The accrued expenses are credited, and the four fees are debited.

To correspond. Paid debits minus withholdings, don’t forget cash deposits.”

After saying that, he turned and left with the little eunuch.

Chen Zehan stayed where he was and muttered the long poem he had just recited.


Tang Ji soon arrived at Qingshui Garden, walked across the long bridge, and arrived at the familiar high platform. He glanced meaningfully at Tianxuan next to him, and then knelt down and saluted Emperor Ning: "I am a humble minister, Tang Ji, to see your majesty."

"No gift." Emperor Ning waved his hand casually, then picked up the jade bowl on the table, took a small spoonful of rice porridge and put it into his mouth, and then said to him: "Have you had breakfast?"

Tang Ji stood up slowly, bowed and replied: "Your Majesty, I have eaten."

"Oh? It seems that he understands some rules and is no longer the reckless boy who just entered the court." A smile appeared on the corner of Emperor Ning's mouth, he put the bowl back on the table and continued: "Then eat some more with me."

Tang Ji stood there for a moment, and then he walked to the table as ordered. This time was different from the past. The person sitting in front of him was no longer "Bai Chang", but the leader of a country. He could not make any mistakes in his words or actions. Otherwise, he might fall into the abyss. He carefully scooped some rice porridge into his own bowl...

Seeing this scene, Emperor Ning's face darkened slightly: "Don't look like this, I feel uncomfortable when I see it, just think that I am Bai Chang, the chief chamberlain!"

Hearing this, Bai Chang, who was standing not far away, looked at Tang Ji and smiled calmly.

"Yes!" Tang Ji relaxed a little. After filling the jade bowl with porridge, he picked up the side dishes with chopsticks and put them into his mouth.

Seeing this, Emperor Ning also picked up the bowl again, and the two of them had a simple breakfast.

After a long time, Emperor Ning put down the bowl and chopsticks, picked up the beige handkerchief on the side and wiped his mouth. He looked at Tang Ji and said, "Did you already know that the person who sent someone to assassinate Shen Di and planned to frame you was Prince Yin?"

"What? His Royal Highness Prince Yin is the real culprit behind the scenes?" Tang Ji pretended not to know and widened his eyes, looking very shocked. However, he noticed Ning Huang's eyes that seemed to be able to penetrate everything, and couldn't help but cough and nodded slightly: "I already knew this before."

Emperor Ning asked: "I heard that you were in a bad mood the day before yesterday. Is it because of this?"

"To be honest with your Majesty, I am indeed dissatisfied." Tang Ji raised his eyebrows slightly. Emperor Ning was so scheming that even if he spoke, it would have no effect. He simply broke the jar and continued: "Mr. Yu, I was just lucky enough to be promoted by your Majesty. It is not a pity to die for a small citizen, but Prime Minister Shen is the mainstay of the Ningguo court. If he falls, the entire court will be in shock. If he is used by someone with ulterior motives, the consequences will be disastrous. For personal reasons, if it is the plan of His Highness Prince Yin If it is successfully implemented, I will definitely go to jail. If the court cannot find out clearly and there is no way to clear my name, I will die in vain. I will naturally refuse to accept it. Even if I can find out, I will blame myself for indirectly killing Prime Minister Shen. ,So, I am indeed dissatisfied!"

Hearing this, Emperor Ning was about to speak, but Tang Ji beat him to it.

"But I am dissatisfied with King Yin, not His Majesty or the court. No matter how cunning and cunning King Yin is, he is still a descendant of the royal family. If the people of the world know that a prince has murdered a court official, not only will the royal family lose face, but the prestige of the court will also be damaged. Affected, in addition, tomorrow is the palace examination. If this matter spreads, it will make the new science students and the scholars of Ning Guo feel chilled. Therefore, I can understand that your Majesty's not making it public is for the sake of Ning Guo. I have said before However, in front of the country, the personal interests of the subjects are nothing, and they will not feel dissatisfied."

Tang Ji was not stupid. Of course he would not point the finger of this matter at Emperor Ning. Otherwise, it would be a big loss to arouse the dissatisfaction of the Dog Emperor. He immediately said these words of "forgiveness" after the accusation, which seemed He was generous and changed his direction to praise Emperor Ning again.

Sure enough, Emperor Ning nodded with satisfaction after hearing this, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, picked up the teapot, poured himself a cup of tea, and continued: "It's good if you can think about it, and I won't let you and Shen Diping suffer in vain. , In a few days, King Yin will leave the capital and return to his fiefdom. As for what you just said, I have only one point to correct. It is not your luck that I specially recruited you into the court. Although Shen Di is the mainstay, he also has his own problems. One day when the lamp dies, you have outstanding abilities and are the fresh blood of our Ningguo. You may replace him and become the mainstay in the future, so you cannot die!"

After hearing his words, Tang Ji paused while he was feasting. He heard from Li Yu that day that King Yin was secretly summoned to the palace and nothing happened. He thought that Emperor Ning just scolded him, but he never expected that he would be kicked out directly.

After returning to the fiefdom, he was stunned for a moment, and then quickly replied: "Thank you for your grace, your majesty. I will definitely serve as your majesty for Ningguo and Ningguo until I die!"

Emperor Ning raised his brows slightly: "Okay, what's wrong with you? I think you got an advantage and behaved well. Are you satisfied now? I didn't give you a baron, I just made you a viscount!"

Tang Ji continued to eat rice porridge and whispered: "It would be great if it was a marquis or a duke!"

Although his voice was very small, it was still caught by Tianxuan, and he couldn't help but feel helpless. You must know that when Ningguo was founded, the youngest marquis was also over the age of 18. He, a child of only 18 years old, was dismissed for not having contributed to the founding of the country.

It is estimated that no one in the entire court will agree to the title of Marquis. As for the Duke, perhaps only the dead can be granted the title at the moment.

This brat really dares to say that!

"Huh?" Emperor Ning naturally heard Tang Ji's murmurings, and his inner thoughts were similar to Tianxuan's, and he stared at him with squinted eyes.

Seeing this, Tang Ji licked the rice porridge on his lips and scratched his hair sheepishly: "Hey, I'm satisfied, of course I'm satisfied!"

Emperor Ning drank the tea in the cup in one gulp and hummed: "It is more difficult to rise to a noble title than an official position. I will make you a viscount. There are already voices of dissatisfaction in the court. Can you go up further?"

It's up to you. When your merits can silence the officials, I will naturally give you a promotion. So, don't cause trouble for me all the time. When you have free time, why not think more about court affairs!"

"Yes, I have remembered it!" Tang Ji nodded and replied.

Immediately, Emperor Ning continued to ask: "You said earlier that you would open Ji Ran's bookshop throughout Ningguo so that all students in Ningguo can afford to read. Have you made preparations yet?"

Hearing this, the mouthful of porridge Tang Jigang swallowed almost spurted out of his nose, and he coughed twice: "Your Majesty, you should also know that it costs a lot of money to open a bookshop, let alone open the entire Ning Kingdom. The money required

It’s a huge sum of money, how can I get so much money?”

He still owes a lot of debt, and he doesn't even have a Kyoto bookstore. How can he have time to think about other state capitals!

"What? What do you mean, you want me to take out money from the household department and give it to you?" Emperor Ning's tone was grave, and he stared at Tang Ji with a serious face.

The latter quickly shook his head: "That's not what I meant."

"One year!" Emperor Ning raised his middle finger unceremoniously and added: "I give you one year, so that students all over the world can enjoy the benefits of printing. If you can do it, I will do it for you."

You get a knighthood!"

Tang Ji looked bitter, but when he saw the other party's insistent look, he couldn't bargain, so he hesitated and replied: "Then... what if it can't be done?"

"Can't do it?" Ning Huang raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a charming smile.

Tang Ji couldn't help but trembled, and without thinking any more, he touched his chin and thought for a while: "Your Majesty, if I am promoted to the position of earl in one year, will you promote me to marquis in one year?"

"Huh?" Emperor Ning gave him a meaningful look.

Seeing this, Tang Ji said no more, nodded and replied: "Okay, one year at a time."


[Author's digression]: I have been too busy recently, but I saw that the banknote dropped. In fact, no matter whether it is three chapters or two chapters, the word count is about 6,000 words. In this case, Xu Xu will give you the third update tomorrow.

So if you have the money, just vote~

Let’s make up for last week’s golden tickets: Xingxing, He Xiaobao’s follower, Xiuer, and Special Case.

Thank you for the above golden ticket support, and also thank you to those who are following up~

This chapter has been completed!
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