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Chapter 29 Master Jiang

Tang Ji was returning from Xicheng in a carriage and happened to meet Jiang Ran on the road, so he picked her up.

In the carriage, Jiang Ran looked suspicious, her beautiful eyes fixed on the young man in white opposite, unable to understand what he was doing.

Tang Ji was seen holding the curtains with one hand, carefully observing every figure passing by the carriage, muttering something in his mouth, but because he was too focused, he looked a little wretched.

"Young Master Tang." Jiang Ran couldn't help but call him.

Hearing the sound, Tang Ji looked away, only to find that Jiang Ran was wearing a milky white pleated skirt that matched his observation. Most teenage girls liked to wear light-colored simple skirts.

As long as you can investigate clearly what styles of clothes people of all ages like to wear, you don’t have to worry about the ready-made clothes that no one will buy!

But his fiery gaze made Jiang Ran nervous. There was sweat in her slender jade hands. She lowered her voice and reminded: "Tang, Mr. Tang."

This time, Tang Ji finally realized that it was not appropriate for him to stare at someone like that. He thought he had scared her, so he explained a little at a loss: "I'm sorry, I didn't scare you!"

However, after getting to know him these days, Jiang Ran knew that he was not a vulgar person, so he shook his head slightly to show that he didn't care.

Tang Ji exhaled a breath to avoid such embarrassing things happening again, and turned his head to look out the window again.

Just like that, the two of them had their own thoughts and no one said anything.

Soon, the carriage stopped in Linxi Lane. Tang Ji took Jiang Ran into the courtyard, said hello and walked straight into the room.

Jiu'er, who was observing the moving of the ants, stood up and was wondering why Tang Ji didn't say hello to him when he came back today, but found that candlelight was actually lighting up in the room, and asked doubtfully: "It's not dark yet, why is Mr. Tang lighting a candle?"


Seeing her about to walk over, Jiang Ran quickly reached out and stopped her: "Okay, it's getting late, let's make dinner first. Didn't you say you wanted to teach me how to cook?"

"Oh~" Jiu'er glanced at Tang Ji's room again, then followed her into the kitchen.


The moon rises and sets, and night falls.

Outside the kitchen, Jiu'er picked up a broom and drove away the little wild cat that stole the fish. He looked at the dishes on the table, then looked at Tang Ji's brightly lit room, and complained: "What on earth is he doing in there? Is he still eating?"

Got it!"

Jiang Ran touched her lips and snickered twice, touched her head, and ordered: "You eat first, I'll go take a look."

She walked outside the hut, raised her jade hand and knocked twice: "Mr. Tang."

"Please come in!" Tang Ji's voice came out quickly.

Jiang Ran pushed the door open slightly, glanced around, and saw Tang Ji sitting behind the long table. He walked in slowly and found that he was holding a pen and scribbling something on the rice paper. When he got closer, he saw clearly what was spread on the table.

The sheets of rice paper were filled with various styles of clothing, and I was slightly surprised: "This is?"

Tang Ji raised his eyes slightly and roughly explained what happened during the day.

When Jiang Ran learned that he wanted to sell ready-made clothes, he thought the idea was novel and very interesting.

After reading the works on the table, she realized that she was blocking the light. She took a small step to the side, put her hands on her waist, looked down at the long skirt he was designing, and after thinking about it, she raised her hand and pointed at the two pieces on top.

Pattern, said: "I think it would be more appropriate to leave one of these two pieces, or move this piece here."

Tang Ji looked along the direction of her finger and found that two overlapping patterns would indeed cause visual fatigue. He turned around and smiled and said, "You also know how to paint?"

At this moment, Jiu'er, who was peeking at the door with his rice bowl, coughed lightly and reminded: "More than just understanding, my young lady is proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting. There was someone who was willing to spend fifty taels of silver to ask her to paint his portrait.

Woolen cloth!"

Jiang Ran sneered lightly and said, "You are the only one who talks too much!"

"Slightly~" Jiu'er stuck out his tongue, turned around and left.

Tang Ji smiled, stood up slowly, spread out the pen in his hand and handed it to Jiang Ran, saying, "Then please ask Master Jiang for advice!"

Hearing this, Jiang Ran lowered his head shyly, took the pen, took out a piece of clean rice paper, dipped some ink on it, and started drawing briskly.

Tang Ji looked at her extremely skilled painting techniques and finally believed what Jiu'er just said.

Jiang Ran suddenly remembered something and said with a soft smile: "So, on the carriage in the afternoon, you were actually observing the differences in everyone's clothes?"

"Well, if you want to open a good ready-made clothing store, you must understand the clothing style of your audience. Otherwise, no one will buy the clothes you make, and you will lose money!" Tang Ji explained.

Jiang Ran nodded slightly, said nothing more, and devoted himself to the painting.

Within a moment, an exquisite and beautiful long dress was drawn.

After waiting for the ink to dry, Tang Ji picked up the rice paper and looked at it. He gave a thumbs up and praised: "Awesome!"

Jiang Ran smiled slightly, changed to another piece of paper, and continued to draw in other styles.

Tang Ji used the memory of his previous life to copy the designs of Hanfu from fashion magazines he had read before.

As the wax oil splashed out with a "pop" sound, the busy figures of the two people in the room were caught by the little girl sitting on the stone pier outside the window. She snickered twice, turned her head and suddenly saw the little wild cat standing on the window sill.

He went up, holding a fresh fish in his mouth, and said angrily: "Little thief, give me back the fish!"

A long time later, Tang Ji had already taken over the position of painting again. With the guidance of Jiang Ran and the help of the plug-in in his mind, he completed the design drawings of several clothes, and the one he was drawing in his hand was the last one.

Jiang Ran stood behind him, suddenly bent down and pointed at the shoulders that Tang Jigang had just painted: "You can add a little pattern here, or use two colors of fabric. It should look good."

Seeing that the other party didn't reply, she turned her head slightly, only to find that Tang Ji was staring at her. Their lips were very close to each other. When their eyes met, no one said anything, and the room was unusually quiet.

Until Jiu'er opened the door heavily: "You two, let's eat first. This food has been heated three times... you, you, you!"

After being pointed at by the little girl, both of them came to their senses and looked away.

Tang Ji coughed slightly and put the brush on the pen rest. In order to relieve the embarrassment, he coughed slightly, stood up and said, "Eat, I'm already hungry. I'll paint after eating!"

Jiang Ran took a few steps back. His face had already turned crimson, but it was not so obvious under the candlelight. He covered his chest, calmed down, and walked quickly outside the house.

"Miss, what were you doing just now?" Jiu'er became interested and chased Jiang Ran to ask, but the latter covered his mouth.

Tang Ji stared at the backs of the two of them, then looked down at the design drawings covering the entire table, smiled faintly, and took steps to chase them out.


This chapter has been completed!
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