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Chapter 484: Funny Foursome

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There was a power outage at home, and it was raining heavily outside. I wanted to go out and type, but it was too troublesome, so I just called a little later. If I don't make up for the next chapter, my cell phone and computer only have less than 5% of the battery left. Everyone.


Hearing that Tang Ji still planned to go to Huaizhou City, the old man on the side quickly persuaded him: "Young master, you can't go. Although your guards are somewhat capable, there are so many bandits that you may not be safe and sound. It's better to say this to the old man.

I advise you to leave quickly and come back after the imperial court has finished suppressing the bandits!"

Hearing this, the people who were rescued also started to persuade him.

"Yes, those bandits are ruthless characters. If these young masters killed their people, they will definitely be retaliated against if they are found out!"

"Young masters, please don't lose your lives on impulse!"

"Yes, let's go to Qingzhou next door to take refuge first. I believe the imperial court will not just sit idly by!"


Tang Ji smiled and shook his head. If he chose to turn around and head to Kyoto now, he would not know when he would come back next time. He then said, "We appreciate your kindness, but now that Huaizhou is in trouble, we

I still want to go in and see if I can help. Don’t worry, my guards are quite strong, so don’t worry.”

Hua Yuan'er curled his lips. The guards around this guy were all first-class and above masters. No one could hurt him unless he went to poke holes in the bandit's lair!

Immediately, Tang Ji ordered Xiaotianwei to get out of the way and organized the people to continue on their way.

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A group of people tried to persuade Xiaohui again, but saw that the other party's attitude was extremely resolute. They turned to care and warned him a few words, and then left in a hurry. After all, they could not guarantee whether there would be new bandits to catch up with them. It was not easy.

If you find a small life, you will naturally cherish it.

After watching the people leave, Tang Ji ordered: "Okay, leave two people to deal with these corpses, and the rest will continue on their way."

Half a day later, Huaizhou North Gate.

As the carriage slowed down, Tang Ji opened the curtain and looked forward. Huaizhou City was still the same Huaizhou City. It had not changed much from more than a year ago, but the atmosphere seemed much cooler.

Looking at such a long team, the soldiers guarding the city suddenly became vigilant. The leading general raised his hand to stop them: "Stop, everyone come down and be interrogated."

Qian Zuo immediately greeted him and said with a smile: "Master, we passed through other state capitals before and didn't get out of the car for questioning!"

"Stop talking nonsense. Seeing how sneaky you are, you might be bandits in disguise. Do you have any passing documents?" The city guard general asked with a serious face. When he saw the other party turning around, he thought he was going to take it out.

weapon, and suddenly pulled out his sword: "Don't move!"

Qian Zuogang took out the document and his hand froze in mid-air. He tilted his head and looked at the other party with some surprise: "Master, are you going to check it or not?"

The general who defended the city exhaled a breath of cold air and was about to take the document and check it when he was interrupted by a voice coming from the carriage.

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"I want to see your Huaizhou defender." Song Yao jumped down from the carriage, her tone was serious, and she looked particularly heroic.

"How presumptuous, our general, but what do you think?" the city guarding general replied with a displeased look on his face, but suddenly he saw the other party's appearance clearly and his eyes widened suddenly: "Song, General Song?"

Song Yao just heard the voice of a team member who used to follow her in the carriage. She waved her hand and continued to ask: "Wang Sheng, what happened?"

While speaking, Li Yu also got off the carriage and walked to her side.

After all, Huaizhou is Li Yu's fiefdom. Wang Sheng has seen him several times, and naturally recognized him at a glance. He quickly led all the soldiers to kneel down and salute: "The last general, Wang Sheng, meets His Highness King You, General Song."

"Get up!" Li Yu's itinerary had been reported to the court a long time ago, so he didn't have to be as sneaky as Tang Ji. He replied expressionlessly, and then ordered the team to enter the city.

Wang Sheng followed Li Yu and answered Song Yao's previous question: "Your Highness, the city is not peaceful these days. It is all caused by a group of bandits outside the city."

His answer was roughly the same as the previous old man's answer. Li Yu did not ask further. After thinking for a while, he replied: "I will go back to the palace first. You go and inform the Huaizhou guard and let him come to see me!"

"I obey!" Wang Sheng replied with cupped hands.

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Although no one lived there, Prince You's Mansion was cleaned every day and kept very clean. However, because everyone in Li Yu arrived late, it was too late to prepare meals, so he asked his men to buy some meals from a nearby restaurant.

After everyone briefly dealt with him for a few times, a servant reported that the Huaizhou garrison had arrived.

The sky had just darkened, and the lights were brightly lit in the lobby.

Li Yu sat on the main seat above, while Song Yao, Hua Yuan'er and Tang Ji sat on both sides, with the latter even wearing a mask.

A middle-aged man wearing armor and with a strong build was brought in by the maid in the mansion. He looked a bit fierce, had a long beard, and had a scar on his right cheek that extended to his neck. He quickly walked over.

Kneel down in the center of the hall and salute: "The last general, Ma Tianliang, has met His Royal Highness King You, General Song."

Li Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and asked attentively: "General Ma, I heard on the way here that bandits are rampant, but you are hiding in Huaizhou City and doing nothing. Can you take it seriously?"

After hearing this, Ma Tianliang immediately replied: "Your Majesty, there have been frequent strange things in the city a while ago. Someone poisoned the wells in the city, causing many casualties. It also affected the soldiers guarding the city. The city's defense force was damaged. The subordinates listened again.

He said that the target of the bandits was Huaizhou City, so he had to gather all his strength to defend Huaizhou City. However, the people outside the city suffered so much that the lower officials could not absolve themselves of the blame and were willing to be punished!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiaotianwei, who had gone out to inquire about the news, also rushed back. He walked quickly to Tang Ji and whispered a few words.

Hearing this, Tang Ji glanced at Li Yu, then looked at Ma Tianliang and nodded.

Although the two hadn't seen each other for a long time, the tacit understanding between them was still there. They immediately understood that Ma Tianliang was not lying, and raised his hand to signal the other party to stand up: "We will discuss the punishment later. You first tell me the information about the bandits."

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"Yes!" Ma Tianliang stood up after saluting, blinked his eyes and thought for a moment, then explained: "After Xiaguan's inquiries these days, it was found that the bandits are entrenched in the Huaiming Mountains in the northwest, but they

Their whereabouts are mysterious, and the location of the stronghold or den has not yet been found. Several leaders are quite powerful. It is said that the leader is a woman, who is called a 'goddess'. She seems to be able to do magic. Last time, two bandits were captured and interrogated.

I haven't asked anything for a whole day and a whole night, it's like I've been possessed by a demon!"

Tang Ji nodded slightly, they had already seen this so-called "evil" outside the city.

Hua Yuan'er couldn't help but ask: "Is it true or false that the goddess needs nine men to serve her every night?"

Ma Tianliang turned to look at him, sighed, and explained: "At first, I thought those were just folk rumors, until a few of my subordinates sent out actually discovered that there were many strong or good-looking young men these days.

Inexplicable disappearance, in order to prevent this from happening again, the official ordered the east and west gates to be temporarily blocked, the north and south gates to be more guarded, people coming in and out were strictly checked, and the patrol team at night also increased a lot, but nothing happened

We still can’t guard against those bandits, some of the people who disappeared in the past few days were still wandering around the streets after curfew.”

Hearing this, Li Yu frowned: "There was such a big trouble in Huaizhou, didn't you report it to the court?"

"There had been no bandit troubles before. The governor insisted on investigating and solving the chaos in the city by himself. It was not until half a month ago that the subordinate found clues and reported it to the court. Unexpectedly, within a few days, something unexpected happened to Mr. Pei.

, I also received your Majesty’s secret letter this morning.” After Ma Tianliang finished answering, he took out the letter from his sleeve and added: “Your Majesty said that His Highness Prince You will arrive in Huaizhou in the near future, and all matters will be left to you to handle.”




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